Follow Me To Stranger Lands

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Take my hands and follow me to stranger lands.

I woke up to the sweet scent of Coffee and the tickle of Willow's hair. She was trying to figure out whether I was alive or dead. I jumped up and scared the holy hell out of her.

She screamed and landed on the ground, where Irene was making art. Thankfully her piece wasn't ruined, but alas, Willow was covered in yellow. She growled at me and went to the bathroom. Irene and I laughed quietly.

"I heard that!" Screamed willow from the bathroom.

For a moment I thought maybe last night was a dream, a nightmare perhaps? I felt happy and sad at the same time. But then I spotted a cream handkerchief near my pillow. It had two letters sewn into it.


I sighed, it was all true. I wasn't dreaming.

I got out of bed and changed. While having breakfast, at the deserted cafeteria, the girls broke their cool.

"Where the hell were you last night!?" Asked willow sternly.

"Did dreamy blue eyes drop you home? Wait you don' him do you?" Asked Irene next.

"I'm sorry, I vomited and got sick. And who is this blue eyes guy?" Said Sam.
I sighed again.

"Okay, now I'll talk. First, i was at the club till late last night, then AJ, drove me back. Yes I will tell you who he is," I said as I saw willow frown when I said AJ's name.

"Second, No John didn't drop me home, AJ did. And No, I do not like John that way...not anymore atleast," I said and everyone stared at me with suspicious looks.

"Oh shut up. Third, I hope you're feeling better Sam."

Sam seemed satisfied, Irene was happy I didn't love John. And willow was very confused. So I told them the whole story. Their faces went from, excited, to worried to downright terrified. I dropped out the they're also thieves part though.

"Oh Damn, okay that's one hell of a night for you, I'll make you another coffee, wait," said Willow and I didn't stop her.

Another coffee would be gold right now.
Irene seemed lost and dazed. She came and hugged me.

"Aw Rene, thanks I appreciate it. But I'm fine don't worry," I told her.

Sam looked like he was going to vomit again.

That morning all we did was sit around the gardens near our university and talk and sip coffee and eat choco pancakes. Irene and Willow, decided they wanted to go book shopping at one of our favourite libraries.

It had a cute cafe inside and you could sit and read there all day long. Plus there was a gaming arcade nextdoor for Sam. We all agreed.

And went back to our dorms to get dressed. Irene was what one would call a hippy. She wore a loose white lace dress with brown gladiators and a pretty beaded red headband.

Willow was more modern, e-girl-ish. She wore a black skull candy tank and Jean shorts. With her I conic spiky earings.

I however, had no sense of style. Or no particular one anyways. I'd go with the mood. I decided to wear a loose thin blueish shirt with light red-yellow flowers on either side vertically down. With my favourite jeans and my trusty black martens.

We were all set to go when, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?," I answered warily.

"Hey there Delilah, look down your window," said AJ's now familiar voice.

I looked down my dorm window, and there he was sitting on the hood of his convertible. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Come on down, Delilah. We have much to do," he said before keeping down the phone.

I told the girls and Sammy I needed to go. They were upset at first but AJ charmed the living hell out of them. They waved us goodbye as AJ and I took off on the LA streets to God knows where.

He was wearing a white T-shirt, black jeans and big boot like shoes.

His fedora hat was glued to his head the whole drive. Strands of his gold hair were escaping out near his ears and looked beautiful in the sunlight.

In the day without long shirt sleeves, I could see his tattoos, all stretched over muscle. I tensed.

He looked beautiful. Like a thorny rose. Beautiful yet utterly deadly.

How could I have ever just dreamed of AJ?

We arrived at a penthouse, with huge glass windows and steely looks. It was all so magnificent and grand. AJ lead me through a reception, and to the elevator.

He pressed the highest floor button and I couldn't wait to see the view from up there.

When we reached the house, I took in a deep breath of awe. It was so fancy. The place was huge, with leather sofas, huge balconies, massive TV's and alleyways leading to I guessed grand bedrooms. Who lived here?

"Ah Delilah, you're here," it was Gordon. He was wearing a grey shirt and black pants. He looked formal.

"Yes, and I need to talk to John. Where is he?" I enquired.

"I'm right here. And I'll tell you everything you want to know. As I promised," he said. Looking grim. His blue eyes were even brighter with the clothes he wore.

Jake, Jesse and Lilly, apparently were busy.

We all sat down by the sofas, and AJ brought me some cool water. At first I thought it was alcohol. I was glad to sip it and realise it was just plain water. The alcohol from last night, still made my head hurt.

"Tell me, how is my brother involved in all this? How is Ghost involved. And what is it exactly that you do?" I said, with the straightest face I could make.

AJ was leaning by the side, smoking. Gordon looked sullen and finally John began to speak.

"Your brother, when he was 16, he joined this group of people, they were known to be professional thieves, James got too caught up in the game. He got too comfortable. Ghost was with him. In that crew," said John.

"We know Ghost and your brother had a falling out. We know Ghost despised James because of John. John was with me from the beginning. We were a team and we wanted James to join us. But Ghost, he got jealous," began Gordon.

"That day, the day James..drove that car down the hill. It was tampered with. And that suicide note you got. It was forged," finished Gordon.

" that was my brothers handwriting, I recognised it. I'd recognise it anywhere," I protested.

"It was Delilah, James was made to write it," said John.

"I thought you said you didn't know why, why Ghost did that to my brother," I asked.

"I'm still guessing, Delilah. But I'm certain Ghost did it, with the help of his crew of the time, I have witnesses," he said.

"Ghost then joined us. Joined our crew, we were glorious for sometime, until Ghost got shot on a mission. And we had to leave him. He got caught. And was just released," Said Gordon.

"When he was in, a lot of lies came to light. And a lot of truths were uncovered, Delilah. But John always blamed himself for your brothers untimely death." AJ said, I'd not realised it, but he had come right behind me.

Leaning on the sofa. I looked up and he looked down.

He smiled.

"What does he want now?" I asked, looking back at John again.

"He has a new game for us, a new mission. And he wants his money back," said Gordon.

"Tell me you're not stupid enough to take it!" I asked with hope.

"Delilah, it's just who we are, we're takers. It's an opportunity for us. A big one. You win some you lose some. We're in." Gordon said with his head high.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked holding myself together.

"Ghost, he was supposed to meet us today, but he arrived early yesterday. Plus, you were a suprise, he saw you. He knows you. He was with James for quite some time. You're in danger," Aj said with certainty.

"So you're telling me I'm in danger from the man, who you are going to strike deals with and rob places. TAKE things! Well take this takers, leave me out of your Game!" I screamed with fury.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I dashed out of the penthouse and went to the roof.

Or what I hoped would be the roof. I burst open the big doors and curled up to a side and started bawling.

How could this be happening! James was murdered! I'm in danger? John and AJ are thieves! James was a thief? Why did I ever go to that damned club?

It wasn't a roof after all. Well not just just a roof atleast. It was a garden. There was a covering above, which was entwined with vines and tiny flowers.

Roses, sunflowers, petunias and so many more were blooming everywhere. It was so lovely. I walked through the garden till the edge of the roof. And looked at the view of LA, I was so wanting to see.

I could see the blue sea, and the big coconut trees, I could see colourful city lights and a forest of buildings. I breathed in the air and let it all out.

The wind was cold on my tear stained cheeks.

"Where's that handkerchief I gave you, when you need it, huh?" Said AJ's voice.

I turned and saw him right behind me, with another cream handkerchief in his hand.

"Thank you, I think I'm going to use up all your handkerchiefs," I said sniffing.

"Eh, what are they for anyway," he said and came by my side, and looked out over the city.

"It's splendid isn't it, up here?" He said dreamily.

"That big bank robbery, that happened a week ago, you guys did it didn't you?" I said, staring at him.

"You're smart. Yes, cool wasn't it hijacking a helicopter?" He smirked.

It was smart I guess. But I couldn't say that.

"So what exactly is your forte in the group? What do you do?" I asked.

"I'm the brains, and I set up all the necessary escape routes, and other arrangements." He said dubiously.

"G's the leader and John's second in command. Jake helps me. And Jesse is the distraction, so to say." He finished.

"Quite the crew," I said looking away.

"But we need you," he said finally.
Looking directly at me with that same intensity.

"Why do you need me?" I asked.

"You'll be the infiltration, the unexpected guest, people will think you're the weakness. But you're actually the strength," He said cooly.
"Also, between you and me, I don't trust Ghost either, so we'll need a backup, something that'll save us, incase Ghost messes things up."

"How will I do that? How do you even know I'll be able to infiltrate nicely, that I won't mess things up?" I asked sincerely.

"It's in your blood Delilah. James was a mastermind of infiltration. And he was one good looking secret weapon." AJ recalled.
"The only problem is, your morals."

I smiled to myself, my morals. F them for all I care. I wanted adventure and thrill right? I wanted to feel alive. But most of all I wanted revenge. Sweet, cold revenge on Ghost.

AJ was looking at me expectantly. Seeking for the answer, I think he knew I'd give him.
"I'm in," I said finally.

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