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Gauri looked at Om while he tried to express what ever he had to tell her. She wanted to leave, scared to death he would yet again insult her, kill her with his mean words. She couldn't take it anymore, she loved him with all her Heart but he didn't acknowledge her. Didn't cherish her or respect her . So why Was she still here? In his house? In his room?

Omkara saw her expression, saw her fear. But before he could say a word she turned away with a sigh but he got hold of her hand and pulled her back into his arms.

Gasping for air she looked up into his eyes and saw a lonely tear on his cheek.

"Omkaraji?" She didn't know what was wrong with him, why he behaved like that.

"Gauri... I have to tell you something but..but somehow the words never leave my mouth, my heart. For a while now I tried telling you what is in my heart, what place u have in my life but... I just can't afford to lose myself in you... I already got burned in love... I don't know If i can survive another heartbreak." He caressed her face and conveyed all the love into his eyes. How couldn't she see that he loved her, that he had changed?

He needed her.Gauris eyey opened in shock. He loved her she knew but he was just as afraid as she was.

She couldn't help but smile while tears streamed down her face.

Shocked he whipped away each tear with his lips and she closed her eyes. This is what she had waited for all these months. She needed him to confess openly to assure him she would never leave him, never betray him.

"Omkaraji I love you... and I am just as afraid as you are. What If i gave myself to you? Lived as your wife, your partner in crime, your life companion? What if you find another reason to mistrust me, to insult me... I am so afraid that this nicety wont last but I cant fight my love for you any longer. You are my Husband... my Everything. Please don't leave me."

When he didn't answer she looked up and saw his smile and he leaned down to kiss her softly. Gauri closed her eyes and kissed him back. She didnt't care about all those bad memories, all she could think of was his lips on her.

With a sigh she opend her mouth a little and their tongues immediately found each other. Slowly she felt him directing her to their bed.Without breaking their kiss they laid down;Omkara on top of her. She had craved for these moments ever since she had met him. He was her husband the only man who would ever have the right to touch her like that.

After what seemed like Eternity they tore apart realizing their state. Gauris Dupatta was long gone and her blouse was almost completely unbuttoned.

Omkara realized he was already shirtless and his belt was half open. Gauri blushed and tried to leave but Omkara didn't let her. She looked into his eyes and saw his unvoiced question. She knew he wanted her. She knew he wanted them to become one. To consummate their relationship but there was fear. They both were afraid what it would do to them.

"Gauri Can you promise me to never leave me? Can you promise to never betray me? I want to know that we both are willing to take this relationship seriously. I love you." His forehead rested against her while he awaited her answer with bated breath. He was so vulnerable in that instited he didn't dare to look her into her eyes.

She kissed him softly on his lips and placed his hands on her face. He looked her into the eyes and saw all the love he always wanted to see in another persons eyes. She was his match made in Heaven. His other half.

"I, Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi, Promise to love you and to never leave you till the day I die. I promise to never betray you and to give you everything you need in life. I love you so much."

Omkara smiled and took her hands in his left hand while his right hand pulled out their engagement rings. He sliped the ring onto her finger and kissed it. She did the same with his ring. They felt whole. Omkara realized how much he needed to belong to someone to have someone he can call his own.

"I, Omkara Singh Oberoi, Promise to love you and to never leave you till the day I die. I promise to never betray you and to give you everything you need in life. I promise to never insult you, to never misunderstand you and to never hurt you again." Both could hold back anymore and kissed once again. Carefully Om got rid of her blouse and laid down on top of her. Gauri sighed feeling his weight and hugged him tight. His lips found her neck and kissed her softly till he reached her breast. He looked at her while he loved each inch of her body.

Gauri felt so many sensations at the same time and he was always there. Whenever she felt she lost herself in those desires he stopped to look at her;To Kiss er back into reality.

"Gauri...I .. Do..you want?.." He didn't know how to ask her whether she was ready to get intimate, didn't know whether she was just caught up in the moment.

The Moment Omkara stutterd his question she knew. She knew she was ready.

So without answering she got rid of her undergarments. Gauri kissed him.

"Make me yours..." she whispered against his lips. With a groan he kissed her and soon they became one in mind, body and soul.

From this day on they became inseparably. whenever possible they stole little moments for themselves. Their family had obviously realized that these two finally talked about their marriage their love and realized that maybe after all this pain and heartbreak they marriage was worth it all.

Gauri thanked God everyday for giving her her husband. Omkara had turned back into his old self. Every Night they would lay in bed and talk about them, their past, everything. There were so many things they still didn't know about each other, still needed to explore and it was a delight.

Omkara enjoyed every single moment spent with his wife.

He even started to paint again, his everlasting inspiration was his wife. The woman that showed him what true love felt like.

He could't remember a day where he wasn't in love with her.

One Evening he and his brother were sitting by the pool drinking hot choclate when he saw Shivaay smiling at him.

"You seem happy."

Omkara smiled and nodded. " I am. I never thought I would fall in love this deeply. She is my life Shivay! She is my everything and to think Icould have lost her breaks my heart. But then...when we are alone and consummed in our talk about life, god and the world, I don't know how but she sees right through me and then I realize that she was made for me. She is my life partner in every birth and I will be doomed if Iever hurt er again. I want to start a family with her, built a life with her. Shivay is it possible to die because of too much happiness?"

Omkara couldn't control his emotions and hugged his brother tightly. Shivay who had tears in his eyes smiled; understanding his brother so well.

"I know that feeling O, and I thank God that he gave you a second chance, that he showed you true love is everlasting, consuming, inspiring and the most wonderful feeling.

Omkara nodded and turned to see that his Wife and his Anika bhabi had joined them. They smiled at their respective spouses and enjoyed the cool summer breeze.

Shivay kissed Anikas forehead and whispered something into her ear. with a blush both of them wished Gauri and Omkara good night.

Chuckling Om looked at his wife and saw her smirk.

"What are you thinking about Mrs. Omkara Singh Oberoi?"

Gauri blushed and pulled him closer.

" How about I show you?..." With a smiled she kissed him and soon they found their way into their bedroom.

No words needed to be spoken.

A few Months later

Omkara was sitting in front of his latest Sculpture. He just couldn't get it right.

"Still not done?" A Voice asked him and he smiled turning. His lovely wife entered the room with his much needed Chai. He drank a sip and then pulled her close, Gauri blushed and caressed his face. With just one touch he felt inner peace.

"So how was your appoinment? You didn't even tell me where you went I was scared.." he kissed her softly and she smiled. There was something she wanted to tell him so desperately but till it was confirmed today she had been hesitant. But not today. Today she needed to tell him.

"I will tell you...tonight I promise. You should finish your Work and then maybe...we could.." she slowly opened the buttons of his Shirt clearly showing her intentions.

With a smirk he looked at his usually shy wife. Whatever the surprise was he couldn't wait any longer.

"Why wait any longer... I can always finish my work later on but right now I want you..."

He stood up and picked her up in his arms before she could even react.

Gauri looked at Omkatra in awe. He became more romantic each day and she enjoyed each bit o fit.

Ever since their first night he had kept his promises of making her happy, of respecting her.

They even got married again in front of his entire family. He knew she had always dreamt of her fairy taile wedding with all the rituals.

Omkara laid Gauri down on their bed and started undressing her, suddenly Gauri stopped him looking into his eyes with tears streamign down her face.

"Gauri?? Kya hua?" He caressed her face confused.He hated seeing her tears.

"Those are happy tears I swear...Om you are going to be a father...We are going to have a baby"

Omkara stopped for a secomnd realizing what she just had said.

He was going to be a father...a father. He couldnt believe it. Finally they would have a family of their own. He promised himself in that very instant that he would be the best father he could be.

Gauri caressed his face and pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Are you not happy?" She looked sad; fearing he wasn't keen on having a child.

"How can you even think like that? I am thrilled Gauri! You gave me the best gift. Thank you." Tears slowly escaped his eyes and he took her lips in his.

Together they found a new level of love, a new level of fullfilment.

Their story had just began.

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