Drabble 18 Dancing Beauty in the Rain

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This is something I penned down on twitter while Missing RiKara.

I know you guys are waiting for my Story updates and I am currently working on them too.

I hope you will enjoy this Drabble.

He watched her dance in the rain like her body was possessed. Her steps so effortlessly making him wonder whether she was a dream or reality.

Walking up to her, to touch her, so see if she was real and not just something his mind made up to ease the pain of his heart she stopped and looked at him with her big doe like eyes.

"Kya?" She asked; her voice the most beautiful Melody he had ever heard.
"I thought you were a manifestation of my imagination." He admitted and his Heart warmed up hearing her laugh. It was like the sun came out and drove away all the clouds.

"You are a funny one." She said and turned away from his causing him to quickly grab her hand. She should have felt scared but when she looked into his eyes she couldn't.

"Kya Hua?" She asked and he just shook his head. "You want to dance with me?" His eyes widened at her question.

Without waiting for his answer she placed his Hand on her waist and the other one in her Hand. Pulling him closer she started to dance with him and without noticing he began dancing. Something he hadn't done in a long time. How come a stranger could make him do all that?

"What are you thinking about?" She asked and whirled around him- his eyes never leaving her out of his sight.

"I wonder if I am still dreaming or not." His answer made her stop and she collided against his chest.

"Who said it can't be both? A Beautiful dream and the reality?"
Her words made him look down at her beautiful face and somehow he felt home. This Girl Dancing in the Rain had nursed his wounded Heart without noticing.

"Will we meet again?" He whispered into her ear while a soft smile adorned her lips.

"We Can. Just keep Dreaming."

Omkara opened his eyes with a thud. His Dreams were his reality now. Ever since that fateful day he had lost his Dancing Beauty in the rain.

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