A Journey Begins

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A 16 year old trainer with dark green eyes and short messy navy blue hair runs towards the outskirts of Slateport city, a smile plastered on his face despite the cold night breeze biting at his skin. The fact that he was only wearing a red and white t-shirt, weathered grey jeans, brown running shoes, and a blue cap did little to help warm him against the biting wind; but he didn't feel it. He was too excited to be so close to his destination.

"CALLOW, STOP RIGHT THERE!" An aggravated female voice suddenly rang out in the darkness behind him, causing Cal to stop and turn back towards his life long friend and traveling companion.

"Ah, sorry Dena, I got so excited when I saw the city lights, I completely forgot about you," Cal said with a sheepish grin while scratching the back of his head.

A 15 year old girl with light brown hair and Amethyst purple eyes came running up to him. She was wearing a violet vest over a pearl colored dress and knee length dark grey stockings with black sneakers.

"Wow you sure know how to flatter a girl," Dena thought sarcastically.
"It's alright Cal, just don't leave me behind like that; besides do you even know where to go when we get there?"

"Uh...no not really" Cal admitted.

"Honestly were you not paying attention when Professor Birch gave us this assignment, or were you too distracted by the thought of becoming a trainer?"

(Flashback five days ago)

Professor Birch called Cal and Dena into his lab and and showed them a small brown box on his desk no bigger than a brick. He then proceeded ask them for a favor.

"I need you two to deliver this package to a trainer in Slateport city for me, she's going to be arriving in a few days and I'd like you two to greet her when she gets there; if you agree to run this errand for me I'll give each of you your very own Pokémon. Do we have a deal?"

The professor didn't need to say anything more Cal and Dena both jumped at the chance to become trainers. After getting their respective parents approval they each headed by to the lab to receive their starters.

"Go ahead Dena you choose first."

"Alright then, hmm, okay I'll take Torchic!" Dena said while picking up its poké ball

" Then my partner will be Treecko!" Cal exclaimed while retrieving it's poké ball.

"Alright then here are your pokédex's, poké balls, trainers licenses and the package. I've arranged for you both to stay at the Slateport hotel until she gets there; also you'll want to hold a sign saying "Birch Labs" so she knows who to go to; and don't forget to have fun." Birch said smiling while handing them the respective items before sending them off.

(Return to present)

"I may have been caught up in the excitement and wasn't really listening." Cal said slightly embarrassed.

"Honestly, sometimes your lucky your cute." Dena thought a light blush present on her cheeks but undetectable in the darkness. Smiling she says,"It's fine follow me."

They made their way towards the city and navigated to their hotel. Once there they check in to adjoining rooms and bunkered down for the night. In a few minutes Dena heard Cal snoring from the other room and sighed since sleep seemed to be evading her that night. Eventually she gets up and lets Torchic out, the fire chick Pokémon let out a small cry of joy when it saw it's trainer.

"Hey Torchic we're finally at Slateport, I guess we're going to meet that trainer and finish our mission soon. I should be happy to finish the job and continue on my journey but, I just feel scared. I don't want my adventure with Cal to be over so soon but he wants to battle all the gyms and make it to the Hoenn league; while I want to enter contests and become the top coordinator. I just don't want to say goodbye so soon." Dena let a few tears fall after opening her heart to her partner. Torchic responded by nuzzling up in her trainers lap and raising its body temperature to act as a warm blanket. It then looked up at its trainer and it's eyes tell her that everything will turn out ok. Dena wipes her tears and hugs her Pokémon closely.

"Thanks Torchic, I needed that."

"Torchic!" The fire chick chirps happily

"Would you mind sleeping with me tonight?" Dena asks still a bit teary eyed.

Torchic responds with a happy chirp and hops onto her pillows. Dena wipes the remaining tears out of her eyes and joins her Pokémon. After a few minutes she begins to drift off to sleep , all her fears getting replaced by the comforting presence of her Pokémon.

North of Hoenn in southern Sinnoh

Ariana hikes further up the hill towards the agreed upon meeting point. She was accompanied by two grunts, who like her, were wearing thick black snow pants and big white winter jackets with the team Rocket logo on the front. Even in these winter clothes she still was shivering from the cold; trying to divert her attention from the cold she began thinking over who she was going to be meeting. As she got closer to her destination she got her answer. A group of three were standing up ahead, they each were wearing metallic while clothes designed with a large gold and black G on the front of their clothes. Two of these people had teal colored bowler cut hair while the third person had short scarlet hair cut so it was round with a point at the top with two more points split at her neck.

"Te-team Galactic I presume," Ariana managed to get out between chattering teeth, "I thought y-you had been arrested when your boss disappeared?"

"We had but Saturn struck a deal with your boss and is now leading our organization. Any how, were supposed to help you in your excavation of Granite cave among other things and in exchange you let us collect the data we need." Mars said

"If you were going to help with the excavation of the cave, why didn't you just come to the Hoenn region!?" Ariana asked with great irritation.

"We are still rounding up or members here and can't spare anyone to send to you, and we needed to give you this," Mars then produced a small device with small digital monitor a camera and scanner equipped on it. "All you have to do is scan an area and photograph anything that shows up as positive. You were also supposed to have brought a contact for our boss to sign, finalizing the alliance between our two groups."

Ariana merely nodded and exchanged the device with Mars for a large yellow file. She then bid farewell to the Galactic members as each party went their separate ways. She smiled as she began the long walk back to her pick up point; she was glad to be rid of this freezing weather and to have served Giovanni well. "Soon the boss will have his dream fulfilled," she thought with a smile frozen on her face.

Our heroes journeys are growing even closer. Meanwhile an alliance has been founded between team Rocket and team Galactic, what could this spell for the future of the world? You'll have to stay tuned to find out, as the journey continues!

I hope you all like this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote if you like what I'm writing, thanks and I'll try to write the next chapter as fast as I can.

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