02 - STRAWBERRY TRAPPER!! (Yohane and I)

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"Listen guys, we need to come up with new songs right away!!", Chika declared.

"What's your idea?", replied You.

"We'll divide ourselves into groups of three!!", said Chika.

It was decided today that Aqours will be divided into three sub-units. Although I felt it was a bit too early to do that, I went along with it.

Yocchan, Mari-san, and I were grouped together. It was called...


"Ohh...that sounds so...seductive?"

"Guilty kiss...umm...does it really sound well, Yocchan?"

"Yes it is! It will totally capture people's hearts!!"

"Hmm...were you watching too much Guilty Crown that's why....", Mari commented but I stopped her.

"Ehem. Let's get to song writing now." I cut Mari's lines because I did not want anymore distractions to getting our first song done.

For the next days, we worked hard to look for the right rhythm. It was decided it should be rock; Mari-san is into rock and heavy metal music, while Yocchan is very interested in something...dark. I never thought they'd have such taste in music.

"Kodou ga natteru!! Te ni irenasai to..."

"Wait...Yocchan, that first part is too low. Make it sound lighter."


"Hey, Riko-san, what do you think of this? (plays an electronic guitar)"

"...umm...Mari-san, could you adjust the bass a bit?"

We've been working hard, but days later, before we even got our song halfway done...

"Riko-san! Have you seen Yoshiko?!!", said Mari as she went in the music room where I was.

"Wait, Yocchan's missing!!?"

"Yeah, I went to her house but she isn't there! I tried calling her, but she wasn't responding!"

"We need to call everyone for help - "

"No, not yet. We can't cause them anymore trouble."

"But Mari..."

"Everything will be alright, Riko-san...."


Mari looked for Yoshiko in temples and other places where Yoshiko usually celebrates her "ceremonies". I looked elsewhere in the beaches and in dark places, but she wasn't around there either.

"Yocchan!! Yocchan!!"

I never thought she'd go missing. What's with her!!? How could she do this to me. I never felt this worried for someone before.

"Yocchan!! YOHANE!!"

Then...when I was near a train station...

"Yohane, shoukan...."

I just heard someone utter those words.

"Yohane!!? Yohane!! Where are you!!?"

Immediately I went to where I heard the voice. I kept looking.

I found her! Yocchan was wearing a dark lolita outfit and an umbrella. That girl....

But, she was...she was about to ride on a train!! I have to stop her!!



"Yocchan!! Where do you think you're going, huh?!"

"Capturing demons and their memories."

"...ehem...Yohane, get to the point..."

"I am taking a selfie!"

Oh! I thought she was going to ride on the train....phew!!

"Selfie?! But why here?"

"Because taking a selfie while a (ghost) train is passing by sounds very useful to me. We could have it as one of our image covers!!"

Yocchan seemed to be thinking too much...

"Why did you not bring Mari-san and I?! Also why did your phone did not respond to her call?"

"Geez...so many questions Riri...I did not respond because I don't want any intervention! Also, I was just experimenting this area if it were a good place to selfie! I'd bring you guys here once I confirmed it is acceptable!!"

I had to say it now. I am worried that she might so more dangerous things if she continues on like this.

"...Yohane...please, stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like that. Don't you realize that your chuunibyou behavior is getting too annoying?! It's not good for yo - ", after I said that, Yocchan turned away.

"I can't believe you, Riri.....I thought I could trust you..."

"Yohane....Yocchan...I'm just concerned..."

"Do you know why I allowed you to form a contract with me? Why I trapped you in my world? Why I went out of my way to let you call me by a different name and forgive you for that?"


"Because I trust you. Because I was hoping that you would accept me for who I am. Because...because you helped me fight demons together....because you were so cool, you trapped me in your coolness...."

The way Yocchan spoke - it seemed she was very much self-aware.

"Riri! I know I am a chuunibyou! I am aware of my identity! But no one understands me! (except Hanamaru) No one likes me! And God has forsaken me, cursing me with bad luck!! What would have I done?!!"

She must have a deep reason to be like that. I know, Yocchan, having another persona can make you feel better but only to a certain point...ahh, Yocchan?! (She held my hands...)

"...Riri...that's how I feel....that's what I want our first song to feel...to express...that's how I....how much I...."

As she held my hands, I could only feel nothing but surprise and admiration, that Yoshiko had this side of her. She was totally different from what I expected...

And her face as she looked at me...she was so pretty...

"...Riri, I like you!!"

!! What...no...no way! I suddenly felt hype hearing those words.

"....Yocchan....what do you mean..."

"What do I mean!? I find you interesting to be with! Very nice! Very...ugghh...appropriate to be my partner in my spiritual journeys! Your aura trapped me in a sweet melody that I could not understand, as if I could not let you go yet! You...you...you're my inspiration, Riri!! But I need you to trust me equally!!"

I was thinking about her words - did she like me as in she found a friend to be with (in a chuunibyou way of speaking) - or does she like me as in she "loves" me in a romantic way? I am so puzzled as to what she meant by that.

"...so...you're saying that my charm trapped you to be with me!!"

"Exactly! By angel's name I swear!!"

I never thought someone actually thought I was special...wow...In any case, I am happy she thought of me (and Mari-san probably) so well. I'm speechless. I'm touched.

"(smile) Thanks...I'll accept your contract. I'll trust you for now too!"

"Riri...(smiling)...so...you honor our contract together?"

"Of course!"

"Including the conditions of our contract?"


Oh, I just got an idea!!

"...you know what? You just gave me a wonderful theme for our first song!!"

I grabbed her arm and quickly ran back to school with her!!

"Ahhh...wait, Riri...the train!!...my selfie!!"

"Hehe, forget about that! We have something else to take care of!!"

We got back to school, Mari-san was there, relieved that Yocchan is okay, and immediately we started our song!!

After that short encounter, I've figured it out! Our song will be about the power of admiration, of loving someone in a very different way. A song...hehe...about Yohane.

"...yuuwaku Berry!! Trapper!! Nerai sadameta yo!!", we all sang together.

"Done!!", I said.

"I FEEL THE POWER OF YOHAAANNEEEE!!!", Yocchan said then she acted all chuunibyou again...oh well (smile).

"No way!! This song is sooo well done!! I'm so proud of you Riko-san and Yoshiko-san!!", Mari-san was very overjoyed with our song. So much for being a fan of heavy metal and rock music...

"Don't give me credit, Mari-san. Thank Yocchan here. Somehow, she gave me the idea..."

"(blushing) Riri!! Don't say it like I was the only one who - "

"No, really Yocchan!! You're the one who made this song fantastic!! You gave me inspiration!!"

"(blushing more)...thanks, if that's how you think..."

Yocchan moved on to inspect the instruments in the room. While I was rechecking the lyrics, Mari-san came up to me with a very nice smile...

"Hehe, what did the two of you do at the train station?!"

"Huh? Mari-san, I already told you what happened..."

"Oh come on, Riko-san! I believe there was more to that....ahh...I feel like we have a new ship sailing on!!"

"Ship....wait are you saying...!! Mari-san, it's not what you think - "

Then Yoshiko tried to get attention as she picked up a guitar...

"Everyone!! Let's practice again!! I am dying to conquer the world with this song!!", she seemed really hyped for our new song.

"(whisper) Nevermind what I said teehee..."

"Alright, we need a new title for this song!!", Yocchan declared!!

"Any ideas?", I asked.

"Trapped in the Sweet Dilemma of Destiny, Fate, and Forbidden Love!!"

"Yocchan!! That title is too long!!", seriously, Yocchan is too imaginative.

"Well...how about 'Sweet Traps of Love'...", suggested Mari-san.

"Umm...it doesn't sound like it's making the song sound...appropriate?"

"Let's see umm.....", as I was thinking of a new title, Yocchan took out a box of chocolates.

"I am hungry...munch munch..."

I looked at Yocchan's beautiful face and the chocolate she was eating. She probably has a sweet time eating them...

Wait a minute!! Sweet time...Yoshiko...what happened earlier at the train station.......Chocolate Trapper? Hang on, it must be something else.....

"Hey, Yohane-san! I have strawberries here, want to eat together?"

"Ugghh...strawberries are not my thing, Mari-san. They're filled with too much positive energy. I'll pass - "

"I GOT IT!!", I screamed out my idea as if I had a eureka moment.

"You finally got one, Riko-san!!?", asked Mari.

"Yep!! The new title of our song will be..."

I got so hyped for the title, I stood up, did a pose, waved my hand around (god, I am acting like Yocchan) and declared:


"...Whoa!! It actually sounds nice - ", while Mari-san said that, Yocchan looked at me (surprised that I did a chuunibyou like act) and...


"You guys actually like the title?"

"Like it? Hehe, we LOVE it! It fits the song so well!!", said Mari-san.

And just after that, Yohane kissed me in the cheek.

"!!! Yocchan!!?"

"What? (blush) Kissing is a way to say thank you. That's what we agreed upon on our contract, right? (don't tell me you don't know...)"

"I never recalled anything like that!!"

"Hehe, a contract eh? Riko...what are you up to?", said Mari as she gave us a naughty grin.


(Although, honestly, I liked that kiss. She's so sweet....oh my god, what am I thinking!?)


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