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Sweat beaded upon my brow tossing and turning under the ratty tattered blanket. My friend next to me questioned me if I was okay but I couldn't speak the pain was intense. "I need air." My voice tense as I spoke through gritted teeth. Struggling to sit up as I threw my blanket aside. Standing up I made my way passed the other sleeping children. Something was wrong very wrong. My instinct told me to get away head for the woods behind our orphanage.
Finally after what felt like forever of struggling with the walking I couldn't make it any further. A voice in my head spoke, "Relax just let it happen." It was soothing and calm as I laid there in the soft leaves of the forest. The smells of pine and water filled my senses the pain began to ease. I could feel my bones begin to pop and a weird sensation all over my skin. Rubbing my arm I could feel a soft fur all over my arm. Raising up my arm I made out a beautiful jet black fur. So black it shined like a ravens feather. Finally the pain was over and I stood up on all fours. My head tilts back and a glorious howl fills the air.
Heading deeper into the forest and away from the orphanage where my father had left me. I'm never going back. I was hungry so I went hunting for my first prey as a werewolf. I was different as I was a half blood. My human like hands still was able to grip the ability to stand up and walk like a human and my sheer size. I could take on an alpha.
Tracking the scent of a deer we proceeded to hunt. Easily taking it down we devoured our prey before heading to the river for a drink. Tongue darting out as we satisfied out thirst and washed our fur from the blood. Drops of blood dripping into the river as it quickly washed away within the current.
"Rieka what would you like to do now?" My wolf asked me. "I don't want to go back to the orphanage. Can we live freely?" She asked truly not knowing anything about being a werewolf. "As a loner then. Yes we can but it will be dangerous." She explains. "I think we need to find a way home." She suggests.
"To China? I think we can do that but it's going to be dangerous. We know nothing of our home land. Maybe we can find someone here to take us in perhaps a pack." She wonders laying down close to the river. She didn't smell any rogues or other wolves.
"I think for now we need to find shelter and then we can search for a master and train. Become as strong as we look." We both knew what we were looking for. We would let ourselves be guided from our heart.

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