5: Shine The Light On Me

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"Did you at least have fun at the game?" Luc asked me when we were seated and had already placed our order.

"I had so much fun, Hayley said we should do it more often" I laughed.

"I agree with Hayley, she's a smart girl" he grinned.

"Got all that from meeting her for five minutes did you?" I smirked.

"Got all that from you telling me that one statement she made" he shrugged.

I don't think I had ever eaten as fast as when they brought our food to the table. Starving was an understatement.

"Do you feel better now?" Luc lightly laughed as I finished up my meal.

"Much, much better" I smiled widely before taking a drink of water.

"So what do you think? Now that your hunger beast has been tamed"

"Think of what?" I looked at him confused.

"Two tickets to our next home game?"

"Hmmm...when is it?"

"Day after tomorrow"

"I'm in and I'm sure Hayley will be in too" I grinned.

"Do you need me to get you three? One for your boyfriend too?" He asked seriously.

"Absolutely not, this is mine and Hayley's thing now" I explained quickly.

"Ok, just thought I'd offer" he chuckled.

"It just wouldn't be the same" I shrugged slightly.

"Afraid he would dull the vibe?" He asked cautiously.

"Not gonna lie a little bit yeah" I giggled. "He just wouldn't be much fun, and your games should always be fun"

"Agreed, offers always there though" he smiled as they brought the bill to the table.

Before anything else could happen I handed the waitress my card swiftly.

"Take it and run, please and thank you" I said as quick as I could and sent her off before Luc could protest.

"Al! What the hell was that?!" He asked stunned.

"Oh you know, just me being a ninja" I joked.

"I told you I would buy you dinner" he argued.

"Which is exactly why I needed to be a ninja" I shook my head. "You already gave us tickets to the game on top of everything else you've already done for me"

"This will never happen again" he laughed as the waitress came back with the receipt for me to sign.

"We'll just have to wait and see about that Luc, just wait and see" I taunted, handing the waitress the receipt back.

He shook his head at me in a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"So two tickets for the next game right?" He asked when we stopped by my car.

"Yes sir, and thank you so much again" I smiled at him.

"I get you and Hayley in the crowd cheering me on while I play, I should be saying thank you to you" he chuckled softly. "If you ever need me to add on that third just let me know"

"Right, thanks" I tried to muster up the best smile I could.

"Hey I'm sorry, I know this isn't how you wanted your night to play out" he rubbed my shoulder.

"It's not that" I breathed a laugh. "I'm actually so happy the night played out like it did. I had so much fun at your game and I loved being there to support you and I know Hayley had such a good time. Even just eating dinner was a lot of fun" I explained sincerely.

"Then why do you look so sad?" He asked cautiously.

"I guess I didn't realize I was, I'm sorry. Just a lot has been going on" I shrugged.

"I know we just met and all but you know you can call or text me anytime you need to right?" His words were so genuine.

I reached up quickly and wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you Luc, thank you for just overall being an amazing person and an amazing friend. I know we just met but you're seriously one of the most amazing friends I've ever had, next to Hayley of course"

"Of course" he breathed a laugh giving me one more little squeeze before pulling out of the hug.

"And you know that works both ways right? You can always call or text me if you need anything"

"Thanks, I do need you to do me a big favor though" he said seriously.

"Oh yeah ok sure, what is it?" I asked interested.

"Text me when you get home" he grinned almost breaking out into a laugh.

"Luc! I thought it was something serious" I slightly pushed his arm.

"I am being serious!" He argued with a laugh.

"I will text you when I get home for sure" I giggled pulling out my keys.

"Good. Drive safe, I'll see you at the game" he smiled helping me open and close my car door.

When I got home, I changed and got ready for bed before I did anything else. I just wanted to be comfortable. After I made some tea and settled on the couch I texted both Luc and Hayley that I was home.

The first text I got was from Luc thanking me and wishing me a goodnight. As I put my phone down I felt it ring in my hands.

"Hello Hayley, to what do I owe the honor of a phone call instead of a text?" I giggled into the phone.

"I want to hear everything" she said quickly.

"We went to a restaurant, ate and I came home. Now you know everything"

"That's it, nothing exciting happened like you fell madly in love are planning to run away together?" She sounded almost disappointed.

"No, Hayley" I laughed. "We're just friends that went to dinner"

"You really don't feel the chemistry coming off the two of you do you?" She pryed.

"No, because there isn't" I shrugged even though she couldn't see me.

"All I'm saying is you've been with Mike for a good while and I don't think I've ever seen you get along with him like you do with your new nhl buddy" she started.

"Luc" I interjected.

"Yes, Luc" she corrected before continuing. "I haven't seen you as happy and carefree as you were tonight in a while. Just something to think about" she trailed off.

"I love you for looking out for me" I smiled. "Oh and Luc said he'd get us tickets to the next home game if we wanted"

"I'm in, doesn't matter when it is or who they're playing I'm in" she replied quickly making me laugh.

"Good because I already told him we were in" I grinned. "I gotta get to sleep for work but we'll plan tomorrow then"

After saying our goodbyes and ending the phone call I got everything situated and laid down.

I knew I would be up for awhile thinking about what Hayley said. Not about Luc as much as how sure she sounded about my happiness. In a way I felt it as much as she did but I never really focused on it.

I had a lot to think about, and a lot to figure out.

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