Trials of Green: 2

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"You two can stop dancing," said the green man.

"Este Walker, or should I say Delilah O'dair," He said.

"Delilah is fine, I much rather prefer my own name," I said.

"So I have selected the both of you, for one reason and one reason only," he cooed.

"And what might that be?" John asked.

"Well John, everyone else in the room kept looking at me as if to a report of their skills. You two were fully immersed in eachother. I liked that," he said.

We both looked at each other.

"There, right there. That is what I meant. I've heard a lot about you, dear Delilah. You gave up a lot for this man. Why? Do you love him so much?"

"I love myself when I'm around him," I answered.

He grinned.

"And John take me through how you came to love her?"

"Why do you need to know all this?" John asked defensively.

"I Just do," the boss answered.

"She gave me comfort, happiness, her lips deserved all my kisses and—"

"Kiss then," laughed the man.

"What?" I asked.

"Kiss, I think that should be enough to answer the riddle I'm about to ask you."

"Ask me the riddle first," I said.

"Very well, what is it that filled the room outside, that was everywhere today, in some form or the other."

"A fight to the end?" John muttered so only I'd hear it.

"No," I whispered back.

"Love, that's what was everywhere on the halls, the paintings, the quotes, the books in the library were all tragic romances. All the riddles were also based off of love," I said out loud.

"Yes, and so were all the couples in love. They brought with them a partner they'd die for. So tell me Delilah is this the man you'd be willing to die for?"

"Yes," I answered. John mirrored my answer.

"Kiss," the false emperor roared.

"What a perverted freak," I mumbled as John took me closer.

"A kiss can tell you many things, love hate, pain, disgust...." I could hear the boss preaching. As John seriously fluttered his eyes and bent a little to kiss me.

And he did. He kissed me, his lips tasted like wine. Which we'd earlier consumed. His kiss was soft and desperate. I let go for that one moment. But I knew in an instant that the kiss I so desired was not his. Would never be his. My kiss was of mints and Vanilla. Of fire and sweetness. Of love and need and want.

I'd only ever love him. I was certain forevermore.

We detached and John seemed sad. He it seemed got his answer too.

"Does that satisfy you?" I shouted.

"Quite," He answered.
"The emerald are yours."

I smiled finally we'd be free. Free from everything complicated.
When I heard.

"Seize him!" The man with the green eyes bellowed.

And they did several guards seized John and held him tight.

They were going to execute him. And for once John's fighting protests were useless.

"Wait what are you doing?" I screamed.
Then tried to run towards John but two guards came and caught me too.

"What's happening!" I screamed.

"We had news that the boy survived. We didn't know how he looked, or his name. But we knew he was in love with you, Miss Delilah O'dair. He needs to be eliminated. For I can be the only dealer and holder of the cursed emeralds."

I was too shocked to retaliate.
Should I tell him this is not AJ?
Or do the others have a plan?

My writs were burning in their tight hold.

John was struggling. What should I do? Was all I could think off.

The last Tide.
Draw them off till the last Tide.
We'll be there by the last Tide.

These words echoed in my mind.
I remembered AJ saying it happens at 5. The last Tide flows at 5 pm. I struggled to look around. To figure out the time. I finally saw it, it was 4:45.

Just some more time John. I thought. Just a little more.

"You won't win, you're a coward," I roared.

"Oh but I've already won deary."

"How are you so sure of that?" I questioned.

"Oh shut you're just stalling, do you think I'm not levy to your pathetic tactics?"

"What is your name coward? You sit like a king. Yet every kings wants his name echoed in his kingdom. Then why do you hide in the shadows like vermin?"

"I am Rafael you bitch. And I am the final dealer and owner of the bahara emeralds," He yelled.

"No you are not. My boyfriend is. You are nothing." I stalled.

"And so your boyfriend dies." He cried towards his men. Who'd cocked their guns.

John was completely tied down. His neck arched back. His eyes pleading.

"He is not my boyfriend! He's not the heir!" I screamed as he was going to be shot.

It was 5:00. And a loud quake shocked everyone.

"Is that an earthquake?" Some of his men asked.

"You lie!" Rafael shouted.

"No, do the math, Eric Jones son. How old would he be? 22? 23? But certainly not 28!"

Rafael seemed confused.

"Look at his eyes, they're blue! Not green.  Eric and Odette they both had green and brown eyes! Where'd the blue come from?"

Rafael was shaking his head in disregard.

"Look at his face, Rafael! If you claim to know Eric! This is not my boyfriend."

"Then who is!" He raged and got out of his chair to trample me.

Another loud thunder. And the back wall busted open.
In walked G, Edmund, Jake and AJ.
They had another man with them as hostage I guessed. He was bald and was wearing a white suit.

"I am," AJ simply said.

Rafael turned back in astonishment. All his guards were fired with darts. The kind that put you to sleep. I looked above to see Jesse, Willow and Lilly With dart guns. They were on the roof. The skylight glass was removed and their aim was perfect.

John was free.

"You're cornerd now Raf. There's no way out," AJ said.

"Brother," called the man in G's hold.

"Uriah? How'd they? You mut!" Cursed Rafael.

"He told us about all the safety exits we could enter from. And he was the only one who knew my true identity. But you dumb brothers don't even converse do you? Against eachother are you?" AJ smirked.

Somehow the guards holding on to me were still consious and their hold ever so tight. Rafael was in front of me.
And the two guards behind. I was cornerd too.

"Hand over the emeralds Rafael." Edmund said.

"Never! You fools, you'll pay for this!" Rafael yelled.

"Disbelief and angst really don't colour you well Raf." AJ laughed.

"We already have the emeralds." Edmund recounted.

"Do you think we'd show up here begging for them?" AJ asked.

"How? You cannot—it's not possible," Rafael said.

"I am the heir Rafael. And it's tume these emeralds are put to bed. I will end what my ancestors started. No more mucky power games and assassinations. I will avenge my parents," AJ said.

"You stupid kid. Do you know how much money you hold!"

"I do Raf. And I remember you and Uriah at my parents house. Fooling them into a trap. Killing them. I've notified the authorities. You will pay for your crimes Rafael. And so will your pathetic brother."

"I will take you with me! I will make sure of it."

"You don't even know my name Rafael. You know nothing of me. And we'll be long gone by then. Goodbye Rafael. May I never see you again," AJ said.

"No, wait. Her. She will die. Step forward. And your precious girlfriend will die."

Rafael snatched me from the guards and pointed a gun to me neck.
The guards were instantly taken down with darts.

"Anyone, step closer. And she will die."

AJ seemed tense. The others motionless.
John was standing next AJ. Fear was clear in his eyes.

"It's okay, I'll be fine," I whispered.

"Don't do this Rafael—" AJ was saying when it happened.

It happened so quickly I didn't even realise the pain that shot through me.

Willow or Jesse shot Rafael.

I was let free. But as I escaped. He fired and I got shot.

Where, how, when. I didn't know. All I could feel was pain. Pain so great I fell to the ground. It was as if my whole body siezed.

Everything was a blur.
I could blood trickling around me.
I could taste blood in my mouth.
I could smell blood around me.

Was I going to die?

Suddenly I was in AJ's arms. He was screaming. He picked me up and darkness took over the pain.

"Delilah, wake up. Wake up baby, please look at me." I heard the faint and wonderful voice. I was lying on the sofa if the beach house. Cleo was beside me. And so was AJ.

He smiled wide and bright when I saw him.
Their was a worry in his eyes.

"How are you feeling? You lost a lot of blood." He whispered between kisses.

I tried getting up.

He helped me sit side ways.
I saw my thighs wrapped. And my chest as well.

I looked at AJ.
"Who are you?" I asked.

The sheer worry and confusion in his eyes made me laugh out. Which in turn pained.

"You're super mean." He cried.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm in pain. But okay." I replied faintly smiling.

"You did great Lilah." He cheered.

"What's that?" I asked looking at his tied up hand.

"Oh you got hit with a dart. I kind of came in front of you before the second one hit you. So dozed off for a bit on the way here."

I touched his cheek.
"Aw baby."

He chuckled.
"Come I wanna show you something."

He helped me up and took me to the beach.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Packing. Getting the chopper ready. Etc." He said.

"We're leaving?" I asked.

"We have too babe. But I'm with you. If you want me."

I gently punched him.
"I want you. Only you," I whispered.

I could figure he was smiling.

There was a boat waiting on the shore.
Edmund, And Jake were on it.

They helped me up and we started to go to sea.

"Are you guys planning to dump me into the sea or something?" I joked.

"No you're not that precious," Edmund answered.

I tried punching him too. But AJ held me back.
"We're going to dump the emeralds," He said.

"Really? Will that help."

"We need them gone. Destroyed. They're no good. And AJ has all the authority to do whatever he wants," Edmund said.

"Two emeralds were given to friends, who'll take them to ends of the world and dispose of them. One was destroyed.
And one will be lost in the blue hole of the ocean," Jake said looking out to sea.

AJ was holding me and sitting.
He seemed tired.

"Are you alright?" I asked him quietly.

"Never better babe. We have our whole life ahead of us. My life will finally be worth something. With you. Always with you," He mumbled and kissed me. Oh how I missed his kisses. Fiery and sweet, just what I needed. They'd still make my heart drum crazily. And my cheeks burn scarlet.

"Are you okay Delilah? You're all red?" Asked Jake.

I got all embarrassed and waved him away.
AJ chuckled and held me tighter.

"What?" Asked a bewildered Jake.

The time had come to dispose of the emerald. The sea was quiet and blue.

The emerald was grand and green.

He picked it up and soccer balled it into the sea. Everyone cheered. Jake was helping me up.

"So which part of me was shot? The thigh rigth?" I asked Jake. While Edmund and AJ opened Champagne.

"Yes, your hand was darted and needed some minor heeling. AJ was mortified. In all the blood, he thought he'd lost you. You should've seen Lily she spiderman-ed her way down to where you were. But you were already unconscious."

"Where is everyone?" I asked again.

"Rene and Sam, Willow and Jesse are all heading back to LA. College is starting for you isn't it? Jesse wants to join and do something about his life. I can never thank your friends enough to make him realise," He said.

"You need a good bashing if you want to thank them."

He smiled.
"Lily, G and John they're on the chopper. Packing and everything. AJ packed for you."

"Where are you guys going?"

"A new life, Lilah. We all deserve it. Enough of the takers. Lily and I we're going to go to her parents. There's a house there with our name on it. We'll start a family. A business. We can do it together," He chuckled.


"He's going back to his home town. He has a cousin sister. Who's going to help him start a new. G will go with him. They're going to be together."

I smiled sadly.
"I'm almost sad."

"We all almost are. It's a goodbye. For now."

"But we'll keep meeting right?"

"Always girl. Always," he assured.

I lay my head in his shoulder and we steered our way back.

"Delilah! You're here!" Irene exclaimed as she saw me and AJ return front the beach. With John and Edmund behind.

The girls hugged me. Gently.
"We came to say goodbye. We're leaving for LA. Irene is going home for this last week of holidays. College starts next to next week. You're coming right?" Willow asked.

"Of course. AJ and I, we'll first go to my parents. Then we'll come to LA. Don't worry!" I said hugging her back.

"Our flight leaves soon girls," Sam called.

He and Jesse hugged me and everyone goodbye. I saw AJ whispering something to him. Jake almost cried and gave him a ring.

"Make us proud Jess," he said.

"Will do," Jesse answered.

"I'll drop em off," Jake said and took the big jeep to the airport.

"What about you Edmund? Where are you going?" I asked.

"No where girly. This is home. Sal, Cleo and I. We'll stand ground. And you're always welcome." He said.

"Aidan I have to go make sure those ass wipes get in to jail. I'll be back late. You'll probably be gone by then. I Just wanted to say. I'm proud of you boy. And your parents would be too. I love you and this is home. Always." Edmund finished.

"I know Uncle Ed. Love you too," AJ said and hugged Edmund.

"Always be proud of yourself. Of your name. You're Aidan Jones. It's not a curse boy. It's a gift."

He came and hugged me next.
"Ahh you're a tough one aren't you Delilah. I like you. You remind me of my Marianne. Don't leave him okay?" He chuckled.

"Sure thing," I laughed.

"And you, don't go making her run off. You won't be welcome home. Learn from your uncles mistakes boy."

AJ seemed to be blushing. "Will do uncle."

"Take care ed." I called as he walked away.

"Sure thing princess," he hollered before disappearing.

"Did I sleep the whole night yesterday? After I fell unconscious?"

"Yeah you can tell why I was worried."

"Why did ed need to go?"

"They're in jail. But they need to be processed out. Uncle Edmund needs to make sure it's all lawful. You know he wanted to be a lawyer when he was younger. Just like you."

"I like him," I smiled.

"So what's the plan?" I asked him.

It was afternoon. The sun was bright above us. The weather was fine and beautiful. The sea calm and blue. Their was an air of peace and quiet relief around us. AJ and I were sitting on the porch. Cleo was between us. Huffing and puffing away.

"We'll go to your parents. I'll meet them. They'll kill me."

I chuckled. "They won't. We need not tell them the scary truth. Just the real one."

He looked at me.
"Then you'll go to LA. And study and finish your course. And become a lawyer."


"I will stay in Miami. I have a house there. And I have work there. I sent out job applications and got into a amazing place in Miami. Plus, John and G will be an hour away. And when you come home to meet your parents. I'll be there too."

"But AJ?" I protested.

"You need to focus on law right now Delilah. I swear to you. We'll make it work. We've both taken bullets for eachother. What's two more years of long distance?"

I was a bit teary eyed.
"You'll come visit. A lot."

"A lot."

"And you'll stay away from russian chicks. All chicks." I warned.

"There's only one chick for me," he smirked.

I was still not satisfied.
"I'm going to miss you."

"Baby, we still have a good few weeks. And I'm right here. My life is for something now. For you Delilah O'dair. And you only."

"I love you AJ. Aidan Jones!" I said leaning in for a kiss.
"Am I allowed to call you that now?"

He kissed me back.
Sweet and fiery.

"I'd like that."

AJ and I would take the last flight our at noon. The others were leaving immediately.

We'd gone to say goodbye to them.
I hugged Lily as tight as I possibly could. And she promised we'd meet again soon.
G and Jake were almost sobbing.
And John.
He smiled the whole time.
I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Take care John. Be happy. I'm always there for you if you need me," I said.

"Likewise kid, I'll always remember the quicksands of gloom. And your aweful sandwiches."

I chuckled.
"Till we meet again then."

"Sooner than you'll know."

"Oh sal, I'm going to miss you and your pancakes," I said.

"Well you can always come back miss."

"I will, soon."

Cleo was jumping and howling as we left for the airport. Sal drove us. And cleo leaped in at the last moment.

She was in my lap.
AJ was sad to leave too. But it had to be done.

"Hi Cleo beo, we'll come back. I promise. Bearing gifts. Tasty gifts. Right AJ?"

"Absolutely," he chuckled petting cleo.

By the time the plane left it was twilight. The sky was in my favourite shades. Lilacs and oranges and yellows.

AJ was sighing by my side.
This was all scary for him too. New and different and wonderful and terrifying.

I held his hand in mine. And let my head fall into his shoulders.

He let his fall onto mine.

"How cheesy," he whispered.

"I think you mean classy," I whispered back.

"Old-school," we mumbled in unison.

"Don't you dare leave me Jones."

"Never in my wildest dreams, O'dair."

And with that we flew over the oceans. With a promise.
A promise of forever.

Aidan and I.
& The takers.
Hey y'all. There's a time leap chapter left.
That's the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the RIDE OR DIE, TAKERS. As much as I enjoyed writing it.
Forever and always y'all.

Happy reading!!🦋

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