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Shiro raises Yukio as a normal son in this AU. Rin calls Shiro Uncle and the twins have no idea they're twins. So Rin meets Shiro through Lewin and Angel and he meets Yukio through Ryuji because Yukio is an ExWire with everyone else.

So Yukio is just cousin Yukio.


"We're never gonna tell them, right?" Shiro looked to Lightning. "Pfffft, nah. They don't need to know. We'll be dead by the time they find out anyway." Lightning agreed. Shiro snorted. The boys were talking about the differences of Japan and America.

"I was raised in a free country and I'm still not free." Rin pointed out. They laughed, but it was dark humor and Shiro winced. "How can he laugh about it like that so easily?" Shiro wondered. "His life is controlled by adults obsessed with forcing him to do all the heavy lifting for them in a war he didn't even want to be a part of and he was raised in America where people laugh as their lives are falling apart." Lightning listed.

"Really? In Japan, people just get depressed and live like robots, just doing sverything on autopilot because nothing matters anymore. You failed at the game of Life and now everything sucks." Shiro said.

"I'm blind and have been called the revutionary nickname Four-Eyes since I was five. I wish they'd at least come up with something more creative." Yukio sighed. Rin snickered. "I have a friend back home who has to wear glasses and no one has ever dared to call her anything rude that had to do with her wearing glasses. She'll shove you in a locker and use her own lock so no one can free you without breaking the locker." Rin laughed. "Really? You can do that in America?" Yukio gasped.

"Yep. She starved Marty Spout in fifth grade for calling her an ugly bat because she needed glasses to see the board properly. The teachers are pushovers and I guess figure there's no hope of controlling the future generations anymore. If you meet a teacher that won't take your shit, you respect them." Rin said safely.

"America really is out of control." Shiro sweatdropped. Lewin laughed. "Yup! You csn be anything, anywhere, at any time of day. I once saw a guy in Florida wrestle a gator to get his daughter's doll back. Stuck his hand fight down the thing's throat. I had to give his wives a dose of sleep medicine so they'd stop panicking while their husband did his thing. Their daughter thought he was the coolest guy in the world." Lightning told the Paladin.

"I don't know if I wanna go to America or not. It sounds nuts, but it also sounds pretty interesting....." Shiro admitted.

Rin and Yukio Hing out all the time and Rin started calling Shiro Uncle. No one minded it. It seemed like the Son of Satan was building a family in Japan and it was good to have someone to Mother Hen them when he came around.

Rin and Yukio remained cousins and neither of the Father's saw the need to tell them the truth.

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