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20 year old Lewin just showed up to a family gathering with a newborn baby and just shoved it in everyone's face–"HEY GUYS LOOK, I HAVE A KID! LOOK AT MY KID!" and his relatives were just a little concerned as to why the baby caught on fire sporadically, but didn't really question it because Lewin is unpredictable. He could walk in with a Llama and tell them he had a Llama farm and they'd be chill about it.

Lewin doesn’t even explain. Rin stares at everyone with his huge blue eyes and cries all the time and that makes his flames hot and then Lewin actually has to do something. Usually along the lines of “LOOK OUT EVERYONE I’VE GOT THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.” 


Because of Lewin's status as an Arc Knight by the time Rin was six, they moved around the States a lot. Rin had been to most states by now. There was only one other person that had been with them almost the whole time they went everywhere for various reasons–Lily.

She hated her name, but everyone knew her by it, so she'd given up on getting everyone to call her by her last name.

"Named me somethin stupid as Lily Willow and now I gotta live with it forever. What kinda name is Lily Willow anyway? Ain't no pansy." She'd grumble.

She'd been sent with Rin and Lewin everywhere because she proved to be compatible with helping Rin's mood swings as they got older. She was an orphan and was the type of kid who made "My dad went to the store for milk and I'm still waiting for him to come back" jokes. Her and Rin cracked dark jokes all the time, which caused the teachers in school to get worried about them and try to call parents. Alas, Lightning refused to give them his phone number and every time someone asked Lily what her mom or dad's number was, she'd respond with "Six feet under." The teacher would blubber out an apology while the two kids cracked up.

Along with that, they also made inappropriate redneck jokes all the time and got in trouble for it by teachers. Lily was from North Carolina and Rin was in Texas often enough to keep the accent he'd first learned to speak with when he was a baby. They both always had their cowboy boots on.

They made a ton of jokes and made up stories about their families in English class. Usually, the teacher would ask for them to write about whatever interesting event had happened in their lives that connected to certain emotions. Because they moved schools so often, they could make up whatever they wanted and people bought it. Grandpa Light had died several times in accidents ranging from a car crash to him being sucked away by a tornado in Oklahoma. Lily had killed brothers she didn't have or burnt down a house she'd never grown up in several times.

They were insufferable and


Rin got along pretty well with Lightning's sisters Samantha and Sarah. Sarah was older and already out of the house by the time Rin turned thirteen. Granny said she'd started visiting home more often after Lewin brought Rin home for the first time. Sarah came to see the family whenever Rin and Lewin came back to see everyone.

Samantha still lived with Granny and Grandpa and said she couldn't move out until she graduated college. She was the youngest of the siblings and had been a typical teenager–snobby, self-absorbed, grumpy, and a huge know-it-all. But she'd always been sweet to Rin. Incredibly sweet, in fact. She gave him candy every time she saw him. She always let him tag along for yoga classes, too.

The last time they'd stayed in Texas had been the longest time since Rin was a little kid. They'd stayed for a year, long enough for Samantha to sign him up for gymnastics classes. In turn, Sarah signed him up for ballet. They told him it would help him be more flexible and nimble on his feet when fighting. They'd been right, so Rin was grateful to the two sisters.

"So they do have hearts." Lightning had commented.


Granny and Grandpa had taught Rin how to cook, bake, and grill. Granny taught him how to crochet, knit, and sew. Grandpa taught him how to build things and self-defense.

The family loved Rin and treated him like their own. It didn't fill the hole in his heart left by the fact that he didn't have actual parents and would only ever be somebody's weapon when he was older, but it still helped him grow emotionally, which he desperately needed.

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