Diary 3: Crushed To Love

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This OS is about Gauri, a college going student who has a crush on college's popular guy Omkara, what will happen when he notices her?

To know more, do read. . .

(I have also written a RagLak version on RagLak Diaries)

Sorry for any mistakes, errors and inconveniences 🌸

Diary 3:
Crushed To Love:

"She has a crush on you."

"No I don't."

"She does, read her diary." Riddhima says as she forwards my diary to Om.

Om held the diary and starts scanning his eyes through it. My heart thumped and I took my steps away. This was so awkward, I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want Om to find out like this. I was meant to tell him that I like him, not Riddhima!

My eyes started to water and I turned around, running away than facing more embarrassment and humiliation. Why would Om ever like me, I don't even match his standards. I don't think I'll ever be able to face him or anyone anymore after what happened today.

While running out of the college premises, I stopped by a park and sat on the bench, closing my eyes and starting to sob which eventually led me to divulge my tears. I was so stupid to think Om would ever give me a chance, I was nothing but a unattractive piece of chunk which everyone would love to scoop away from their lives. Just like my father did.

Yes, my father disowned me, he never thought how it would affect me and all of a sudden left me and my mother to die just to get married to his long lost lover, Sharmishta Bose, who is now his wife, Sharmishta Tripathi. I hate my father, even if he comes in front of me, I would never forgive him and this time I will disown him!

I opened my eyes as I stared into space, life was really hard. I never thought this would surprise me on the last day of college! I always had a crush on Om but I don't know why I got selfish and decided to get noticed by him, if I kept back and secretly crushed over him then his ex girlfriend Riddhima would've never gotten possessive about him and wouldn't have decided to ruin it for me by embarrassing me in front of everyone!

What must Om be thinking about me? I even ruined our friendship that he offered, he had also told me that I'm a great friend and I even ruined our friendship!
I continued to cry while the moments of the past spent with Om flash in my mind.

We met. . .

Flashback: (In no ones POV)

Gauri was walking towards her class until she heard two voice quarrelling and stops, turning to the side and seeing Om and Riddhima.

"It's over."

"You can't over me!" Riddhima yells and he walks away.

Gauri, who heard him say 'it's over' grins widely as finally, Om was freed from Riddhima's clutches.

Gauri heads back to her classroom with a smile, her mind was focused more on how Om looked cute rather than the argument or the lesson.

"Mr Nayak. The team is ready for the basketball match, bring your students down in 5 minutes." A staff informed and walks away.

Gauri got excited as Om plays for the basketball team and going to watch would mean she is going to see Om. She knows he would look dashing while playing the match, not being able to wait, she turns back around and rushes out without the consent of the teacher.

As she was walking, she rushes past the changing room to head towards the stadium but stops after hearing some sounds.

"Urghh! What was it again? Mann mein shraddha. . ." She tilts her head back while arching her back, seeing Om stand in the changing room trying to remember something.

Her heart skips a beat and she stands straight, walking towards the door and peeking her head in. Seeing Om tensed confused her, she wanted to go and help but wasn't sure if she should go in front of him.

"Mann mein shraddha. . ." He continued trialling off while smacking his palm with his hand, not getting it.

"Mann mein vishwas ho toh kuch bhi kar paaoge." Om looks up and around to see who said that but couldn't hear anyone.

Gauri, who had hid behind the wall continues. "Trust yourself and you'll do everything you thought you couldn't." She adds.

He gazed around and walks forward, heading towards the door. Hearing footsteps coming close, she swiftly turns, not realising her earring fell and starts to run away before Om could see her.

Om finally popped his head out, looking around and not finding anyone. Her soft voice and words ring through his mind again, making him wonder who it could've been.

Before he could walk away, his eyes falls on the earring and he bends down, picking it up.

"Om. Are you ready?" One of his teammates ask and Om stands up.

He turns to the side and clenches onto the earring. "I'll be out in 5." His teammate shakes his head and walks away while Om walked back into the changing room, placing the earring in his locker and walking away.

Gauri, who was walking towards the stadium stops and touches her ears, feeling an earring missing from one ear.

"Fudge, where did I drop it?" She mummers to herself and tries to remember.

Before she could leave, her teacher catches her and tells her to join the other students. Gauri unwillingly walks with her teacher and hides one of her ear.

Om walks out and prepares himself for the match, remembering those words he had heart. He inhales a deep breath and signals the captain to start.

Gauri starts to admire him from a distance and he starts to play.

She realised she needed to find her earring and stands up, lying she had to go to the toilet to be excused.

The team manages to get decent scores, it was 10 - 11 and the other team were in the lead. The referee and others declared a 2 minute break before the final match.

Gauri manages to reach the changing room and starts to search by the door.

"Where is it?" She sighs to herself and continues searching.

Om, who forgets his water bottle in the changing room rushes up to get it.

Gauri enters the changing room and scans her eyes on the floor. She hears footsteps and looks on, finding a place to hide and Om enters.

He manages to see her swift behind the locker and walks towards his, which was two lockers away from the one she was hiding behind.

"You're here for your earring?" Om asks and Gauri widens her eyes.

"Did he see me?" She whispers to herself and then sighs.

"Yes." Gauri replies with a frown.

He takes steps forward and her heart races after realising it was Om. "Noo. Don't come close." She says and pulls the Dupatta over her head, covering her face.

Om creases his forehead. "Why?" He asks and Gauri inhales a deep breath.

"I mean you don't need to take trouble to come, you can place it on the bench and I'll collect it."

Om curves a confused smile and then places the earring on the bench.

"What if I want to see you?" He asks.

"I don't want you to." Gauri utters and then smacks her own forehead.

"I mean you see loads of faces, I'm sure you won't remember mine. I don't even look good. So there won't be any point in seeing me." She adds and Om was now tempted to see her face.

"You have a match to play for? You're gunna get late." She reminds and he looks at his water bottle.

"Thank you for reminding me. Two minutes must be already over." He sighs and turns around and starts heading out.

Gauri, who had her face covered walks out and leans forward to reach her earring. Om turns just before leaving and sees the side of her face covered with her pink dupatta. He scans her from head and toe, now remembering what she was wearing. He could easily spot her among everyone now.

He wasted no time and rushed out while Gauri let go of her dupatta as it slid down. She smiles and starts pinning her earring in her earlobe while walking out.

"Om spoke to me! Ahhhh!" She excitedly whispers while sticking the earring on her ear and she inhales a deep breath to control her excitement.

"ARS Campus won!" The announcement was made and Gauri smiles.

"Our college! Urgh, I missed to see Om's final strikes." Gauri sighs a dismay and heads towards the stadium.

She sees the team cradling and hugging each other to cherish their victory. She walks towards the place she was sitting and picks her bag up, walking away with the students.

Om walks back to the changing room and starts to get changed, he knows college is about to end in 20 minutes and before it does, he wants to meet the girl, Gauri.

After getting changed, he rushes out and scans his eyes around. Girls walk past and begin to admire him but he ignores them. Riddhima sees him and ignores him but watches him search for someone.

He finally spots her by the clothes and sees her heading towards the college gate. He instantly walks over while she was heading towards the exit.

"Excuse me." Om calls out and Gauri stops, she turns and sees Om.

Om sees her face at last, Gauri looks around to see if it was someone else he was calling.

"Yes you." He says and Gauri looks at him.

'Why is he calling me.' Gauri asks herself nervously and Om approaches her.

Gauri's heartbeats increase and she gulps, Riddhima and everyone look at her.

Om sees her earrings and was confirmed that the girl in the changing room was none other than Gauri.

"W. . . What happened?" She nervously asked while blinking at him. "Did someone stick something on my back?" She whispers.

Om shakes his head negatively. Gauri nervously looks away and thinks why he stopped her.

"Then why did you stop me?" She innocently asks and he stares at her, trying to figure something out.

"Was it you who came to get your earring from the changing room?" Gauri slowly nods positively.

"Why were you hiding?" He asks, wondering and Gauri looks away, trying to think of something.

She wanted to tell him that if he's in front of her then she can't get her words out right but she couldn't. Only she could feel her heartbeats beat loudly.

"L. . . Like I said. . . I." She struggled to speak while he waited for an answer.

She inhaled a deep breath. "What's that?" She asks while staring at something behind Om.

Om turns around and sees nothing.
"What?" He asks and turns back around, he was surprised to see her gone. He glanced around and watched her rushing out of the gate.

"Oh gosh Gauri! Why did this happen. This is so embarrassing, I created a bad impression in front of him. Now he will think I'm a Bhagodi." She curses herself under her breath and finally walks far away from the college.

She rushed forward and he walks out too, he turns his head to the side and sees her running away.

She finally grabs an Rickshaw and sits inside it.

"Weird." Om says to himself and then let's out a small chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.


After a while, Om enters his house and was being forced to go to a ceremony. He first disagreed but due to the pressure of his mother and chachi, he agreed.

He started getting ready with the help of his mother and chachi while the other members also get ready.


Gauri, who had reached home was also forced to be dressed due to the sangeet ceremony of a girl in their colony.

Gauri was dressed in blue attire and ready to walk down to help with arrangements if needed.

Gauri smiled at few Aunties who looked at her.

"Looking pretty." One of the Aunty compliments and Gauri blew a flying kiss at her.

She then gets a smack from her mother on the arm and she pouts.


"Shh! Help with the preparations, don't just stand here."

Gauri rubs her arm with a pout and walks towards the flowers, picking up the basket and walking to the other side.

After a while. The colony was decorated and guests begin to enter. Om also enters with the family. He sighs at first until his eyes fall on Gauri, who had put the tray of mehendi cones near the bride.

She stands up and then sighs a relief with a smile and turns, her eyes fall on Om. At first she thought it was a dream and looks away, when she stares at him again, he disappeared and she tapped her head, turning around and jerking back after seeing him standing in front of her.

"Where are you going to run off to now?" He asks while looking at her and holds her hand, shocking her.

Gauri's heartbeats increase and she takes steps back while he comes closer. He then slides his hand around her waist, making her gasp and stare at him shockingly.

"Didn't anyone tell you that you look cute when you give these expressions?" Gauri could feel butterflies in her stomach hearing the compliment but at the same time, her nervousness took over.

She plainly blinked at him and he inches near her ear. "I still want my answers, I won the match because of you. If you didn't come on the right time to correct me, then I wouldn't have focused on the match and won it." He whispers and she feels his breath blow near her ears and clenches her fist.

"Why were you hiding and why did you run off?" He asks and moves back but still held onto her hand.

"I. . ." She struggled to reply while he nodded for her to continue. 'I like you and which girl would go in front of her crush?' She says in her mind and not having the courage to tell him.

"You are a popular boy. Why would you. . . Give attention to a girl like me? You wouldn't probably remember my name let alone face and. . . It was awkward seeing everyone look at me while you were talking to me, they would've misunderstood. So. I ran." She completed and looked down, admitting to running away.

"Misunderstood?" He questions and she continues to look down.

"Like a I said, they would think why would a popular boy like you talk to a girl like me. They might think I did something to gain your attention because you wouldn't ever notice me on your own, would you?" She utters and looks up at him after asking him.

He has a think about it and Gauri glances down at him holding her hand, she was happy but nervous at the same time.

"Isn't that Om?" A girl whispers to another girl

"Yeahh." The girl utters as she sees Gauri and him. "What is he doing with that girl?" She adds.

"More importantly, why is he holding her hand." The first girl jealously utters while sliding her gazes down at their hands.

"What a cheap girl, I wonder what she must've did to get Om to hold her hand. She should've waited like other girls, he just broke up with Riddhima and that girl already started making plans to trap him." Another girl says while joining the two and staring at Gauri and Om with jealousy.

"There's someone behind you." Gauri softly utters while looking at Om.

He looks at Gauri "I'm not falling for that trick again." He utters and Gauri shakes her head. "I'm not lying." She utters.

She seemed like we was telling the truth so Om turned and saw his mother Jhanvi standing behind him.

He had turned but failed to let go of Gauri's hand, which she expected he would so she could escape. It's embarrassing for her to stand in front of her crush and act stupid.

"Maa, this is my college friend." Om introduces and Gauri looks on at Om after hearing the word 'friend'.

Jhanvi looked at the two suspiciously after seeing him hold her hand. "Just friends?" She questions and he shakes his head positively.

"What's her name?" Om was speechless, he slowly turns his head towards Gauri as he doesn't know her name.

"Gauri." Gauri responds and moves her gazes towards Jhanvi.

"Do tell me if he troubles anyone or even you in college. I'll sort him out." Jhanvi jokingly utters, trying to fit in which sort of failed.

"Not happening Maa. You go enjoy with ladies your age. You'll have more fun." He replies and Gauri presses her lips to control her chuckle.

Jhanvi glares at him before walking away and Om turns towards Gauri.

"So Gauri, would you like to be my friend?" Gauri seemed to have froze as butterflies danced in her stomach, her heartbeats were increasing and she couldn't believe it. It merely seemed like a dream for her to accept its reality. He said her name, her name which he probably wouldn't have ever said if they didn't meet due to the earring.

"I'm not bad. . . Am I?" He asks a question again, unfreezing Gauri. Gauri instantly shakes her head negatively.

"Then friends?" She nods positively, not thinking about anything and just accepting his friendship.

"Friends." She responds, wanting to scream, dance and happily jump around but she had to control or else she would've been seen like a lunatic.

He curves a small smile and just then the music turns on as everyone celebrate the sangeet of the would-to-be-bride.

Gauri walks forward and stops as she realises her hand was still locked into Om's hold.

"I need to use the washroom." Om whispers right near her ear, making her flinch and she turns her head towards him while he moves back.

She signs him to follow her and she starts walking while he follows her, finally leaving her hand. Gauri took him inside her house and headed towards the bathroom, he looked around the house while entering and following.

"There's the toilet." She guides and he nods, walking inside.

After he closes the toilet door. Gauri falls back and hits her back on the wall. She couldn't believe Om, her crush just befriended her. It was totally impossible he would've and when he did, she felt like it was a dream.

After pinching herself to assure it's not a dream, she silently claps her her hand and jumps up and down. She then composes herself after hearing the toilet lock unbolt and stands straight.

He opens the door and sees her standing in front of him, his eyes seemed to be gawking at her. Her toned figure kept catching his attention, he didn't realise when he tripped and fell onto Gauri, who stumbles back and looses her balance.

The two fall onto the floor, her back touching the floor and him on top of her. She slightly shivers feeling his hot breath on her neck while he closes his eyes, inhaling her fragrance.

"I'm sorry." He apologises as he gets off from her and she instantly opens her eyes.

He stands up and forwards his hand, she grabs onto it and he pulls her up.

The two walk back out and enjoy the sangeet.

The next day, Om began to introduce Gauri to everyone as his friends which irked Riddhima the most. Gauri and Om began to spend more time together, opening up and joking around.

Riddhima and few other girls would never miss a chance to burn in jealousy, Riddhima even tries to create a rift which doesn't work as Om doesn't trust Riddhima anymore. Om even told Gauri the reason why he broke up with Riddhima, which was because she kissed his friend Raghav while having a relationship with him.

A week passed and Gauri and Om's bond of friendship had developed and increased. She never thought that her crush would befriend her and spend time to know her. Om knew Gauri was the right choice as with her, he could simply be himself, even when people are watching. Him, joking 24/7, teasing Gauri, running away after annoying Gauri and just laughing at Gauri's cute reactions made Riddhima fume as he never did this with Riddhima. Riddhima decided that she wanted Gauri and Om separate under any cost. Gauri had started admiring and liking Om even more. All Om tells people is that they're friends when people raise a question.

Gauri believes her crush for him crushed into love which she was too afraid to think about as she knows he doesn't want to be in any relationship for a while after what happened between him and Riddhima.

Riddhima comes across Gauri's diary which fell out of her bag after she hurriedly left the classroom. Riddhima starts to read it and smirks.

"Om wants to keep it up to friendship. What will he do after he finds out his so called friend has a crush on him, this would make it awkward for the both and they would eventually part ways. Great, I'll show him tomorrow." Riddhima says to herself and slides the diary inside her bag.

The next day finally arrived, the last day of college. All the students received their graduation certificate in the morning and now were ready for a prom which was held in the evening, to cherish the last moments of the students.

Gauri was looking stunning in her royal blue gown, according to Om. They two walked to college but little did they know a surprise was waiting for them. Right outside the hall entrance was stood Riddhima with Gauri's diary. Gauri looks on and Riddhima starts to tell Om about how Gauri likes him.

She started to poison him and say that she only wanted his friendship to stay close to him to show off. Gauri ran away while Om read her diary which Riddhima had handed.

He checked the dates and looked on, reading when Gauri first saw him and what she felt.

End of Flashback


I finished reading her diary, I looked at Riddhima who was smiling at me as if she did a great job. She ruined everything!

"See Om . ."

"I love her." I uttered, seeing Riddhima form shocking expressions. They're not even cute as Gauri's.

Yes, it's true, I love Gauri and I started falling for her straight after we met at the Sangeet. She was the girl who understood me for who I was and accepted the real me, she's the one who wouldn't get offended when I joke with her, she was the one with who I could be myself without any limitations and I can't afford to lose her. She's became my life and I can't see her parting away from me.

"Om, are you. . ."

"I love her Riddhima. Don't ask me when and how but I can't imagine to part ways from her! You ruined it for me. Straight after the prom, I was going to propose to her but you had to put your fat nose in between us!" I lashed out at her irked and walked away to find Gauri.

Today I was going to propose but this Riddhima ruined it! I couldn't find anyone better than Gauri. I wanted her to be my girlfriend and I don't see a problem in making her my wife.

I rushed outside and looked around, not being able to spot her. I walked further down, I need her in front of my eyes. If she had a crush on me, why didn't she ever tell me.

Why didn't she tell me while we started opening up. I need her to answer this or I won't feel at peace.

Where are you Gauri!



I had managed to walk inside the colony. I can't stay here anymore. I won't be able to face Om. I told Maa that I'm ready to shift to Chittorghar where her sister and brother resides, I don't mind starting a new life there.

"Gauri, are you ready?" Maa asks and I turn to her with a small fake smile.

"Yes, lets go." I uttered, finishing packing my suitcase and zipping it up.

Yes, we are leaving today, in fact right now. Maa walked towards me and helped with the dragging of my suitcase. I quickly went to the washroom and took off the prom dress, I got into my normal wear and walked out.

The taxi driver was also here by then, he was taking all 6 luggage's of ours and I could see him mummer a disappointment to himself. He must be tired of coming back in and dragging the suitcases back again.

Maa should be helping him instead of just warning him to have the luggage taken safely. There were three left and I walked towards one. The taxi driver came back and this time took two, I picked up the shoulder bag and hung it on my shoulder.

"Maa, lets go." I say and Maa nods, stepping out of the house with me and locking it.

I will miss this and would miss Om the most, but it's better if I go away than being called a 'betrayer'. What must Om be thinking about me, he treated me as a friend and now, he found out I have a crush on him. How awkward would it be for him.

We finally began walking out and reached the taxi, the taxi man helped with the final luggage by placing it on top of his taxi. Wouldn't it fall out.

He tightened it with a strap and sat inside, me and Maa also sat inside and he drove off.



I reached the colony and headed towards their house, to my surprise, it was locked. Where could they be?

I saw an Aunty walking past and approached her.

"Do you know where Gauri and her Maa are?"

"They left." The Aunty replied.

"Left? What? Where?"

"I don't know." She replies again and walks away.

They left, how, why and when, how can she leave me and why did she leave! She can't leave without answering a question I need to ask her, she can't be a bhagodi again. She ran the first time and now I can't allow her to run again.

I need to find out where she is. I slid my phone out of my pocket and dialled her number but it wouldn't connect me with her. It's saying she's out of service.

No, she can't leave me and go. I won't be able to stay happy without her. I just can't let her go.


That day Om searched at the bus stand but couldn't find her, he made it to the train station but unfortunately 10 minutes late as Gauri's train had left.

That day Gauri and Om had separated, Om seemed as if he had lost everything while Gauri was unaware of Lakshya's feelings towards her.


A Year Later

A year had successfully passed, Om had joined his family business and supported them, earning a position at his company. He had everything he needed, money, family, the life he wanted, the luxuries but what he didn't have was Gauri.

Though he would've gotten another girl, Gauri was his first love and he wanted time to forget her and move on, which was impossible at this rate. He still hopes on meeting her, his life seemed to have no fun in it at all, that day he had lost his laugh and now, his life has merely boredom filled in it. He doesn't joke anymore and neither laughs at jokes, he was an absolute bore.

His mother wanted him to get married but not being able to forget Gauri, he declines it with the excuse of stabling himself first. Today he had a business meeting with Shekhar Tripathi, Gauri's father and he called it off, remembering how much pain he had caused Gauri. Gauri had shared about her so called father with Om, to which Om sympathised with.

He was driving back from the meeting, thinking about the past and wondering where Gauri would be.


Gauri, who was playing with children chases them and doesn't realise she was about to dash into a car, which stops with a sudden screech.

"I'm so sorry." She apologised and her eyes widen as she sees Om step out from the car.

He couldn't believe his eyes either, for him it was like a dream which he fears could blow away if he hopes too much.

"Gauri?" He asked and she blinked at him, he walks towards her while she gazes away, before she could turn to go away, he holds her hand and slides his hand over her waist, hearing a release of gasp and knowing it was her, he pulls her into a hug. Shocking her.

"Where were you! Why did you leave before talking to me? You knew I can't sit at peace until I get the answer to my question, they why did you leave without talking to me?" He shouted, breaking the hug and looking at her.

Gauri freed herself and looks away, feeling sad and not being able to meet his eyes.

"Why aren't you replying now?" He questioned and she keeps quiet.

She was guilty that she left him unanswered but at that time, she didn't have the courage to face him. Who knew luck would make them meet on the street of Mumbai, in such a big city where they could've been anywhere.

"Gauri, answer me!" He demands and she gazes at him with teary eyes.

"I. . . I couldn't tell you I liked you. Don't you understand, crush is meant to be kept a secret so why would I tell you I have a crush on you? Plus why would a guy like you ever like a girl like me?"

"Enough of saying that Gauri. What guy like me? Haan? I'm like every other guy who likes a girl who's cute like you. You're saying this as if I'm a king or a prince who has standards. No, I don't and it's true, I don't! If I did then I would've had Riddhima by my side right now but I don't and do you know why? Because I like you Gauri. I like you only and I have only loved you. You made me realise what love was and if you turn your face away then why should I love you?" Gauri bluntly blinks at him, not believing what he had just said and he holds her by the shoulders.

"I was going to propose to you, straight after the prom but you left, why? Why do you always think that guys me can't get attracted to girls like you? You're cute, understanding, caring, loving and what else do I need from you? You make me ME, you make me take my breath and realise who I really am, you don't judge and tell me to change, in fact you appreciate me for who I am. Why would I let a gem like you on loose? Wouldn't I want you for myself? I do and will always want to stack you above my trophies to show that you're the only achievement that makes me proud of myself and life." He adds and lets go of her shoulders, her eyes seep and she looks down.

There was a silence now, Om was waiting for Gauri to respond but realising she wasn't going to say anything, he releases a sigh and turns, but before he could turns fully, Gauri pulled him into a hug and let her tears seep out of her eyes.

Om was startled at first but later hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Om, I thought. . ."

"Shhh!" He hushes her and strokes her back, closing his eyes and hugging her right.

"I love you Gauri."

"I love you too Om." Gauri confesses and the two break the hug, he cups her face with a small smile. "Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?" She shakes her head positively while wiping her tears and he kisses her cheek.

Gauri couldn't believe it, her crush had proposed to her and asked if she would want to marry him. This merely seemed like a dream for Gauri, she feels like the next minute she will wake up and all of this would be gone.

Straight after their reunion, Gauri and Om made it official by telling Gauri's mother and the Oberoi's. Shekhar had also heard but he wasn't invited at all to any of the functions as Gauri wasn't happy with him and Om didn't want to spoil her mood.

Crushed To Love, this was technically Gauri's journey, her crush had been crushed into love and now, they were going to spend the rest of their life together. It was like a fairytale and every fairytale has a positive ending.

The End

Hi everyone, sorry for a rushed and messy One Shot. I thought to write about this as many time this concept pops up but of course, others wrote it better.

I hope you liked my attempt and do drop down your comments right below if you all enjoyed it and don't forget to vote please ♥️.

Now about the next One Shot, what should I base it on?

Am I allowed to base it on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'?

Will be looking forward for the answer and your lovely feedbacks regarding this OS 😘.

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