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With Ariana in Granite Cave

Ariana has recently returned to Hoenn is currently overseeing the excavation of Granite Cave. The progress they are making was slow and unproductive; they hadn't even managed to find a single sample of whatever Team Galactic's machine was searching for.

Things continued like this for the next five hours until Ariana heard one of the grunts shouting in alarm. Two grunts came rushing towards her one was being supported by the other. The grunt carrying the other began to tell his tale of the events that just unfurled.
"Boss we were digging near that side of the cave when this hole opened up in the floor. Jim here fell straight through and well... you tell 'er."

The grunt known as Jim looked at his boss with fear in his eyes, before being his story. "As he said I fell through the hole in the floor but when I hit the bottom I felt this weird presence all around me. The space I had fallen into had odd pictures along all the walls and a single alter in the center with a black jar resting on it. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there and made my way back out of the enclosure, I had managed to reach the exit when...." he stopped and began to shake in fear.

Slowly he started up again, "When something grabbed me with great force. As I looked down I saw a pitch black shadow entangled with my leg. Then I heard it... A voice emanating from the vase. It sounded so ancient and yet so new, so warm and friendly, but also cold and insidious. When it spoke to me it said, 'I was born from the darkness part of the first souls. They may have locked me up but I will break free, you will help me escape my prison!'. That was all I heard before I bolted."

Ariana listen to his entire story taking in every detail. When the grunts had finished she ordered them to return to headquarters to report this event to Giovanni.

After they had left Ariana ordered three other grunts to follow her to the hole. Upon arrival she ordered her entourage to wait outside, she then mustered up all of her courage and proceeded into the opening. The inside was almost exactly as the grunt had described it. The only difference being that the vase on the alter was covered with words written in the language of the Unown.

Ariana proceeded further into the room admiring the articulate pictures that decorated the walls. Suddenly black shadowy chains sprung forth from the vase on the alter entrapping Ariana's hands and feet; a maniacal voice rang out in the darkness. "The last one left too soon, but you will not leave, not until I'm finished!"

"I have no intention in leaving; I came here in search of you." Ariana spoke with no emotion and showed no weakness to the creature that had her trapped. Surprised by her reaction the shadows released her and recede into the vase.

"Very well then. Allow me to introduce myself," the jar seemed to clear its throat before continuing, "I am known as the ruler of the void, The mad king, and the emperor of atrocities. I am the Omega. Born along side the first creatures to rule the world. My true name is lost to Time, scattered throughout Space, and distorted between Worlds; yet it is still known to me, for my name is Suecra!" Upon stating his name the room trembled as if the earth itself feared the slightest utterance of that's word.

Feeling obliged to introduce herself Ariana began only to be curtly cut off by the vase.

"I know all about you and Team Rocket, I honestly am impartial towards your whole organization and whatever goals you seek to accomplish. I only seek to be freed from the confines of this cell.

The casual way her team was dismissed irked Ariana, but she withheld her temper.

"For one locked up you seem to know quite a bit about the outside world." The question hidden in her statement was not lost to Suecra

"I may have been put away, but I still have eyes and ears amongst you. That is all you will get out of me regarding my followers."

(So he has followers that are somehow able to get information to him, interesting.) "Very well, but what can you do for Team Rocket if we help you escape?"

"(Typical humans always thinking about what they can get out of others.) If you help me break free of the bonds that confide me in this infernal jar, I will help your little organization take control over the world. Is that to your liking.?"

Ariana didn't miss the sarcasm in his last sentence but chose to ignore it due to the offer he made. Control over the world that was Giovanni's goal. If allying themselves with this rather rude reliquary could help complete his goal then that was just what she'd do.

"Yes, Team Rocket will gladly assist in your escape, in exchange for the conquest of the planet."

Unknown to Ariana the creature in the vase was grinning maniacally at the deal they had just struck.

"Excellent... now the first thing I need is, Essence from the beast of burning water who's skin is harder than stone."

Ariana stared at him perplexed by the odd phrasing of the ingredient.

"Yeah I know it's weird but my jailers have a sick sense of humor. They told me what I needed to break out but only in the form of riddles. They also made it so I couldn't decipher the riddles myself."

"Why did they give you them in the first place?"

"I may have put them through a similar experience, and they may have found it somewhat humorous to put me into their position. That's a story for another time."

"Fine it doesn't really matter. I'll go look for the 'essence of this beast'." As she began to exit she had a thought. "Perhaps I should take you with me so you can tell me what the next ingredient is."

"I'd advise against that."

"And why's that?"

"Look at the first mural on your left."

Ariana turned in the indicated direction and began to examine the picture pointed out to her. The first part depicted a man holding up the vase. The next part showed the Unown from the vase moving onto his skin. The final part of the picture showed each letter being engulfed in white and gold fire burning the man alive.

Ariana's face paled at the gruesome scene spread before her.

"Thanks for the heads up." She said her voice quavering a little.

"Not a problem. I wish you the best of luck deciphering that clue, come back soon."

The vase spoke so cheerily Ariana was sure that if he had a face, it would be flashing her a cheeky smile. Deciding not to stick around the peculiar creature any longer she made her way to the exit. She ordered two of the grunts she brought to remain outside the hole to guard their new comrade. Escorted by the only remaining grunt Ariana made her way out of the cave. They walked in awkward silence for a few minutes until her walking companion broke the tension.

"Do you have any idea what were supposed to be looking for?"

Ariana thought for a moment before giving her answer, "No, but I think I know someone who might know a bit more about our new friend.", she said this while pulling out the odd device Team Galactic had entrusted her with. The contraption now had a few dozen pictures of Suecra's tomb that she had managed to gather without alerting him.

"Lets see if they're willing to enlighten us on our friends riddle."

An interesting incident in Granite Cave leaves Team Rocket with a new accomplice and many questions. Just who or what is Suecra and what reason was he locked up in the first place? You'll have to stay tuned to find out, as the journey continues!

I didn't include Ash and gang in this chapter because I needed to get the time frame around Ariana and Team Rocket synced up with Ash and company. I'm probably going to have a couple more chapters like this later on, so just a heads up incase you don't like me diverging from the new Hoenn gang story line.

I also have a quick question for you all. Would you mind seeing Jessie, James, and Meowth in the story? The reason I ask is because I haven't written them in yet, and I know some people just don't like them, so I wanted to get your opinion on their inclusion of the story. I honestly don't need them but I'm sure I could use them to advance certain points of the story. Either way I'm leaving that part up to you guys so be sure to comment your opinions.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be out on November 23 between 4:30 and 6:00. Until then thanks for reading! 😁

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