Chap 5: Date

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------Shidou POV------

After a while, Shidou led Rimuru to a nearby restaurant.

The two walked slowly at first, but after Rimuru's stomach made some 'strange' noises, both of them started moving faster.

And so the two arrived at the restaurant faster than planned.

The place the two went to looked like a small, ordinary diner.

It looks nothing special from the outside, but this is one of the 'strategic' locations of Ratatoskr.

After walking to the front door of the restaurant, Shidou took the lead and also chose the seat.

Shidou was immediately able to recognize some people with strange expressions, it seemed that they were Ratatoskr employees and were around to help him.

Shidou and Rimuru sat down, facing each other.

After taking his place, Shidou looked at Rimuru.

She sat in a chair elegantly, with her silver-blue hair hanging down to her back and golden eyes that always looked around casually.

Her attitude was completely different from that of the spirits he had met.

not childish or playful like Tohka and Yoshino.

Rimuru exudes the feeling of an adult and knows how to behave, her movements are very orderly and neat but also very normal.

But there is something that bothers him...

Rimuru has been keeping her distance from him up until now, and nothing has changed.

While Shidou was looking at Rimuru with worry, the waiter walked over and handed the menu to Rimuru.

"Give me this, please."

Rimuru told the staff politely after seeing what was on the menu.

What Rimuru chose were a portion of ramen and a soft drink.

She made those choices very quickly as if she already knew what was available there.

Although he was a bit puzzled, Shidou didn't ask anymore and also called a part like Rimuru's.

"Give me the same as her."

Shidou ordered, and Rimuru gave him a strange look but quickly stopped it.

While waiting for the food to be brought out, Shidou tried to squeeze out a question to start a conversation.

But the problem was that.... he didn't know what to say.

It would be easy if he knew more about Rimuru, but right now, he knows nothing.

She simply showed up, was invited by Shidou, and was led to random restaurants by Shidou.

She didn't talk as much as Tohka or Yoshino.

She just said what needed to be said and remained silent, even though Shidou tried to be as friendly as possible.

Rimuru was very different from how he was trained...

She simply did not... open up to him.

Unable to find anything to talk about, Shidou just kept silent.

After a while, the food was brought out.

When the waiter put the food down, Shidou made a somewhat surprised expression.

This ramen dish appears to be more expensive than the price listed on the menu.

Although he was surprised, he did not reveal it because he knew that Ratatoskr was definitely behind this.

Shidou slowly picked up his chopsticks to prepare to eat, but before that, he turned to look at Rimuru.

She had started eating before him, she ate slowly and seemed to be enjoying the food.

She seemed to have noticed that Shidou was staring at her, so Rimuru raised her head and looked at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"E... eer nothing."

Shidou panicked and quickly avoided eye contact.

Shidou is still aware that he needs to speak with her, but he is unable to do so.

Every time she looks at him, he can't help but be lost in thought because of how beautiful she is.

Her golden eyes, her perfect skin.... everything about her is just so perfect that she seems like an angel.

-------Kotori POV------

Inside a dim half-elliptical space, lights were floating on the many displays.

The place Kotori was in right now, with a longitudinal distance of 15000 meters from where Shidou and the Spirit are located, was the bridge of the airship <Fraxinus> floating in the sky.

Right in the middle of it, while eating Chupa Chups and sitting arrogantly on the commander's seat, Kotori frowned.

To help Shidou seal the spirits. Ratatoskr took into account every possibility, even when a Spirit somehow was not detected by AST and met with Shidou directly, Ratatoskr staff would blend into the street and silently support him.

From there, Ratatoskr considered all the possibilities and created a group of over 1,000 different plans.

Kotori was very confident when everything went according to plan.

But things didn't go her way at all.

Even though Rimuru agreed to go with Shidou.

Neither of them had any significant interaction with each other, and Kotori couldn't call this a date.

Shidou did not even start a conversation with her, Kotori can see that Shidou looked at Rimuru from time to time and tried to find something to talk about, but every time Rimuru looked at him, Shidou just quickly looked away.

Looking at the two of them made Kotori feel mad.

Right now Kotori wanted to shout to remind Shidou of what to do, but she was hesitant about Rimuru being able to know their conversation and plan.

The higher-ups of Ratatoskr had a long discussion about this new spirit.

The first thing to do is to approach her, and Shidou absolutely must not say that this is a date.

if Shidou opened his mouth to say that, Ratatoskr has no idea how Rimuru would react...

for this spirit, every decision must be the safest one.

Rimuru had a more alert attitude than any other spirit Ratatoskr had encountered before, so it was extremely important to move forward slowly to avoid provoking her.

Even though the current situation wasn't going as Kotori wanted, at least everything was still going according to plan.

Kotori sighed and then looked up at the main screen.

Rimuru's affection level and mental state are currently normal, so at least now she doesn't see Shidou as a threat.

If it continues like this, the sealing won't be a problem anymore.

-------Rimuru POV------

After a while, Rimuru and Shidou finish their portions, and Shidou is the one paying because she didn't have any money.

But when she saw him pay, only then did Rimuru notice something unusual here.

The <Fraxinus> airship above had been watching Rimuru from the beginning, and she wasn't too bothered by it.

But at this restaurant, everything is prepared thoughtfully. That must be the Ratatoskr organization.

If so, why? Does Shidou still have to pay?

The only thing she could think of was that they were trying to gain her trust for convenience in the future.

But that's fine for Rimuru... as long as they are not hostile.

Shidou finished paying while Rimuru was thinking, he then turned to face her and said

"Shall we go?"


Rimuru said as he got up from her seat and slowly walked out.

As he walked out of the store, Rimuru could feel herself becoming more relaxed than before.

Eating when hungry was always the best feeling, a feeling that she hadn't felt for a long time.

With a relaxed state of mind, Rimuru comfortably let out a light smile and looked up at the clear blue sky.

While relaxing, Ciel suddenly spoke up.

<<Looks like you forgot something, master>>


<<You met individual Shidou to know more about Ratatoskr organization and get more information, master>>

<< Ah! I haven't forgotten about that, I'll ask him later, no need to rush>>


...For some reason, Rimuru could feel like Ciel was secretly sighing and not believing what Rimuru just said---

<<You're just imagining it>> Ciel quickly interrupted Rimuru's train of thought.

After a short conversation between Rimuru and Ciel.

Rimuru decided to turn around and ask Shidou for some information about Ratatoskr as well as how they sealed the spirit.

But before she could open her mouth, Shidou spoke first.

"Anyway, you don't know anything here, right? How about I show you around for a bit?"

Shidou said, looking at Rimuru as if expecting her to accept.

surprised by Shidou's sudden suggestion. Rimuru looks at the surrounding area.

Currently, both Shidou and her were in front of the restaurant they had just left.

A lot of people were walking around, it doesn't seem like an appropriate place to talk about spirit.

After considering his offer for a while, Rimuru accepted it.

"Okay, then, lead the way."

After Rimuru accepted, Shidou turned his back and started walking, and she followed.

While walking,she looked around for a bit.

People were still crowded in the street.

It made Rimuru think that maybe the restaurant was just a test to see if Rimuru was hostile or not. which makes more sense when they're taking a spirit around in the middle of a crowded city.

The atmosphere was pretty relaxing, and it made Rimuru just want to go around for a bit more.

After all, her original purpose of coming here was just to hang out, but due to 'unusual circumstances', she had to do this kind of thing now. Would it be okay if she relaxed for a while?

Suddenly, Ciel spoke up.

<<Have you forgotten about Phantom? You should be more careful, Master?>>

<<I already have you. Ciel-sensei always take care of everything, so I don't have to worry too much, right? You even fooled Phantom!>>

In the previous battle with Phantom, Rimuru barely used any skills to counterattack, and Phantom currently doesn't consider Rimuru a serious threat.


<<I know I can always count on you. right, Ciel?>>

<<...Yes Master>>

After Ciel's confirmation, Rimuru shows a relaxed smile.

After all, her current body is not her actual body.

Her current body is just a copy. And the actual body is hidden somewhere by Ciel.

Of course, Ciel would've done that. She wouldn't risk having something weird inside Rimuru's actual body...Right? 

Would she?

--------Ryouko POV-------

Kusakabe Ryouko stood in the JGSDF military base, her gaze fixed on the main screen.

(Kusakabe Ryouko)

Currently, Ryouko is observing a satellite image.

According to the report and coordinates that Origami provided, they managed to find the location of the two people traveling together, and one of them was suspected to be a spirit.

Currently, all of the AST units that can be deployed have mobilized to prepare for the attack.

At the same time, other units from the JGSDF were also mobilized.

The AST team members were scattered over a large area, ready to act when ordered.

Meanwhile, Ryouko still just stood and looked at the information displayed on the screen.

"98.5% similar," Ryouko muttered.

It was no coincidence that they had mobilized such a large force only to deal with someone who looked like a spirit.

The one displayed on the screen was only a cute girl, a normal sight.

but it gave Ryouko a chill.

Because it is just the same as the previous <Princess> encounter.

A few days ago, <Princess> also appeared and was discovered this way.

even if it was a surprise attack. But somehow, <Princess> was able to survive and cause damage to the entire team.

But this time, Ryouko was sure there would be no room for error.

This time, the opponent was <Destroyer>, a spirit that, if fought with all its might, would be even more powerful than <Princess>.

The creatures that have turned the rich places into a land of destruction have caused extensive destruction. The most terrifying of all disasters.

Next to it was still the same boy, the same person as last time.

Ryouko couldn't help but be surprised when the last time,

for some reason, Origami showed a scared expression after shooting at <Princess>. after that, <Princess> got angry, and that boy couldn't be found after <Princess> disappeared.

And now he has appeared again with—another spirit?

There are many unusual details to this situation.

But for now, the AST team was encountering a spirit in a densely populated area, and with the previous incident, they angered <Princess> leading to the destruction of a large area.

So now they can't act carelessly this time.

THE TARGET this time is <Destroyer>, a spirit that can cause tremendous destruction, so it needs a surprise attack and a decisive kill.

"Please continue to monitor and wait for orders to act, absolutely do not act recklessly," Ryouko spoke into the walkie-talkie that spread to all 30 members of the AST.

They discovered how terrifying this spirit was after their encounter with Destroyer>.

The shockwave alone in the middle of the battle against Origami was enough to injure most of the team members, and with just one move, it was possible to blow away a large area.

This time they were especially alert, they even brought with them the most destructive guns of the army to prepare for any worst-case scenario.

Ryouko sighed after looking at the monitor screen. She turned away and headed to the place where the team gathered.

---End chap 5---

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