To See You Again

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With Serena and Dena

Serena had just gotten off her plane and was searching the crowd for someone from Birches lab when she heard her name called out. She turned around and saw a face she hadn't been expecting. She immediately broke into a huge smile and walked towards the young brunette girl.

"Dena it's been so long; what are you doing here!?" Serena said while hugging her younger cousin

"Well I'm actually here to pick up a trainer for Professor Birch, but never mind that what are you doing here!?" Dena responded while returning Serena's hug.

Serena broke the hug and looked her cousin in the eyes and blinked a few times. She then broke into a happy little laugh, which earned her a confused look from Dena.

"I just find it funny that we were looking for each other and didn't even know it." Serena said before explaining that she was the trainer Dena was sent to get.

The two girls then shared a laugh before Dena remember that she had a package to give her cousin. She handed it off and watched while Serena delicately opened it. Inside was a new Pokedex, her visa, and a single poké ball. Curious as to what was in it Serena expanded the ball and tossed it up causing the Pokémon inside to land at her feet. When they looked down they saw a blue fish like creature with orange cheeks standing on four feet starting back at them.

"Mudkip!" The mud fish Pokémon cried happily while smiling at its new trainer.

"Hi there my names Serena, it's really nice to meet you," Serena then released her other Pokémon and introduced them, "These are my friends Braixen, Sylveon and Pancham."

Each of the Pokémon went up and greeted the mud fish Pokémon before standing by their trainers side. Dena stood mesmerized by all the Pokémon her cousin had acquired. She then felt a pressure on her foot and looked down to see Torchic staring up at her, patiently waiting to be introduced.

"Oh right! Serena this is my partner Torchic professor Birch gave her to me so I could give you that package." Dena said while Torchic went to get acquainted with the other Pokémon.

Serena and Dena decided to leave the airport and head off to get a bite to eat with their Pokémon on their heels. As they walked they began to talk about what they've been up to. When Serena began to talk about her adventure in Kalos her face put on a light blush which did not go unnoticed by her cousin. Dena instantly began to interrogate Serena on who it was that had found their way into her heart. Serena completely denied that she had any love interest, but was not fooling anyone.

"I don't know what you're talking about Dena, were just friends." Serena said adding a hint of regret on the last part.

Dena heard the sadness in her voice and decided not to press further; lucky she thought of a way out of their current topic.

"Hey Serena would you mind helping me search for my friend. I'm supposed to meet up with him in the food district but he didn't say where." Dena said quickly to change the topic.

"Sure and I'm sure my Pokémon can help out too, right guys?" Serena said getting an enthusiastic response from her Pokémon, "Good, now what does he look like?

After hearing a brief description of Cal from Dena the group splits up and begins searching for him. Less then ten minutes into their search Braixen is drawn towards the sound of a battle. When she gets there she is surprised to see a boy matching Cals description battling alongside a trainer she instantly recognized as Ash. Braixen instantly runs off to find her trainer to tell her that she found much more than just a missing friend. Braixen manages to find Serena outside a cafe with Dena and the rest of the Pokémon.

"Brai! Braixen Brai !" The fire fox Pokémon shouted excitedly, while dragging her trainer in the direction of the battle.

The group followed close behind and soon reached the battlefield. When they got there Dena and most of the Pokémon spotted Cal battling below. Serena however only saw one person whose presence caused a bright blush to bloom on her face and her heart to beat faster. Dena noticed her cousins blush and followed her gaze towards the raven haired boy standing along side Cal.

"I take it you know him?" Dena prompted with a smirk on her face.

"I- we- he's- ehhhh." Serena stuttered each attempt at forming a sentence causing her blush to deepen.

"Calm down Serena," Dena says with a laugh. "Why don't we just enjoy the battle and root for our friends. After its over we can go down and get you two caught up." Dena says completely enjoying her cousins discomfort.

Serena manages to calm down a bit and agrees to watch the remainder of the match.

Earlier with Ash and Callow

Ash and Cal step out onto the battlefield ready to fight. They watch as their opponents strut out onto the other side arrogance in their every step. The referee stepped into the middle of the field and checked to make sure both sides were ready. When he was satisfied he stepped off to the side of the field and began the final round.

"Sudowoodo prepare for battle!", "Get to it Kingdra!"

Out came a brown tree like Pokémon with three green bulbs on its hands, alongside a blue Seahorse Pokémon with a sleek body and a single large fin on it's back.

"Pikachu, Treeko, Go!" Ash and Cal said in sync.

The two sides faced off waiting for the other to make the first move. Ash and Cal decided to strike first.

"Use Quick Attack!"

Pikachu and Treeko put on a boost of speed and began running towards the opposing Pokémon; zigzagging in front of one another in order to confound their opponents. Both Pokémon manage to land a critical hit but do little damage.

"Sudowoodo use Hammer Arm!", "Kingdra Agility!"

Kingdra relaxes its body and boosts its speed. Meanwhile Sudowoodo's arms begin to glow bright brown and it slams into Pikachu knocking the electric mouse backwards. Pikachu manages to recover from the blow and land on his feet.

"Treeko Bullet Seed!", "Pikachu Thunderbolt!" Ash and Cal yelled.

"Sudowoodo use Rock Tomb to defend!" "Kingdra use Twister!"

The tree gecko launched a volley of seeds at Kingdra only to have them scattered by a twister. Pikachu released a strong jolt of electricity that was deflected by large rocks Sudowoodo had formed in front of itself.

"Sudowoodo use Rock Throw!", "Kingdra Dragon Pulse!"

"Pikachu smash those rocks with Iron Tail!", "Treeko counter with Energy Ball!"

Pikachu encased its tail in iron and shattered all the rocks Sudowoodo hurled at it while Treeko's Energy Ball collided with Kingdra's dragon pulse creating a miniature explosion.

The battle raged on like this for some time, both sides refusing to give an inch. Each side matching blow for blow, until Ash came up with a plan. After briefly explaining it to Cal they set it into motion.

"Treeko jump onto Pikachu's back and hold on!", "Pikachu get up close to Sudowoodo with a Quick Attack!"

"Sudowoodo Hidden Power!" "Kingdra Hydro Pump!"

Treeko clasped onto the yellow mouse as it ran towards the rock type Pokémon. They managed to dodge the incoming attacks by using the smashed rocks that littered the battlefield as cover. When the two Pokémon got within a few feet of Sudowoodo Cal began the next phase of the plan.

"Treeko jump off and use Double Team followed up by Energy Ball!", "Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"

Treeko detached itself from Pikachu and made a dozen copies of itself. Each copy formed a green sphere of energy and launched them at the vulnerable rock type. Each blow feeling as real as the last; unable to withstand such an attack Sudowoodo fainted leaving Kingdra all on its own. Currently the water type was locked in combat with Pikachu, who was having difficulty landing an attack.

"Kingdra use Twister!"

"Pikachu use your Iron Tail as an anchor!"

The electric mouse hardened its tail and dug into the ground as the dragon type attack slammed into him. Treeko was less fortunate and was knocked back by the raging winds; he slammed against several stones on the field and suffered significant damage. When the attack subsided Treeko was struggling to get back on his feet. Pikachu had suffered less damage from the attack but was still finding it difficult to keep upright.

"Kingdra Hydro Pump!"

The Seahorse Pokémon released a powerful torrent of water at the yellow mouse causing its tail to get dislodged and throwing it backwards next to Treeko. The little mouse Pokémon was struggling to get back on his feet and Ash felt helpless to help his partner. That was until he heard a familiar voice ring out through the crowd.

"Ash don't give up till it's over!"

Those few words resonated in Ash and filled him with newfound determination. Pikachu, sensing that Ash wasn't giving up, managed to regain his footing and stood up taller. This act of loyalty from Pikachu caused the crowd to erupt in cheers for Ash and Callow to win.

"Alright Pikachu use Electro Ball!", "Treeko Energy Ball!"

"Kingdra Dragon Pulse!"

Pikachu and Treeko let loose their attack putting all their remaining energy behind the moves. The two spheres began spinning around each other until they merged into each other, forming a larger green sphere that was cracking with electricity. They crashed into Kingdra's move and then smashed straight through dealing massive damage to the water type. Kingdra remained standing for a moment more before succumbing to the damage it took and fainting. The referee ran out onto the field and announced the results of the contest.

"Kingdra is unable to battle! Pikachu and Treeko win, meaning the victors are Ash and Callow congratulations! And thank you to all our other contestants!"

Ash and Cal collected their exhausted Pokémon and went to thank the other team for the battle, only to be met with a scoff and a vengeful glare. Deciding it best not to pursue them any further Ash and Cal went to claim their prizes. After they had claimed their rewards they were swarmed by people congratulating them on winning and praising them for their spectacular battling. During this time a young brunette girl ran up to Cal and hugged him around the neck, before realizing what she had just done and jumped off her face turning a deep red. She

"Dena are you alright? You look a little red." Cal said oblivious to the reason she was so red.

"Yeah I'm fine! It must be my adrenaline pumping from watching your battle!" Dena said very flustered.

Ash felt someone tapping on his shoulder and turned around to see a smiling Serena standing behind him.

"Hey Ash its been a while." Serena said smiling sweetly. Upon seeing her smile Ash's heart beat a little faster, but he just dismissed it as an after battle adrenaline rush.

"Yeah it's great to see you again." Ash said flashing her his signature toothy grin.

The group began to get acquainted with one another, until two stomachs interrupted their conversation.

"Hehe sorry we've been so busy battling we never got anything to eat." Ash said slightly embarrassed.

"Why don't you two join us for a bite to eat, our treat of course." Cal said holding up the discount coupons they had won.

The girls gladly accepted their offer and walked with them into the restaurant. Meanwhile a shadowy figure is lurking just outside of the groups sight; observing and taking mental notes about them before walking away to report to his commander.

Who is this shadowy figure and what interest does his commander have in our heroes? You'll have to stay tuned to find out, as the journey continues!

First this was a super long chapter. Second I hope you guys are enjoying my story. I figured it was about time I added some amour into this book, and I wanted to thank everyone who voted on my story. Hope you all will stick around for the next chapter, don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks for reading.

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