An unhappy demon king

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The second most powerful demon known as Prince Rin huffed while crossing his arms in his new apartment. "It's too small..." he thought to himself. He sighed as he crashed on to his bed. "Too hard..." he sighed again. "I miss mom and dad. Assiah isn't that fun after all."

At that moment a small fire of mischief burned in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Amaimon bought some candy and ice cream for his brother. He did have a massive sweet tooth after all. He was enjoying his ice cream he heard screams of terror. "Not again, " he thought and ran to the direction he heard the scream from.

There Rin was holding a few candies while floating in the air. "This is too good." He said as he was floating above a public park. Screams of terror being heard by everyone while the mothers tried to calm down the children who were screaming at 'something imaginary'.

Foolish mothers aren't they?

Anyways, Amaimon stared at his brother and then back at the chaos, and then back at him.

"I knew you were the mischievous type from the start."

"Oh, you haven't seen the best part!" Rin replied with his signature grin.

He suddenly threw all the candies in the air and it spread everywhere. Fortunately, the children stopped crying and rushed to pick to candies up. The parents just stared dumbfoundedly at the candy, wondered where they came from and looked at the sky.

Amaimon continued starting at Rin, who was laughing in the air clutching his stomach. "Now watch," the raven-haired demon snapped his fingers and all of the candies disappeared leaving tiny specks of blue flames for a moment. The children cried again. The scenario restarted.


"HA told you!" Satan laughed from his hiding spot aka. the bush. Yuri begrudgingly gave his husband 20 bucks. "Damn it," she cursed pouting. They betted on if Amaimon was the one who was going to cause trouble or Rin. Satan won. 

They continued to watch the two demon kings as they messed around. That attracted nearby exorcists, who were calling for another group.

"Oh, crap", they both caroused. The demon lord gave out a mental signal to his sons who immediately reacted and stopped arguing mid-sentence. They were too late.

An Exorcist threw a holy water grenade at the demon kings. They weren't fazed at all. "Hey! What was that for?", the physically ten-year-old asked the attackers.

The attackers didn't answer as the Dragoons fired their weapons.

"Uh oh", Yuri's eyes widen as an angry silhouette of the king of Gehenna came forward.

"This isn't good"


*dodges rocket launcher*

Hey who threw that!

*sees angry readers*


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