My First, My Last

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,, Haan?" Gauri turned around and looked at him. He seemed stressed and angry. Lekin kyun? Didn't he say he hated her? That he didn't care whether she was by his side or not?

,,Where were you? I was worried." Om admitted and stepped closer to her.

She looked into his eyes and saw real concern, concern for her.

She tried not to smile and scolded him for saying he doesn't care when he actually did. He had never considered her his wife, so why suddenly acting all Caring and Concerned? He was surprised by her answer and took her into his arms. Gauri felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave but he didn't leave her. Today he didn't care whether he would let his Guards down, he needed to push her to her limits to say what really was wrong with her.

,, Omkara...Let me go. What are you doing...Stop it!" She almost screamed and tried to push him away. Feeling him so close to her reminder her that he told her they would never become Husband and Wife.

,, I am romancing my wife...can't I?"

,,Omkara I can't bear you so close to me right now. Not now not ever, you said we are nothing to each other. You said I am not your wife, and that you hated the very sight of me!" Gauri looked into his eyes which showed anger and pain after he heard her words. She didn't want him to touch her? he thought.

,, Kya? Lekin Kyun? I am your Husband in the eyes of the Law, whatever I said I said in anger." He said and stopped for a second. Since when was he claiming his right as a husband? He had always told her that for him she was no one that she could drink poison and he wouldn't care.

,,Actually...I am afraid I will cross my limits. I can't control my emotions when you touch me, when I feel you holding me so close to the heart you didn't allow me to have. Do you even realize how many times you have broken my heart? But I came crawling back to you without any shame each time because you are my husband and I love you.."

She blushed the moment she realized what she just had revealed to him. Little did she know because her words made him happier. He had never let himself be effected by her consciously but hearing her talk about him like that, that his mere touch was making her crazy and that she loved him something in him snapped. Omkara knew it that Moment he needed her Love. He had always been attracted to her but now he allowed himself to be.

,, Om...Please...let me go."

Omkara looked at his beautiful wife and knew now he had to make the first move. He lifted her up and kissed her on the forehead. His lips lingering on her skin for a few seconds and she was shocked and didn't know how to react. Was she sleeping? Was he under the influence of any drug?

Before She could react he carried her to their Bedroom and laid her down on the Bed. Gauri crawled to the corner of the Bed; confused by his actions. Her Heart beating fast in her chest. What was he planning?

,,What?" He asked her with a smirk. Om studied her face and saw all kind of emotions: pain; confusion and love. She loved him despite all his wrong doings. How could she love him after everything that had happened?

,,W-Why did you p-p-put me on the bed?"

,,I love you Gauri." Omkara said and for the first Time he knew it was the truth; he had tried his best to suppress his feelings but today, today after seeing her indifference towards him he realized he wanted her to be his wife, he wanted her in his life, without her he felt incomplete.

Gauri looked at him and tried to smile her pain away. Another Lie, another Lie that would break her she thought. Since when did he lie so coldly?

,, Stop it Omkaraji !Bas! I can't hear that lie again. You once told me that we would never be husband and wife, yet you declared yourself my Husbands in front of so many people. You made a joke out of my Love while I believed in yours, I thought maybe he loves me too, maybe one day he will realize that he is my everything. You made me feel safe when you married me to save me from the villagers and Kaali Thakur's man, I really wanted your love and I want to believe you that maybe now you love me but I just can't... What if you lie to me so that Svetlana can't come back? Why would you be so cruel? What have I ever done to you, that you mock my feelings?" She started crying and felt helpless. He had broken her heart so many times by now that she didn't even know if her wounds will ever heal. As Omkara saw her tears he regretted every single Lie he had told her, every time he caused her pain. He was hurt by her words but he knew she had every right to question him. To question his Love, his intentions. After all he had always pretended to be a loving and caring husband and when he realized that he truly was falling for her he had hurt her beyond Imagination. Gone was the happy going Gauri he knew.

,,Gauri I know I can't take your pain away but maybe, if you let me, I can ease it a little. I know after everything that I have done to you maybe I don't deserve you, I was fighting my feelings for so long and I tried so hard not to fall in love with you because of all the misunderstandings but let me ease your pain please?" Omkara came closer and pulled Gauri into his Arms. She tried to leave but he didn't let her. She tried to push him but he was too strong. How could she fight him? She had craved being in his arms for too long.

,, Please...let me go..." she whisperd closing her eyes.

,, Why Gauri? Why should I let you go...? "

,,Because I can't bear your touch." She admitted defeated.

,,Why? Why can't you bear my touch...? Let me guess... You like the feeling you get when I kiss you on your forehead-" His lips touched her forehead and she shivered in need ,, When I kiss your cheeks?" He kissed both her cheeks,, Your Lips...Yes...You love it the most when I kiss your lips...taste them like they were berries." Omkara came even closer and kissed her, She was shocked but she didn't push him away. Why shouldn't she give in to him? What would she lose if she would commit to him with her mind, body and soul? Before her Mind could decide what to do, her body already reacted to his kiss. She sighed and kissed him back- with all the desire and love she had for him. He took her Arms and tangled them around his neck , then his hands drove over her bare midriff till his Hands reached her hips.

Their Lips didn't part for a second when Omkara finally directed Gauri towards the Bed again. She turned off the lights and laid down with him on top of her. It felt so good to feel him. How could she fight her love for him any longer? Maybe tomorrow she would regret giving her all to him but then she would have never lived. She didn't want to live with regret, today he loved her the same way she loved him. Wasn't that enough for now?

Today she really felt like a married woman, like a woman in general. Never ever had she thought she and Omkara would be this close. He was right, she couldn't bear his touch earlier because she loved it too much when he would gently touch her and kiss her. When his fingers touched her bare skin, when his lips found the sensitive spot on her right shoulder. He knew all her weaknesses, somehow he knew her body better than herself.

,,Gauri?" Omkara looked into her face and saw her blush, her lips were slightly swollen and her eyes were closed because of her desire.

She opened her eyes slowly and saw hesitation in his Face. Why did he stop?

,,Kya Hua?"

,, Are you sure you love me enough to let me be your first? I mean I know we are married and all but what if we ever get separated? What if I hurt you again and you leave me?...Do you really want to give away your precious gift, a gift which can never be returned?"

Gauri smiled the tears away that were almost falling. He cared for her virtue even though he was her legally wedded husband. He had all right to be her first, to get her precious gift. If he would have it why should she want it back? She would never ever regret giving him this right. The to be her first , her last. She knew deep down that if they ever would part ways she would cherish that night till the day she died. She would never regret it.

Gauri closed her eyes and kissed him softly. Her lips teasing his, asking to enter so their tongue could dance to the tune of their Love.

,, Om I would rather die than not giving you this right to be my first. I want you and I love you. Maybe one day this will be the only memory I have of us so please don't stop..."

Hearing her something in him broke and he promised himself to never leave her, to give her the respect she deserved as Mrs. Omkara Singh Oberoi.

Again their lips met and slowly they undressed each other. Gauri was almost crying out of happiness when she realized that today she and the love of her life would be intimate with each other.

Om kissed her jawline and his lips moved slowly to her neck. He bit her softly and then licked the place. He wanted her to have enough love bites so everyone could know: She was only his. And she would forever be his.

His Finger tried to touch her breast and she turned away shyly. As she turned she gave her Husband the best chance to untie her Dori and unhook her blouse. Gauri almost stopped breathing feeling his fingers on her bare back, his lips slowly placing soft kisses from her shoulder to her back.

But suddenly her fear became bigger than her desire and she turned away.

,,Om I am afraid." She said shyly and looked at him. Omkara smiled into the Darkness and light up a candle which he got from the drawer next to the bed. He wanted to see her face while making love to her. He wanted to see the passion he knew his wife possessed, just like him she was very emotional and he knew once they would find fulfillment her face would be the death of his. Her Heart was truly reflected in her face, he thought.

,, Don't be. It will hurt Gauri but then the pain will fade away and you will like it." His husky voice near her ear made her gasp out. She anticipated whatever would come next with a shy smile and Gauri closed her eyes in approval ;waiting for his next move.

He just continued to smile at her, causing her to open her eyes once again.

Gauri couldn't wait anymore and started to unbutton his shirt. His lips kissed hers and he knew she was happy. He felt that she had never been as happy as this. She should be. On her first Night he wanted her to be happy and excited. He wanted her to feel loved and cherished and desired.

,,I love you...I really do. I always have." She whispered and her fingernails drove over his bare back marking him as hers. Feeling her nails caused his Manhood to react and he finally had the courage to undress her completely. Gauri moaned in pleasure and felt his desire against her hip.

He laid on top of her carefully, waiting for her approval to take the next step. To make their Marriage a real one. To seal the deal of Love.

,, Are you ready?" he mumbled.

She nodded.,, Yes...Mark me as yours."

Gauri smiled at him and he kissed her forehead. She realized she never has been that close to any man before- never this close to anyone. And she was glad that he was the only one with this Right to be close to her.

Slowly Omkara entered her and she felt the pain. She wanted to scream but he choked her scream with his kisses. He tried not to move so she could get used to the feeling of him inside her. Their body's as one.

Feeling him inside of her was so beautifully she couldn't think clearly.

,, Is everything alright?" he asked concerned,, We can stop. Just say one word." Stop now? Never, Gauri thought with a smile. She wanted this.

She shook her head and tried to pull him closer to her to her.

,, No... I am completely fine." A single teardrop escaped her eye and the pain was replaced by pleasure as Omkara finally allowed himself to move.

With each thrust they were thrown deeper into the abysm of their desire.

Even though Omkara had been with a few Woman before he , he realized he had never felt like this with any one. Being with Gauri was impossible to adequately describe. It was like their souls met instead of their bodies.

Both reached the climax at the same time and Om rolled off of her; pulling her onto his chest in the process. She snuggled to his chest and kissed him there. Both were quiet for a while, still in the daze that their mating had created. It felt like everything was possible , as if they had seen stars.

,,I love you." Omkara whispered softly and turned to look at Gauri.

She thought it was a dream. But this time he meant it she knew he loved her, she hoped he did. She was sure that they would be happy, that the sadness and the pain and the misunderstandings were over.

Time flew and both didn't bother to speak. Everything could be talked about later one, right now each other's Company was enough.

Gauri sat up and wrapped the bed sheet around her petit form.

,, Where are you going...Stay..." Om pouted and tried to pull her back to the bed. Now that he had tasted her he was insatiable. Gauri smiled and kissed him. ,, I need to shower."

He smiled back at her and let her leave for the much needed shower. His eyes closed and he remembered the Moments they shared earlier. Om was the happiest man alive and he thanked God for his wife, finally he and Gauri had become one. Finally he had admitted his feelings. For the first time he felt free and he loved Gauri even more now for giving him every right of a husband. He would try to live up to it. He needed to be the man she deserved, how could he not? Without even noticing it he fell asleep thinking about his beautiful wife.


He roared for the sudden sound. Who dared to disturb his sleep.

He had had a beautiful dream about a long haired beauty with hazel eyes and black Kajal around them. Her smile was soft and her lips had touched him everywhere. He had prayed to never wake up from this beautiful dream.

,,Omkaraji Wake up! You will be late."

,,Just 5 more Minutes...please." He asked with his husky Voice.

A laughter caused him to open his eyes. He felt water drops falling on his face and looked at his beautiful Wife. Her Hair was still wet from the shower and her face was glowing. She looked like an innocent angel and he kissed her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back; not feeling shy anymore.

,,Get up. You have an important meeting with the Manager from your Art Gallery. Get ready, ok? I mean after all you are the almighty Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi right?" She winked at him and he tried to initiate the next round of Love making but she pushed his arms away and went to the Kitchen to bring him Tea. She knew if she had stayed a minute longer she would have given in and they would have been making love once more.

With a bride smile Omkara stood up and stretched his body. His body was aching because of last night. His smile was brighter than usual and he started to get dressed. Oh how beautiful the day had started, he thought and looked at himself in the mirror, noticing a bite mark his wife had left on his neck and he looked at the door. His wife would be back any second and he would show her how much he loved her.

Today he knew that last Night they had started a new Chapter in their Love story, A Chapter full of Love , Understanding, Desire and enormous Happiness. Life couldn't be any better than this.

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