Trust of the Innocent

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RiKara OS Trust of the Innocent

Thank you guys for you patience and your lovely comments. I had a hard time to find the right words and a right ending so it took me longer to finish the OS than I had planned.Hopefully you will enjoy the OS and if not please tell me what you liked and what not.

Thank you Gauri for trusting me. I will never break that Trust."

His words rang in her mind as she looked at the photographs of him with some woman; dancing and enjoying himself. He had lipstick marks on his neck and his cheek. Places even she hadn't dared to kiss yet. How could he easily break her trust especially now after just making her believe that he loved her too? Since when did he lie to her? Since when was he that kind of man?

Who to believe? My heart or my Mind..."Gauri whispered and closed her eyes to prevent new tears from falling on her cheek. The dark room was sadly comforting; hiding her pain from the rest of the family.

Gauri tried to gather her thoughts. Her heart beating fast against her Chest. Pictures can be morphed but what if...what if that was true? Could she doubt him the way he doubted her all those weeks ago?

Sighing she fell down on her knees and cried, cried in agony, in pain.

"Sankarji Kyun? Why is that happening to me? After all the heartbreak and the pain don't I deserve happiness? I always trusted Omkaraji because I knew he wasn't like his Father, a man who cheats openly. Can I question him? Will he tell me the truth? Can I judge him the way he judged me? Gauri said with her eyes closed; praying to her Sankarji for some answers.

Back then when Omkara had doubted her he had no Proves only a Name in some cheap hotel register but here she sat in her Room and in her Hands picture of him dancing with some Girl and a drink in his hand. How could he do that? How could he look that happy with another Woman?

How could he let some other Girl get that close to him, when she ,his wife , hadn't even dared to do that? And the lipstick marks on his neck? How could he justify that? Would he have an answer she could believe? Answers she could trust and find logical?

So many questions where in her mind; none found an answer.

All she could do is wait, wait for him to come home.

Omkara tip toed into their dark bedroom; careful not to wake up his wife. He had bad headache from the drinks they had consumed in Goa and a guilty mind. He wanted to tell her about Piya and their trip but he hardly remembered a thing until he had seen some Videos. Sighing he shed his clothes and walked towards the bathroom. After a nice long Shower, he came out in a white kurta and matching bottoms. The light was on now and his petit wife was sitting on the recliner. Seeing her there reminded him of their almost kiss prior his Goa trip. A small smile crept on his face thinking, maybe his wife wanted to continue where they had left of. He walked towards her and sat down beside her to look into her face. Gauri took a minute to calm her thoughts and turned to face her husband; her eyes red and swollen from the crying he had failed to notice earlier. Scared he pulled her towards him and looked for a reason why she would be crying. Gauri pushed him away slightly.

"Gauri Kya Hua? Why are you crying, did something happen while I was in Goa?! Omkara asked scarred; it was impossible that she could know what had happened in Goa. He had planned to tell her tomorrow morning itself.

Gauri stood up with a broken smile and threw the pictures in his face.

Confused Omkara picked them up and his heart stopped a beat as he realized the reason his wife was crying. She knew and she was furious.

Please God, don't plant any doubt in her Mind. I promised her I would never break her trust and yet these pictures...Omkara looked at Gauri.

"Let me explain Gauri, you don't know half of the Story please... He tried getting hold of her but she raised her hand with an angry glare at him.

Omkara stopped and tried to tell her what had happened but she silenced him with a tight slap on his Face. To say he was shocked wouldn't justify his emotion after that slap. Never ever had she done that to him, not even when he had accused her of so many cruel things in the past and he knew in that instant he had f**ked up. That she was much more hurt than ever.

"Is that Trust? What happened to all your promises hmm? Here I was scared to death that you haven't called me thinking maybe something happened and now I know why. Why bother with an illiterate gullible Wife that is sitting at home when you can have a Girl in short dresses pressed up against your Body right? Each word was like a knife into his Heart and Om realized that she was hurt; beyond imagination.

Slowly he realized how she must have felt when he had accused her of infidelity and back then he didn't even have any proof for his claim. And here she stood with some Pictures that could tear everything down they had tried to rebuild by giving their marriage another chance.

"Gauri please listen to me. I didn't break you trust, Gauri please. Let me explain, somehow we got Drunk and I don't even remember getting close with a Girl or anything else that could happen. He tried to explain but she didn't bother to listen.

"Bas! Look at the pictures Om, look at them! She is kissing you on your neck... like she has the right to do so! You don't seem against it either. I thought maybe I am wrong maybe there is a logical explanation but how can you not notice getting drunk? HOW CAN YOU NOT PUSH HER AWAY AND TELL HER YOU ARE MARRIED? Do you even understand what you have done? You broke my trust...Something I thought you would never be able to do considering out history. Remember how you mocked me and hurt me time and time again without any proofs? I thought maybe you learned your lesson and maybe now that you love me too would never do anything to doubt me or make me doubt you but I was wrong. I WAS WRONG. So tell me did you like it? Hmm? Did she make you feel good?" Gauri said almost screaming and came closer to him; pressing herself against him the same way that Girl did on the photos. For a second he was distracted by his wife's body being pressed against him in such a manner until he realized what she intended to prove to him. She wanted to hurt him the same way he had hurt her. She wanted to humiliate him, to make him feel the pain she felt.

"Tell me did you like it with her more than with me? Tell me!" Gauri screamed and placed an angry kiss on her Husband's neck all the while crying. In her anger she couldn't see any reason, couldn't see how effected he was by her touch and she didn't let herself feel effected.

Omkara pushed her slightly away and cupped her face in his hands. Gauri tried hard to push him away but he was stronger than her. Defeated she looked into his eyes. What lie would he tell her now? The man that preached about Honesty, Loyalty and the sacredly of Marriage was a hypocrite.

"How can you ask me that Gauri...? He said hurt and she laughed out loud.

"The same way you asked me back then, remember? I realize that I thought. I have forgiven you but the wounds were slowly healing; not burning anymore but you ripped the band aid off and now it is bleeding again You reminded me of the pain you made me go through that Night. Did you really believe I would forget and move on? My trust is shaken Omkara. Normally I would listen to my heart today I choose to listen to my Mind. "Gauri finally managed to push him away and turned to leave their room. Om didn't know what to say or what to do. He knew she was right about everything but ... It hadn't meant anything he loved his Wife, her, his Gauri no one else but how to convince her?

Hearing her call him Omkara instead of Omkaraji hurt, as if he was nothing to her. As if he had lost her forever. Om felt panic rising in him.

"Gauri...I love you... You know I never meant to hurt you. I swear please believe me I have no idea what happened and how but I am sorry. Gauri, I wanted to tell you everything because I know how much you trust me and how much I value that trust, please believe me. He said with tears in his eyes and Gauri looked away; she couldn't handle his sadness but her pain was bigger this time. She didn't care, she needed to let it all out. Everything that had bothered her, everything that had hurt her. Now you knew how it feels like when the one you love doesn't believe in you, Gauri thought and left the room without another word or without looking back.

She needed space, she needed to get away from him or else he would manage to sweet talk her out of it. Walking towards the pool she sat down and let her tears out once more. She tried hard to suppress her sobs but Omkara had already heard her and sat down beside her. Gauri turned, ready to leave but he pulled her down; causing Gauri to almost fall into the pool. She closed her eyes waiting to be engulfed in water when she realized that Om held her hand securely. Looking back to him her eyes widened.

"Let me go! She said but he shook his Head. She knew he wanted to prove that he would always be there to catch her, she knew and it caused some new tears to spill. She didn't doubt his love, never but she was hurt.

"I will never let you go. I will never let you fall Gauri, you are my Wife and I love you so much that I would rather die than lose you and your trust. Omkara said and slowly pulling her back towards him. Gauri looked everywhere but his face trying hard to remember herself that she was angry with him, that she was right to be angry.

"Did you rehearse that speech? Gauri said and Omkara let her go in shock after helping her stand. No matter what she never had been that cruel to him. No matter what he never thought she could be like that.

"I just want to talk Gauri. Ask me everything you want to know and I will answer truthfully. He offered and waited. How else could he convince her to believe in him? He wanted to prove he would never lie.

"How will I know if you are not lying hmm? She challenged him; wanting to hurt him even more. It would help her to feel better for now but It broke her to be mean and angry with him. She loved him, and because of that Love and trust she had she was cruel to him. Maybe he would learn a lesson.

"I never lie when it comes to you. His eyes burned into hers and she gulped. Like always she saw honesty in his eyes, he would lie not now not ever. Maybe she should listen but without any promise of forgiving him.

"Who is that Girl and what exactly happened in Goa? Gauri asked, and Omkara sat down. He gestured her to sit down next to him but Gauri didn't move an inch. Sitting beside him would only make him try to hold her.

"Piya, her Car broke down and we gave her a lift to Goa. She offered us some Cold drinks and we didn't think much about it. I mentioned I am married, Shivaay did as well. Then we woke up, tied to different furniture in the room with no memories of the last night whatsoever. We drove back home to tell you and Anika what happened, when we received a MMS with the same Pictures that you saw. After my Shower I wanted to sleep and talk to you in the morning, I didn't want to disturb your sleep that is why I tip toed into our Bedroom. Omkara explained and hoped to see any kind of positive reaction on his wife's face but she seemed so consumed by her pain that she didn't care to ease his pain.

Gauri tried to understand what he had told her; could she believe the story? She remembered Anika telling her about the Oberoi Brother offering a Girl a lift when her car broke down, so if he was honest about that part could he be honest about the rest to? Did he have any reason to lie?

He had never lied before, Gauri thought eyeing him carefully, But Can I truly trust him blindly? Without any doubt? Our Relationship is still in the beginning. How can I be sure to never feel that way again? I want us to be happy but all that caused me to remember what he had done to me, how he broke me and hurt me over and over again. What should I do?

"Gauri? Do you really don't believe me? Your Om? Omkara asked and she saw the tears on his cheeks; he slowly lost faith that she would trust him.

Gauri didn't know what to think, what to believe let alone what to say. She realized that their Relationship needed more time, still so many things untold. Despite their Love Confession, Gauri knew they still needed to learn to trust each other truly. How could they claim to love each other, to have complete trust between each other when they never actually talked about what happened, what went wrong in their marriage in the first place.

"I want to. I want to believe you because I know you are honest... but that showed me that we still have a long way to go Omkara. We still don't know everything about each other, we just got back together, we never really talked about everything that went wrong. Do you even realize how much pain you caused me? Do you even realize how often I tried to make you trust me and failed? You kept throwing me out, kept insulting me, taunting me, treating me like an outsider and then suddenly you loved me... We never had any real deep conversation because you were never interested. You never cared to know, like about my Past with Kaali. You just rugged it under the carpet but I never forgot how you left me with him, a man that bought me, tried to force himself on me. You never bothered to find out who was the innocent one in this story. The same with Arjun. You just assumed, and then you broke my heart even more, you hurt my self-respect. Didn't you feel just one bit of disgust while seducing me just so you could throw more accusation in my face? Have you EVER THOUGHT ABOUT ANY OF THAT? Just because I love you that never meant it was okay and forgotten. Maybe you love me but how come you never tried finding out who Gauri Kumari Sharma is? In Bareilly you tried so much to win me back but never tried talking about our past about how you almost slapped me because of Bua ma. How you told me to eat poison, how you danced with me, trying to come close to me , touching me just to call me a cheater? You broke me. You broke my Heart and I left. But you came to get me back, you made me believe that you loved me, that you want me to be your wife in front of the world but then you do something like that? Just when I started to trust you again? When I started to love you without any bitterness? How Om...You let yourself get drunk enough to not even remember what happened? What if you and her...? Gauri couldn't finish and turned away. She was scared that her mind would take her somewhere from where she could never return.

Omkara was still trying to comprehend her words and realized she was right. He never bothered to find out the truth, he never bothered to assure that whatever he was seeing was the truth. As always he had jumped to conclusions and had hurt time and time again. He left her with Kaali someone who tried to rape her? Someone who tried to get her killed for disobeying him? He was no better than him. How could he claim to love her if he never understood her? And the whole Arjun fiasco was the worst he could have done to her.

He tried to forget how he had touched her intimately just to crush her with his words, after he had calmed down he had realized that he had already loved her back than and that that was the reason why he had been so insecure and so jealous; not able to see clearly. But nothing could ever rectify that mistake. It was something he would always have to live with.

Om knew that Gauri was right, but he didn't know how to make it up to her , at least enough to be happy together, to start fresh was that still possible?

"You are right...I am horrible and I know that apologizing won't help but I promise Gauri I will make it up to you my whole life. I will try to be the best husband and the best person I can be to be worthy of you. I never deserved you, you are pure and honest and the best wife I could ask for. All those times I rejected you, hurt you without thinking about listening to you, trying to understand the woman that is my wife. When I realized I would lose you forever, it became crystal clear. I loved you for a long time Gauri, I don't know when but ever since the beginning I was attracted to you and I fought that attraction as hard as I could because I thought you were like Svetlana but slowly I saw the real you, the Gauri I could easily love and maybe it is too late to say sorry but maybe you can give me a chance to prove to you that no matter what I could never cheat on you the way you think?

Omkara's Face was pale, His eyes pleading her for another chance.

"Maybe now after telling you how I feel, you will never ever do something like that again. We have to work on this together Om, we are Married, we love each other but a relationship needs trust and understanding. We need to work on ourselves as well. I never wanted you to mistake my silence as acceptance, I am not that weak. My strength has always been my faith in you but now...we need to rebuilt that faith slowly; steadily.

Gauri finally sat down; tired of crying and fighting. She wanted to believe him and maybe now that they have finally let it all out, all the anger all the pent up frustration and pain maybe that was a good start. Deep down she knew that their Story had just began but in her marriage there was a lot worth fighting for. They loved each other and maybe slowly she would realize that trust is something somebody has to earn. She knew that maybe he never meant to hurt her, because her pain caused him pain. That was something Gauri couldn't deny yet she was adamant to stay strong.

"I promise we will work this out. Let's go to our Room and talk and maybe then we can really and truly be able to trust each other. With Time everything is possible, let me prove to you every day that I will be worthy of your trust. I trust you completely Gauri, and no matter what from now one I will never ever hide anything from you or make you doubt me.I swear I will clear all your doubts regarding Pia."Omkara said and offered her his Hand to walk back into their room.

Unsure she looked at him for a few minutes while he patiently waited. He would always wait for me, Gauri thought and let Omkara help her stand up. He softly smiled at her and together they walked back into their room.

They had a lot to talk about and a lot to share but with time the Trust in their relationship would be restored and unbreakable.

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