No way!

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"So you have rushed to me in such a short time for our little promise six years ago? Am I right?" asked Satan with a raised brow. They were in his office sitting down in a comfortable red plush chair in front of their father. The three older brothers, Iblis, Azazel and Amaimon, gulped at the pressure their father was releasing. Rin seemed to be indifferent and just nodded. Satan sighed and leaned back, raised his eyebrow to his youngest son who had hopeful eyes. 

"Sure why not?"

"YASSS~" Rin fist-bumped the air and stood up, almost making the chair fall down. The three older brothers just gave him a blank stare before also standing up. The youngest ran out of the room screaming in the lines of 'gonna tell Mom!'.

"You are his older brothers, you go with him!" Satan reminded them, putting his feet on the desk and leaned on his chair more with a grin. 


"WHAT!" The victims shouted at the same time. The father just sighed and explained calmly.

"Do you really want him to get caught by the exorcists? You guys know your brother best, naive and too trusting."

Grumbling under their breaths, the brothers left the room, leaving a demon king smiling pleasingly to himself.

"Finally got rid of the annoying ones!"

In the portal room

Rin was walking through the gates to the portal room when a group of people rammed into him. Painfully at that. 


Now they were a pile of multi-coloured demons. Of course, the group of people that rammed into him were Iblis, Amaimon and Azazel.

"Owwwww... Why did we agree to your methods..." Azazel muttered under his breath and was the first one to rise from the rainbow pile. Iblis just grinned cheekily before dusting off his pants. 

Rin just shook his head to get rid of the dizziness before standing up himself. "Why are you guys here? Not to be rude or anything, but you don't like Assiah, right?" he asked his brothers. Azazel and Iblis rubbed the back of their necks in embarrassment. "Well..."

"We wanted to come with you to protect you from the exorcists." Amaimon explained with a deadpan expression and a monotone voice, like always. Rin brightened up and dragged his older brothers by their capes to the portal. 
"Well then, let's not waste our time, shall we!"

With that, he jumped in the endless swirls of the portal.

AN: Sorry for the lack of updates! I will try to get the next chapter done by next week!

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