The First Lock Opens

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[Two days before Devon Corp. explosion]
(Granite Cave)

Ariana walked swiftly through the tunnels of Granite Cave. Carrying herself with purpose and poise, she marched down to the entrance of Suecras chamber. The two guards saluted her as she marched into the chamber with Marian and Seraph in tow.

"Well well well. Look who's finally returned. I was starting wonder if you were ever coming back." Suecra mocked from his porcelain prison.

"Nice to see you had so much faith in us." Ariana responded starkly.

"Now now. There's no need to get snippy. I'm sure you have what I asked for."

"Yeah it's right here." Ariana takes her half of Volcanions armor chunk out of her pocket and holds it in front of Suecras vase.

"Hmm. Not much here, but I believe there's enough. Alright, so who's going to be my vessel?"

Ariana, Marian, and Seraph shared a look of unease. "What are you talking about, you never said anything about anyone becoming a vessel. We didn't sign up to be controlled by an ancient talking vase."

"Relax, I have no interest in controlling any of you meat bags. What I meant by vessel is someone to carry around part of my conscious, which would release me from the first cage I've been shoved into."

"So you don't want to control us like some sort of mind controlling parasite?" Seraph asked inquisitively.

"No, and I think you have the role of parasite reversed." Suecra responded sharply.

"Hey who are you calling a parasite!"

"Stand down, Seraph." Ariana ordered flatly.

"Yes, Ma'am." Seraph said bitterly.

"Are you done yet, or do I have to wait another two millennia to get out of here?"

Seraph looked like he was ready to shatter Suecras vase, but contained himself under the supportive gaze of Marian. "Whatever. How does this vessel thing work exactly?"

"Before I explain, I want to know who my vessel is going to be."

The three Team Rocket members exchanged looks, arguing who should become Suecras vessel. Eventually they reached a consensus and Marian stepped forward, ready to accept this new role, when one of the grunts guarding the chamber came floundering in.

"Boss, it's... they just... we have visitors." The grunt said frantically before turning to the entrance. In it stood a man with royal blue hair cut to look like he had cat ears, or devil horns, on his head. He had deep grey pants and turtleneck shirt, with a silver vest covering his torso and accenting a golden G in the center of his chest.

Fanning out behind him were five or six people with bowl cut aqua colored hair and similar white and grey outfits, that used metallic long sleeve shirt in place of the turtleneck. The bowl cut people's appearance also differed from the cat hair mans, in that their vests were inverted from the cat hair mans. Silver sleeves, a black outline and a silver turtleneck with a golden G in the center

The cat hair man strolled into the room, glancing at the walls as if they were the only thing of interest in the room, before coming face to face with Ariana. The two locked eyes and gave each other shark teeth smiles.

"I don't believe we've met before, my names Ariana, I am the second in command for Team Rocket. Who, might I ask, are you?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ariana. My name is Saturn, I am the current leader of Team Galactic."

The two leaders exchanged a handshake that looked more like a hand crushing contest than a friendly greeting.

"What brings you to my little operation, Saturn?"

"I recently received a report saying that the device we leant you, had a strong positive hit around here. This being the strongest readings we have received thus far, I decided to investigate it myself." Saturn walked past Ariana and looked keenly at Suecras vase. "So what can you tell me about this place?"

Ariana was about to respond when Suecra decided to speak up. "Well, this chamber is over sixteen thousand years old. It was originally used as a shrine to the old gods, but became a prison nearly eight millennia later. And while the prisoners might have changed it is still in operation today."

Saturn and his lackeys stared dumbfounded at the talking vase, their faces contorted into bewildered scowls as their minds worked in overdrive to process what was happening. Marian and Seraph to suppress their laughter at the reactions of the Team Galactic members, and Ariana actually snorted at Suecras sarcastic response to Team Galactic.

"I'll take your silence as awed appreciation of this fine institution. Since you seemed to love it here so much, why don't you visit our lovely gift shop. We have creepy chambers T-shirts, snow globes, plushies and other wonderful memorabilia for sale that lets you remember your trip for years to come."

Two clueless Team Galactic members thought Suecra was being serious and asked for matching T-shirts and plushies. They were immediately escorted out of the chamber before Suecra could maim them for their obliviousness to his obvious sarcasm. Once the duo had cleared the room Saturn began speaking to Ariana.

"So, this vase... does it talk a lot?"

"No. Although he does talk a bit more than a normal vase would."

"I have a name you know!" Suecra hissed at Ariana.

"Fine, Saturn let me introduce you to my business partner, Suecra. The Ruler of the Void, the Mad King, yada yada yada."

"Hey! That's my name you're messing with! How would you like it if I messed with your name!?"

Ariana gave Suecra a glare that had daring written all over it, and was practically growling at him "Try Me!"

"You know on second thought, we're getting a bit off topic. Why don't we return to the matter of who my vessel will be?" Suecra said as he masterfully evaded Ariana's wrath.

"Fine." Ariana said metallically, letting Suecra get off easy... this time. "Marian I believe you were about to volunteer yourself."

Marian looked dutifully at Suecra and nodded, once again ready to accept the responsibility. And once again was interrupted by Saturn.

"Hold it, what's all this about vessels and volunteering yourself? Is this some kind of ritualistic only the most worthy kinda thing?"

Marian wasn't sure what Saturn was talking about, but saw this as his way out of becoming a potential puppet and reacted as anyone would have. He lied his ass off.

"Oh yeah, Suecra requires a person with a balance of beauty, strength, and brains to be his vessel. Luckily for me I was the most balanced among my peers and am the most eligible to receive this honor."

"Really? You're the best combination of beauty, bulk and brains that Team Rocket has to offer?"

"Indeed I am. But sadly for me, I can no longer become Suecras vessel."

Saturn tilted his head curiously at Marian. "And why's that?"

"Well it would be a cruel injustice to the magnificent Suecra, if I were to become his vessel instead of you. For the qualities I bear that make me a candidate for this role, simply cannot compete with the quantity of qualities that you hold."

Ariana and Seraph moved closer to Marian as Saturn was thinking out loud how he did possess superior qualities to Marian.

"Dude! What are you doing!?" Seraph whispered as covertly as he could.

"Yeah, what's with this whole thing about qualities needed to be a vessel?" Ariana whispered in a perplexed tone.

Marian took a step away from Saturn to make sure the man was out of earshot before explaining himself.

"I don't know what this vessel thing will do to me and I'd rather have whatever it is happen to him instead of me. Besides if something happens like his brain becomes a vegetable, Team Galactic will be without a leader and Team Rocket could easily take over its remnants."

"Oooh, I like this guy." Suecra whispered joining in with their conversation. "You made up a charade about requiring heightened human aspects to become my vessel, just to boost the cat haired mans ego and convince him to take your place as my vessel... Nice; what part can I play in this little masquerade?"

"Uhh... I guess you could go along with my worthiness story, if you wanted to?"

"Worthiness, gotcha. Okay let's do this thing!"

"Thanks I think?"

"Oh don't be thanking me, I'm just doing this to help the plot along."


"Now if you'll excuse me." Suecra changed the volume of his voice so he sounded more like a deity than a talking vase. "Saturn, leader of Team Galactic! I deme you worthy of becoming my vessel, step forward and claim what is yours!"

Saturn quickly snapped to attention and did as Suecra commanded. When he was within a foot of the vase Suecra blowed, "STOP!" Which caused the ego inflated Saturn to become rather confused.

"Ariana, please give Saturn the essence."

Ariana handed Saturn the chunk of cold red metal before stepping away from him and Suecra.

"Good. Now Saturn touch the essence to the vase and say 'Je prends le loup des vieux teis'."

Saturn placed the metal to the ceramic and recited the words. No sooner had he done this than did the metal in his hand begin to steam and melt. If the liquid metal hurt Saturn he showed no inclination towards pain and simply stood there mesmerized as the Unown on the vase began melting off and joining the mass of molten metal in his hand.

Nearly half the Unown glyphs had melted off before the metal began snaking up Saturns arm. It moved all the way up to his neck before burning itself into his skin. Saturn let out a howl of pain as the metal burned his skin.The whole process lasted no more than twenty seconds and ended with Saturn kneeling on the floor, clutching the right side of his neck.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it." Saturns neck said impudently.

Saturn raised his hand so he could attempt to glare at Suecras handy work, but was only more aggravated with the impossibility of glaring at ones own neck.

"That was awful, what did you do to me!?"

"Oh not much, I just moved my consciousness onto your body in the form of a tattoo. I look pretty sweet, if I do say so myself."

Marian had to agree with Suecra on this one. The tattoo he'd put on Saturns neck was rather sweet, it was a simple wolfs head but was made with shifting red and black metallic ink that shimmered brilliantly even in the dark chamber. If the ink itself wasn't cool enough, ever time Suecra spoke the wolf head moved along with his voice and made it look like Suecra was talking through the tattoo.

Saturn didn't share in Suecra and Marian's appreciation of the artwork and demanded that Suecra remove himself from him that instant.

"Sorry kid, can't do that. If you want me gone you're just going to have to solve the rest of my riddles and collect the keys to my freedom."

"Fine! I'll solve your riddles and then you have to go!"

"Trust me kid there's nothing I'd like more that to be outta here, but we're both stuck for the time being so you'll just have to deal with it."

"Whatever, just tell me your riddles so I can solve them and turn you into a temporary tattoo."

"Yesh you're just a ball of sunshine aren't you. Alright then here's what I need next. A treasure sealed in steel, and lost on a keel. Requires a key of stone, to open the titans throne."

"The heck does that mean... and why are you rhyming?" Saturn asked his new tattoo acidulously.

"Uhhhhhg... I forgot you weren't here for my first explanation." Suecra groaned from Saturns neck. "Okay so, basically I'm a prisoner and my jailers gave me the keys to my cell, but in the form of puzzles that I'm physically unable to solve. As for the rhyming that was either an unfortunate accident on their behalf, or another cruelty they decided I deserved."

"Yeah. Okay. Sure. Why not? I mean it's not crazier than anything else in here."

"That a boy, I knew you'd understand! (Glad I went with you and not the kid over there.) Now we should probably get out of here and get you some Gatorade or something with electrolytes."


"Oh no reason. It's just that the process of keeping me in your body requires a lot of energy and... well I'm basically draining you of your energy."

Across the room Seraph muttered to Marian, "Just like a parasite." Which caused the two to snicker a bit, an action that did not go unnoticed by Suecra.

"Oh and Saturn there's one more thing that I need done before we leave this place."

"What is it, I'd really like to get out of here before you drain me dry." Saturn said pale faced.

"Oh relax, a few Lucinian energy drinks a week and you'll be fine. Now I need you to have someone destroy my old prison. It's really not ideal to keep it around and it would be in everyone's best interest if it were destroyed."

"I really don't understand, but right now very little makes sense. Alright so is there some sort of trick to shattering it?"

"No... Yes. The vase can only be broken with a stone from this chamber-"

"Well that doesn't seem too bad-"

"And there's a possibility of it exploding upon impact-"

"Oh... well we can just rig a system to-"

"A living creature has to be touching the stone in order for the vase to break."

"Ahh... are there any more conditions for it that I should be aware of?"

"Yes, only Beef Cake and Second Place can do this." Suecra said devilishly. His inky eyes moved to look at Seraph and Marian, and his mouth shifted to show a killer toothy smile.

Saturn was about to agree with Suecras terms and have the two Rocket grunts perform the task, with the rest of them at a safe distance away, when Ariana spoke up.

"Why does it have to be these two, what's so special about them that they have to be the ones to do this!?"

"That's unimportant right now. All you need to know is that they have to do it or I won't work with you anymore. And before you argue that I need you to free me from my chains, let me remind you that I also have a deal with Team Galactic and am perfectly fine with working solely with them."

Ariana gritted her teeth, furious with how badly her situation had turned out, and wanted more than anything to grab Saturn and Suecra, and slam the two into Suecras old prison. She might have actually done just that if Seraph hadn't put a paw on her shoulder and brought him to her attention.

"It's alright boss, we both know what this is really about. He is just tickled about the you know what-asites and is taking it out on me and Marian."

"Yeah, I gathered that! But that doesn't mean I have to go along with it!"

Marian walked over, placed his hand on top of Seraphs, and looked Ariana in the eyes. "Listen boss, we all know that right now Suecra holds all of the cards, (which is partially my fault), so all we can do right now is go along with what he says and wait for an opportunity to tip the scales."

"But he said that vase would explode when you break it, I can't let you do this."

Marian and Seraph smiled hopefully at their boss. "Actually he said there's a possibility of it exploding and for all we know he could just be making up that to try and scare us." Seraph said slightly convincingly.

Ariana sighed a defeated sigh and looked at her two lackeys pitifully. "You're not going to try and get out of this, are you?" Both men shook their heads and took a step towards Suecras old prison. Ariana admired their commitment to put others before themselves and showed her grunts her admiration, with a respectful pat on their shoulders as she made her way out of the chamber.

She followed the members of Team Galactic out of Granite Cave, collecting her own members as they snaked their way through the rocks. Eventually they reached the entrance to the cave and began filling out onto the bleach white beach. Just as the last of the two organizations members exited the cave, a large vibration shook the beach causing the mouth of the cave to be filled with dust, debris, and the sand to visibly rise and fall twice.

When the vibrations ceased the beach was silent, save for the crashing of the waves and the calls of the Wingull and Pelipper flying above. A few people began murmuring amongst themselves asking if anyone knew what had happened, and if this had anything to do with the sudden evacuation of the cave. The murmuring eventually grew into full blown conversations that echoed over the beach. Each speculation and theory over the incident only brought more pain to Ariana, who was grieving over her two fallen soldiers with as brave a face as she could muster.

Saturn eventually came over to her side, not so he could talk but so Suecra could.

"I didn't think the blast was going to be that big. When I made the vase I had designed it to blow up more like an oversized pop rock, all flash and bang. It would seem my jailers decided to up the fire power a bit."

"So it would seem." Ariana responded coolly.
She took one last look at the entrance before reluctantly deciding that they hadn't made it.

"Let's go, there's no point in staying here any longer." Ariana turned away and began to round up the chattering members of Team Rocket, ordering them to collect their things and head out to their secondary base of operations in an abandoned warehouse complex near Rustboro City. Saturn and Suecra decided to head to Team Galactic HQ so Suecra could, quote, check out his roommates pad.

Both teams left the beach in a matter of minutes and were long gone when the debris blocking off the mouth of the cave began to shift. The debris kept shifting until it was piling out of the cave, kicking up a cloud of dust in the process that shrouded two people as they emerged from the cave.

As the dust cleared the sun began shining brightly on the two humans. They gratefully absorbed its warmth and let it soak into their cave chilled bones. The light warmed them everywhere... everywhere except for the forearm of the smaller person, which reflected the light with a display of gold, red, and black metallic ink shaped to resemble a fox head.

Hope you all enjoyed, sorry it was so late and I'll try and work faster. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote/ comment and I'll see you next time (hopefully sooner than last time 😅)

Shoutouts: DatPikachuLover Dawnanimations DatOneTrainer Dean_Vez Doom_the_demon_queen DestinyProduction

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