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It took only a few days to heal after being hit. My master had begun training me in the many skills of marital arts. Each passing day I grew closer to my master and thought of him like the father that I never had. Our relationship grew very close and I drove myself hard each and everyday to become perfect. I had begun to feel this draw towards a certain room of the house and it was the one spot that my master had told me never to go in. One night I disobeyed him and snuck into the room.

Very gently I pushed the door open. Letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before stepping further in. The call grew louder when I looked around finally my eyes landed upon a beautiful pair of Katanas. That was what was calling me slowly making my way towards them they seemed to glow. Hand out stretched I slowly made my way towards them as if I was in a trance. Fingers touched the smooth leather that covered the handle. A scream left my mouth as my head was filled with voices of pain and horror. Souls where crying in my head they had died so horribly to a single creature that had killed them unjustly. Aboddon, his name as on every souls tongue. He had killed them and they wanted revenge.

Ti walked in soon afterwards and had a saddened look upon his face. "It seems they have chosen their savior. Im sorry they have chosen you I wanted so much more for you than to live a life of hunting.' He explained pointing towards the swords. "The swords are the great Dragon Spirit, Bahamut, and the Great Tiger Spirit, Tsai Shen Yeh. They where engaged into a mighty battle with him and lost. Their spirits where incased with in the swords along with every spirit Aboddon has ever killed. It is now your destiny to send him back where he came from and set the restless souls free." he explained stepping closer. 

He engulfed me in a hug tears within his eyes he hated to see me go. Already I felt the pull to find this demon and send him back to hell. I was ready for this and wanted this. "I will be alright master Ti I promise. You have made e strong and I will continue to get stronger everyday. Im willing to learn from everyone. I will send this demon back to hell where he belongs." determined to get it done. 

"Alright young one I have taught you all I know about healing herbs and every thing I can teach you from all the different styles of karate. Tonight rest for tomorrow your journey begins." Nodding my head I pick up the other katana and placed them together as I walked out the door. This journey wasn't going to be easy but I was willing to help the spirits as I could feel their burning pain. The thing with mates I didn't think of them I probably didn't have one since I was only a half blood.

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