Drabble 12 What If I lost her?

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10.      There was a 'what if' that I wanted to watch in the show. It was- what if during that whole Arjun Shashtri thing (that was that name of the teacher right?) instead of accusing Gauri of terrible things, Omkara had assumed that Gauri had really moved on with someone?

Can you write a Drabble about it? It could show confused and terrified Omkara who is afraid that Gauri would leave him. Omkara would be really restless and have a messy conversation with Gauri where he would just blurt out how much she actually means to him and then Gauri would confess her feelings just the way she planned to —> StarLord_Owen

Arjun and Gauri....Arjun and Gauri... Omkara tried hard to forget that he had seen his Wife's Name on that register of the Hotel. What if she had really found someone else? What if she planned on leaving him? Was he ready for that? Was he ready to let her go?

Why shouldn't she move on...A Voice in his head said. You never treated her as your wife, you can't answer her questions. What do you expect her to do? Wait for you forever?

Omkara stopped the car and closed his eyes in agony. His heartbeat was irregular.

"I can't lose her..."He whispered and knew in that Moment that he had to talk to her.

Too many times had he misunderstood her, to many times had he judged her before knowing the whole story but not this time. He had to give her the chance of explaining.

For once I have to trust before I judge.... Please Gauri....Please have a good explanation...

He restarted his car and reached the Oberoi mansion in minutes. Entering the House, he looked for his Wife who was sitting by the Pooja room. It seemed like she had just returned from her trip and her eyes were closed while she was praying and for a Minute he stopped to look at her. She looked beautiful with her long curly Hair swept to One side showing off her backless salwar top, the soft smile on her rosy lips.
His Wife was truly a sight to behold. Wife...She is your Wife Omkara...It's about time you have to think of her that way. The Truth was he always did, ever since he asked her to stay back, ever since he got to know her she became his wife. Unconsciously he had always considered her as his life partner but something held him back. He knew nothing about her, nothing about the Woman he had deep feelings for but the fear of losing her made him see things more clearly. He couldn't lose her without a fight. Not if he still had the chance to win her heart, her love. Omkara Singh Oberoi needed to become a true Ishqbaazi.


Gauri opened her eyes when she heard her Husband softly calling out her Name. She turned to him with a smile surprised at his tone.

"Kya Hua Omkaraji? Do you need something?" She asked while offering him Prasad. He declined and asked her to bring him some tea. He knew he was stalling their conversation but he needed to get his mind straight. Surprised by his request she walked into the kitchen at prepared the tea. All the while thinking about her surprise. She was finally ready to confess to him, he deserved to know. He should know everything about her and then she would tell him. Just thinking about her Love for him made her smile.

A smile that didn't go unnoticed by her Husband who was watching her. His heart pained thinking that maybe someone else could be the reason for her happiness.

He walked back to their Bedroom and sat down on his stool to work on a sculpture when Gauri entered 10 minutes later with his tea. She smiled at him faintly, served him his tea and then began unpacking her suitcase. Both were silent for a while. Omkara turned and watched her taking out a gift and a Card while she smiled to herself; even blushing a little.

Was that a gift from that Arjun? Why would she openly take that out?

Did she want him to see it? Was she planning on hurting him? Many questions that didn't find any answers. Omkara sighed helplessly and Gauri turned around looking at him confused. What was wrong with himtoday, she thought.

"Kya Hua Omkaraji? You look so lost." She stepped closer to him and he turned away.

Her bitter laugh made him turn back to her and he saw tears in her eyes. Her tears stung his heart likes knifes and he hated himself for always treating her wrong. It seemed like he was incapable of making her happy.

"I am not surprised that you won't share your worries with me...After all I am not your wife right? I am just the Bahu of this House...Nothing else..." Omkara could hear the sadness in her voice and his heart hurt when she said those words.

You are so much more Gauri, I just don't know how to tell you what I feel,He thought helplessly. When she saw that he wouldn't say anything she walked back to her suitcase.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come back. Your life would be better that way, right? Do you want me to go? Do you want a divorce? I can't keep living like that! What do you want Omkaraji...What?"

Her back was turned to him and he saw her holding on to the gift and the Card; pressing them to her chest while tears rolled down her face. And that made something in him click, he stood up and walked towards her.

Sensing his presence, she hid the card and the gift and was ready to walk out of the room when he got hold of her wrist.

"Let my Hand go."

"Gauri Listen..."

"No! I won't....I was patient for so long...I was missing you so much while I was gone but it seems like you didn't care? Did you even miss me? Did you even think about me where I was or with whom? Do you even care about me?" Omkara closed his eyes just thinking about the possibility that she could have been with that Man. His fears started to take real form and he pulled her closer to him; grabbing her Shoulders.

Gauri looked at him in Shock feeling his Breath on her Face; his lips only inches away from hers.

"I care more than you think Gauri...I do." His Voice was soft and she sensed pain. What was causing him that pain?

"Then why are you behaving that way with me?" Ignoring her question, he looked deep into her eyes. She shivered feeling his lips kissing her softly on her cheek.

"Where were you Gauri? And with whom?"

When she didn't answer right away he let go of her and turned away. She sighed and was about the answer when he went on his knees; her hands in his.

"Omkaraji what are you doing?"

"Please don't leave me for him Gauri. Please don't. I can't lose you...Don't you know by know what I feel for you? Don't you know what place you hold in my life? When I saw you messaging someone else, when that Arjun called for you I died inside. I was trembling, scared that you might have found someone who treated you the way you deserved to be treated...I...even followed him."

He looked up at her and saw her shocked expression, she knelt down and cupped his face in her Hands. He closed his eyes; his heartbeat calming down due to her touch. But he needed to say what was in his mind, no matter how confusing it mind sound to her.

"I followed him to a hotel Gauri...There was your name next to his. Did you move on? Did you finally found someone worthy of your love? If so please don't tell me...I don't know If I can bare that thought...I just needed to make sure my eyes weren't saying the truth. I needed to know from you what the truth was....what If I was wrong and judged you causing you to really go away from me...but what when I was right and you did find someone who loves and cherish you, what would I do?" His eyes filled with tears and he began placing soft kisses over her face. Gauri closed her eyes and cried. Her heart broke seeing his confusion, his fear and then it hit her. He loved her the way she loved him.

Cupping his face in her hands she leaned forward and kissed him on his lips shyly. It was just a peck but enough for Omkara to turn still. His eyes widened and he looked at her smile.

"First of all thank you for not judging me before talking to me..." Another kiss on his lips. "But that Arjun is no one to me Omkara...He is my English teacher...I wanted to surprise you so without telling anyone I went to my English classes, I wanted to tell you..."She stopped suddenly feeling shy and looked down.

Her English Teacher, just her English teacher, He thought and closed his eyes in happiness. She wasn't in Love with someone else, she was still his. Opening his eyes he lifted up her chin and made her look at him.

"What did you want to tell me?" He asked in his husky voice and she blushed before standing up and walked to the gift and Card she had hidden earlier.

His eyes followed hers tills he handed them over to him. Surprised he opened the gift.

It was a beautiful peacock feather and he knew why she had given him that. It was the symbol of their Love, the beginning of his Reborn as an Artist. She was his inspiration after all. The one person that pulled him out of the darkness.

"Gauri..."He wanted to say so much but her finger on his lips silenced him.

"Read the Card. I wanted to wait till I could tell you what I felt in English."

"But you know I don't care about that Gauri....The only thing I care about is us."

She smiled." Now I know that but I don't want to cause you any embarrassment if I were ever questioned by the paparazzi's again. Please read the card."

He opened the card and what he saw made his heart swell with pride.

On one half there was a picture of both of them during one of the many family functions they had attend while pretending to be a happy couple. Her arms were around his neck and they were lost in each other's eyes. He smiled remembering that Moment And then he looked at the other Side where in his in his Wife's beautiful handwriting was written:

Dear Omkaraji,

I'm a very simple Small town girl.
I love my mother. I have been taking care of her.

I have faced a lot of problems in my Life. Alone.

But then you came in my Life. I felt as if my Shankarjii has sent you for me.

Because you saved me from Kaali. And then you married me.

I fell in Love with you. I wanted you to take pride in calling me your Wife.

Your Wife.

I wanted you to love me, the Way I love you.

I love you.

Your wife Gauri.

Gauri waited patiently for him to finish reading and then without any warning she was scoped up into his arms. His lips pressed onto hers.

"I love you. I love you, I love you...Please never ever leave me Gauri. I would die without you."he whispered among the kisses and Gauri smiled.

"Never Om, you are mine and I am yours.Forever."

Finally, they had bared their souls to each other. Finally,he knew what she felt and she knew what was in his heart.

They still had a long way to go, still a lot to clear but for now being in his arms was enough.

Closing her eyes, she kissed him back in equal vigor. Both lost in the Happiness and Solace they found in each other.

It took him the fear of losing her to finally admit what he had known all along.

She was his Wife, the Love of his Life and he would cherish her for as long as they both shall live.

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