Chuunin Exams (2): Preliminaries

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Sasuke and Sarah made their way down the streets of Konoha towards the library. With a solid plan in mind, Sasuke henged himself into Kakashi and walked inside the building. Sarah used this as a prime opportunity to test out her new seal, promptly holding her breath and attaching it onto her chest. Her body turned invisible as she snuck inside behind Sasuke.

The librarian greeted 'Kakashi' as he entered the building. 'Kakashi' responded to her as he made his way up towards the restricted area of the library, Sarah in-towe behind him. Sasuke dropped his henge as he made sure nobody was there to see them. Sarah released her seal and started gasping for air.

"I am NEVER doing that again!" Sarah said in a raspy voice.

"Well at least we know that it works now," Sasuke pointed out, "That'll be useful if sensei decides to sign us up for the exams, which we already know he's going to do."

"True.." Sarah looked around the library for some books on advanced medical ninjutsu.

She grabbed a few books that caught her eye, one in particular being written by Tsunade Senju herself; The Byakugou no Yin seal and its properties. Sarah was familiar with Tsunades works since she is the most powerful medical ninja and kuonichi in the world. Hell she practically pioneered the whole medical field! She was her idol, the person she aspired to be like in this world.

Sarah also made sure to grab some more books and scrolls on different types of sealing. She figured Naruto would make more use of these than herself. To finish it off, Sarah grabbed a few books on Wind Release (cause if Naruto was to become Hokage then he would need to learn all the jutsus he can).

Sasuke came towards her with a few scrolls on lightning release and fire release. He already has scrolls regarding the sharingan and its properties hidden in his bedroom, but none on more advanced jutsus.

The two began stuffing the books and scrolls into Sarah's bigger one. Once they were done Sasuke henge himself back into Kakashi and Sarah stuck another invisibility seal on her. They quickly made it out of the library and rushed back towards the estate, excited to began learning.

- Chuunin Exams (2): Preliminaries -

     Kakashi was not amused to find out his two students snuck into the library and smuggled out dozens of Jounin level books and scrolls. He thought Naruto would be the only one he had to worry about, but apparently his sneakiness rubbed off on his two teammates (Sasuke more than Sarah since Kakashi already knows his female student was sneakier than a snake). After a quick verbal reprimand, Kakashi gathered his students and held out three slips of paper.

     "I've nominated you three for the Chuunin exams."

     Sarah grinned as she gestured over for Sasuke to hand her over some yen, "Called it."

     Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Hn."

     "Hell yeah!" Naruto exclaimed as he took the sheet of paper from Kakashi's hand, "It's about damn time we do something exciting around here!"

     "Now Naruto, you have to ask your teammates on rather or not they wish to participate in the exams." Kakashi looked over at Sasuke and Sarah.

     Sarah shrugged, "Eh, why not."

     "Fine with me," Sasuke responded.

     "Great! Just turn those slips in at room 301 by 4pm tomorrow," Kakashi instructed before shunshinning himself away.

     "Hihihihi! Chuunin exams! Chuunin exams!" Naruto chanted as he ran around in a circle with the paper in his hands, "There's sure to be a lot of strong guys in the exams! I'll make sure to beat them all and then maybe gramps will promote me to Hokage! Believe it!"

     Sarah rolled her eyes, "Have fun with that. I'm going to go read my books now."

     "Alright, just make sure to not use any of us as test dummies for your weird medical experiments again." Sasuke glared at his female teammate.

     Sarah pretended to be shocked, "I would never!"

     The most she would do is experiment on herself, ever so sneakily as to not get caught again by anyone. She already has to go to therapy two times a week, she wasn't about to get more days tacked onto that!

     Sarah grinned as she pulled out one of the new books she had just gotten earlier, "Hm...let's see..."

     Mastering mystic palm technique...good chakra control...other boring information she already knew beforehand. But how exactly was she suppose to achieve this seal if she...

     1. Doesn't have chakra

     2. Doesn't have massive reserves

     3. Hasn't fully mastered her healing yet

     Needless to say she has a long way to go...

     "Oh well, might as well get to work!" Sarah said with a determined voice.

- Chuunin Exams (2): Preliminaries  -

     "Gosh there sure is a lot of people here to take the exams." Sarah scratched the back of her head nervously.

     It was time for Team Seven to take the Chuunin exams and Sarah was quite nervous. She didn't exactly know what to expect.

     Sarah saw a man with a bowl cut get pushed down onto the ground nearby.

     "Hah! You plan to take the Chuunin exams? You should just quit now!"

     "You're just a little kid."


     "Please let us through!" A girl with two buns in her hair begged.

     Another person shoved her down onto the ground.

     Sarah was debating on stepping in but was stopped by Sasuke.


     And so she did. Sasuke stepped forwards with a grin on his face, "I agree with what bullshit you're spitting from your mouth but you will let me and my team pass through and dispel the genjutsu surrounding the place."

     "Ah, so you noticed." The guy said as he leaned up against the door.

     Sasuke simply shoved them aside as he and the rest of Team Seven walked into the exam room. Sarah punched the back of the guys head before he could even attack, sending him flying back into a nearby wall.

     "Oops, it looks like my hand slipped." Sarah flipped her hair as she stuck her middle finger up, "Kiss my ass."

     The boy with a bowl cut quickly got up and walked over towards Sarah, "Hi, my name is Rock Lee. What's your name cutie?"

     "Uh..." Sarah paused for a few seconds before answering, "Sarah?"

     "It must be fate that we've met today. We should go out on a date together!" Rock Lee said in an attempt to flirt with her.

     Sarah just stared at him, "I'll pass."

     "Ah, you wound me!" Rock Lee pretended to faint like a damsel in distress.

     "Hey, don't ask Sarah-chan out like that! She's not even into guys with bowl-cuts anyways!" Naruto shouted.

     Sarah facepalmed, "Naruto you idiot."

     "Oh.." Rock Lee nervously scratched the back of his head for a few moments, " we still be friends after this is over with?"

     Sarah shrugged, "Sure..that is if your teammate doesn't attempt to murder mine."

     Rock Lee looked over and noticed Sasuke and his pale eyed teammate speaking in a hostile manner, "Oh..I'll go stop him real quickly!"

     "Be my guest," Sarah responded, "Oh and Lee?"

     "Yeah?" The boy turned around.

     "Don't try to fight him," Sarah warned.

Rock Lee nodded as he rushed off towards the duo.

"So..." Sarah looked over at Naruto, "Five bucks he and Sasuke are going to get into it?"

"I don't think we need to make a bet on that," Naruto responded, "We both know it's going to happen..."


And it did. Sarah and Naruto watched as Rock Lee and Sasuke fought in some arena moments later. Rock Lee was using some strange form of taijutsu while Sasuke was relying off of his sharingan. Sarah looked up at the clock and noticed they only had fifteen minutes left until the first exam starts.

"Shit!" Sarah exclaimed, "We don't got much time left!"

"Don't worry Sarah-chan, I'll defeat this guy for you!" Rock Lee said as he quickly blew a kiss at her.

Sarah grimaced, "Ew."

Naruto swatted the kiss away, "Stop flirting with Sarah-chan! Kick his ass Sasuke!"

Sarah sighed. She was forever destined to be surrounded by idiots..

Rock Lee slammed his foot onto Sasuke's chin, going on some rant about how the sharigan can't accurately read his moves as he proceeded to kick Sasuke's ass. Before he could do more damage a guy in a green spandex suit that looked oddly enough like an older version of Lee stepped in and stopped the fight.

"Ew! He gots thicker brows than Lee!" Naruto exclaimed in horror.

"Stop insulting Gai sensei!" Rock Lee retorted.

"Shut the fuck up! All these freaks keep on appearing!! How are we suppose to-"

Sarah slammed her fist into Naruto's head, "Shut the fuck up Naruto before you get our asses kicked out of here!"

Naruto's body fell to the ground, "Ow..."

Sarah then punched Sasuke in the face, "And this is for being a dumbass!"

Sasuke groaned out in pain.

Sarah watched Rock Lee's sensei punch him in the face before the latter embraced him in a hug. Naruto was disturbed at what he was seeing while Sasuke was trying to figure out how he lost to him.

Grabbing her two teammates by their shirt and jacket collars, Sarah dragged them back towards the classroom. Looking up at the clock, Sarah sighed in relief.

"Thank god we made it back in time.."

"Sasuke-kun!" A familiar voice shouted as she hopped up from a nearby seat, "You made it!"

Ino Yamanaka wrapped her arms around Sasuke's neck, "I haven't seen you in a while. It's been soo long."

Sarah grimaced.

"Oh if it isn't Scarface. I'm still surprised you were able to become a Genin, especially after that stunt you pulled on Sakura," Ino said as she looked Sarah in the eye.

Sarah shrugged, "Clearly she wasn't meant to be a ninja if she wasn't able to see directly through an illusion."

"Sarah-chan, you put Sakura-chan in an illusion??" Naruto looked at her in shock. Sasuke hummed, amused at where this conversation was going.

"How did you even find out about that Ino?" Sarah asked.

"Me and Forehead are rivals. I was suspicious when I saw that she didn't pass the exam so I went over to her place and saw her lying unconscious in an alleyway. She's still pissed off that you trapped her in an illusion by the way," Ino responded, "That doesn't matter now...I get to spend more time with Sasuke now that Forehead is out of the way."

Sasuke sighed.

"Inner self release!"

Ino's body immediately slumped to the ground. Sasuke just looked over at his female teammate as if she had just saved his life.

"Let's go before we cause any more commotion," Sarah said as she and her teammates walked off before they could get noticed.

"How did you manage to do that?" Naruto asked her.

"It's a secret," Sarah winked.

"Why does everyone keep secrets from me?!?" Naruto exclaimed as he took a seat down beside Hinata.

Sarah rolled her eyes as she sat beside Sasuke. She was forever thankful that Naruto hadn't decided to cause a scene.... But one quick look around the room shows that she had just done the exact opposite.

Sarah sighed. So much for keeping certain skill sets hidden...

Watching some foreign ninjas beating up a guy with white hair, Sarah could sense the pure killing intent radiating off the trio. She would hate to have to fight any of them in the upcoming exams. That could reign disaster for everyone involved..

She could feel a faint sting at the seal on her back...

"Quiet down you worthless bastards!" A voice shouted.

Numerous ninjas appeared from a cloud of smoke. Everyone was nervously sweating.

"Thanks for waiting. My name is Morino Ibiki and I will be the examiner for the first part of the Chuunin exams," the man with scars on his face said before pointing at the group of Hidden Sound ninjas, "Hidden Sound guys, stop doing as you please. Do you want to fail already?"

"We're sorry. This is our first time participating so we got a little bit excited," one of the guys tried to explain.

Ibikki wasn't falling for it, "Meh. Here's a good opportunity to say this; there will be no fighting without permission from the examiner. Even if permission is granted killing your opponent will not be tolerated. Pigs who disobey me fail immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

Sarah nodded. She wasn't about to get her whole team to fail and loose out on their dreams.

"Heh..this exam sounds easy," one of the hidden sound guys said with a smirk on his face.

Sarah zoned out for the rest of the lecture but eventually the exams started. It was a simple paper test. The main goal of this exam is to not get caught cheating, as Sarah found out using common sense. She wasn't too particularly worried about getting caught, instead focusing on doodling silly little things on the paper for the next hour.

"Eh, I'm not gonna worry about answering the questions. I'm sure there has to be some catch at the end," Sarah thought to herself, "Hmm...maybe I could potentially test out my new concoction on some unsuspecting people later."

Eventually an hour has passed and multiple teams have gotten disqualified. Ibikki announced the tenth question and so many people decided to chicken out. Naruto decided to boldly take on the tenth answer, declaring that he'll become Hokage no matter if he'll be a Genin forever or not. Ibikki was pleased at this answer and declared that everyone in the room passed.

Eventually some purple-haired woman appeared with practically her whole cleavage sticking announced that she was the proctor for the second test. Sarah's nose started to bleed a bit. She quickly got up and walked out alongside the crowd to follow behind their proctor...Anko Mitarashi.

"Welcome everyone to the stage for the second test, practice area 44 also known as 'the forest of death'..."

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