A Jewel To Behold

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Dena was awoken by the sound of Pokémon battling. Looking around her tent she noticed that everyone but her, Pancham, Mudkip, and Torchic had already gotten up. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she crawled out of her tent and went to investigate the cause behind this mid morning ruckus.

She walked a short ways away and saw Serena sitting on the ground, Sylveon resting in her lap while Braxien sat alongside her. She walked up to where her cousin was and sat down next to her. She noticed that Serena's hair was a mess and, like her, she was still in her pajamas.

"Oh good morning Dena, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I was sleeping like a Snorlax, until some loud noise woke me up."

"You can thank those two for that, their battle woke me up too." Serena said while pointing a little ways away.

Following her finger Dena saw Ash and Cal testing out their new partners in a double battle. Just from a glance you could tell who was going to win. Both trainers held a determined look in their eyes that was expressed through their Pokémon. The battle was intense and well fought but Ash's unique tactics and experience were proving too much for Cal and his Pokémon. The match ended with Eevee launching Shadow Balls into the ground to provide a dust smokescreen that allowed Pikachu to get in close and finish off their opponents with an Iron Tail.

Cal went and picked up his Pokémon congratulating them for lasting so long against Ash. Ash thanked his Pokémon for the victory and went over to congratulate Cal on a great match.

"That was so much fun, we have to battle again sometime!" Ash said while showing off his signature toothy grin.

"Yeah we definitely have to go again cause next time will be different!" Cal proclaimed while mimicking Ash's toothy grin.

They then heard clapping and turned to see their friends sitting a short ways away. Still grinning like madmen they made their way to their companions, only to get scolded not to have battles so close to people trying to get their beauty sleep. Their cheerful grins turned into nervous smiles as Dena and Braxien continued to chew out them. When they finished with their rant, Ash and Cal along with their Pokémon all apologized and promised to train further away.

"Good now while me and Serena get dressed why don't you guys make us breakfast."

Ash and Cal quickly agreed and rushed off to start cooking. Serena stood up and gave her cousin a look that said "you're really trusting them with breakfast!?" Dena gave her a look in return that said "what's the worst that could happen." With a sigh Serena followed Dena back to their tent where they spent twenty minutes getting ready.

As they walked out of their tent they smelt what seemed to be burnt milk. Confused and disgusted they made their way to the source of the stench. What they saw was pretty odd; the boys and their Pokémon were panicking while try to put out a flaming gallon of milk by throwing pancakes at it. The pancakes were having little effect and some were simply lighting on fire when they hit the flames.

Serena simply walked back into her tent picked up Mudkip carried him to the fire. Mudkip sleepily looked down at the small flames and used a halfhearted Water Gun to extinguish them. When they were all out Serena put her Pokémon down on a table where he curled up and returned to his slumber.

"Thanks Serena." Cal and Ash said in unison; their clothes smoldering slightly. Serena walked closer to Ash and patted out a small combustion that had ignited on his shoulder.

"Your welcome." Serena said while suppressing her laughter, "You two go get cleaned up, we'll have breakfast ready in a few minutes."

Gratefully they complied with her and went to change into less smoky clothes. As they were changing Serena and Dena got to work on the food. Serena was working on crafting a few dozen Poké Puffs with Braxien, while Dena started to bake a fresh batch of pancakes since the last ones were half burnt and half soggy.

Fifteen minutes passed before breakfast was ready. Ash and Cal returned wearing fresh pairs of clothes; they also roused the remaining Pokémon so they wouldn't miss their morning meal. After forty minutes of indulging in the food that the girls had provided for them, the group packed everything up and recalled most their Pokémon. Once everyone was ready they started up on their journey once more.

They traveled for nearly four hours before coming to a fork in the road. They had two roads to choose from, one lead to Verdanturf town, a small settlement that had a path that opened up to Rusturf Tunnel which lead to Rustboro City, their next destination. The other path took them to a rather new town that had been founded underground when archeologists found a massive cavern and decided to stay.

"Why would anyone want to stay in a cold, dark, and creepy cave?" Dena asked while resting against a tree.

"It says here that the cave is well known for it's large crystals that produce a great deal of light and heat. Apparently they also have an effect on Pokémon and trainers come from all over just to see what it does to their Pokémon." Serena said while reading off of her digital map.

"Well come on you two that caves not going to find itself!" Cal calls back while walking with Ash further down the path leading to the cave.

Serena and Dena run to catch up with their traveling companions and soon the group is moving together at a steady pace towards the cave. They walk for another two hours before reaching the entrance to the cave. They all stare in relative disappointment at the dismal exterior appearance of the cavern. Hoping the interior is more appealing they trudge deeper into the opening.

Once they step three feet inside they all have to stop to catch their breath; the pictures on Serena's map didn't do the cave justice. It's beauty was beyond words, there were crystals of every size, shape, shade, and color. They seemed to be everywhere but the most beautiful of all had to be the massive gem the entire city seemed to rest on. It was larger than any jewel in the world and was constantly changing colors as if an energy was surging through it.

The group just stood there mesmerized by the marvel of nature that stood before them. Until a deliberate cough snapped them back to reality. Turning towards the source of the noise the group saw a man sitting behind a booth with a protective cage around it; they also saw that the only path leading to the city was blocked by two large metal doors that were locked.

"Please produce your Pokémon and trainers license." The man said.

Confused the group released their Pokémon and handed the man their licenses. After punching in their ID's and Pokémon into his computer he handed back their cards. He then walked further into his booth and stood by a small machine as it whirred and hummed. When it was finished with it's task it let out a high pitched ding and the man reached down to retrieve whatever it had made. Walking back to the group he handed each trainer a collar for their Pokémon. They stared at him in confusion, until he, reluctantly, decided to explain what they were for.

"Here in Crystal Caverns most trainers keep their Pokémon outside of their Poké Balls but we have a system of identification just incase they get separated or into trouble. Those collar are built with ID chips with your individual trainer ID on them."

With the explanation out of the way each trainer put a collar on their partners and waited for the man to open the doors. With a press of button the twin steel doors swung open and the group walked through. The large group walked along a path that lead to the city where they asked for directions to the nearest Pokémon Center.

After following the route that a nice lady had provided for them they found the Pokémon Center. As they walked in confetti and streamers flew up around them.

"Congratulations you are the one millionth visitor to this center! Please have this complementary voucher good for three nights in the Crystal Cavern Grand Hotel penthouse suite." Nurse Joy said while handling Ash the voucher.

Astonished the group gratefully thanked Nurse Joy before asking her to check up on their Pokémon. Nurse Joy happily obliged and had her nursing aid Blissey take their Pokémon into the back to be examined. Before Nurse Joy left the group asked her a bit more about the city; specifically what they could do around here.

"Well our city has a number of things to do. There's the mining tour where you get to go into the deepest parts of the cave and mine for fossils, stones, and other items; they also let you keep anything you find. Then we also have a crystal guru who specializes in the caves crystals and the effect they have on Pokémon, he's also the only person allowed to harvest and sell the crystals so you should visit him if you want some. Oh we've also recently acquired a Contest Hall so if you're interested in contests you should head over there."

"Nurse Joy, When's the next contest scheduled for!" Serena and Dena eagerly asked in unison.

"Let's see... ah! We have one planned for tomorrow night and we still have four open spots if any of you would like to participate."

Dena and Serena enthusiastically accepted Nurse Joys proposal and waited as she registered them for the contest.

"Okay you're all set, and here are your ribbon cases for any contests you win. I wish you the best of luck."

The group thanked Nurse Joy and went to sit down to wait for their Pokémon to be finished with their checkup. As they wait for Nurse Joy to come back two trainers walk through the door one is a girl with short red hair with a streak of purple in it. The other is a boy with silver hair that ends before his waist and has blue tips. At the boys side stand a Cyndaquil, Psyduck, and Growlith he also has a Murkrow perched on his shoulder. The girl is accompanied by a Nidorina, Vulpix and a Shellder.

The pair walk up to the nurses station and ring the bell. Within a few seconds Nurse Joy comes out a greets them.

"Hi welcome to the Pokémon Center; how may we help you today?"

"My sister Diana here wants to sign up for tomorrow's Pokémon contest." Diana's brother says in gruff and disinterested voice.

"Don't mind Zeak he's just grumpy because there aren't any gyms around here." Diana says in a cheerful voice while she makes a pretend pouty face at her brother.

Nurse Joy pretends not to notice the oddities that siblings were and registered Diana for the contest. Zeak started to walk away saying something about waiting for her at their hotel; when he gets stopped by Dena, who is excited to meet other contest competitors.

"Excuse me sir but are you participating in tomorrow's contest? Because if you are we might be your opponents at some point." Dena merrily says while pulling Serena closer to her

"No. My sister is; and I doubt either of you would make it far enough to face off against her." Zeak flatly states.

Reacting to his comment Ash and Cal both angrily stood up to defend their friends; but before they can do anything Diana comes over to apologize for her brothers rudeness.

"I'm sorry he's just like that please don't take any offense to what he said." Diana then elbows her brother in the ribs to prompt him to apologize too; but all he does is give them a disdained grunt before leaving.

Sighing Diana turns to the group where they began a series of introductions. The group soon discovered that while Zeak may be a jerk his sister was incredibly nice. After chatting for a few minutes Nurse Joy walked back out with their Pokémon who all had a clean bill of health. Pokémon at their side they all made their way out of the center and towards the Crystal Cavern Grand Hotel. Diana then said she had to go and find her brother so Ash and company decided to check out their room.

They were escorted up the elevator by a young bellhop who opened the doors to a luxurious room. There were four king sized beds each with silk comforters and sheets. The room also had a professional grade kitchen and a large dining table with a large sized multi colored crystal chandelier hanging above it. They even had several large plasma TV's around the suit along with a sliding glass door that lead out to a balcony with a magnificent view over the entire city.

"If you need anything more please give me a call." The bellhop said to Serena before trying to hand her a card with his number on it.

Dena saw him trying to flirt with her cousin and swiped the card from his hand before giving him a fake smile and closing the doors on him. She then tore up his number and went with the others to explore more of their suite. When they had finished their expedition throughout their suite, they sat down on an L shaped couch began to go through the local restaurant menus to find something to eat. Finally deciding what to get they called down to room service and in half an hour were eating three pizzas while watching a horror movie on the couch.

The movie was the story of a lonely Phantum who was luring people into the woods so he could turn them into Pokémon like him. It really wasn't too bad but really freaked out Serena who was cowering behind Ash for most of the film. Dena was doing fine with it until the part with the child melting into a black puddle that got absorbed by a tree stump; then she refused to let go of Cal for the rest of the movie.

When the movie finally ended the girls still refused to release their friends from their grasps. The boys wouldn't admit it but they were a bit freaked out by the movie too and were glad to have someone holding them. When it became evident that no one was letting go of anyone anytime soon, it was decided that Serena would sleep in the same bed with Ash and Dena would spend the night next to Cal.

With their sleeping arrangements decided they all got ready to hit the hay and in six minutes Serena was laying with her back facing Ash's back. Dena and Cal had similar sleeping arrangements but Treeko and Torchic decided to curl up directly in the center of their bed causing their trainers to sleep a bit farther apart from one another. The rest of the beds were occupied by all their other Pokémon who had fallen asleep awhile ago.

Soon sleep found its way to the Pokémon trainers and they all were sleeping so peacefully, they didn't even notice when a shadowy cloaked figure slipped out of their closet and exited through their balcony.

What does this mysterious figure have planned for our heroes, how will Dena and Serena fair in tomorrow's Pokémon contest against Diana. You'll have to stay tuned to find out; as the journey continues!

Wow I have been writing really long chapters; I need to know if you guys want shorter chapters or if I should just keep doing what I'm doing.
Anyways I wasn't able to write as much as I wanted to this week because I was visiting family for thanksgiving and I was taking a lot of naps to let my body heal,(I rolled my ankle and then pulled a muscle in my other foot 😅, I'm doing a lot better now.) I'm going to try and get some setup chapters out so I can work on my Christmas chapter as soon as I can.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and wish me luck on the next one, until then bye. 😁

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