Parent's Worries and Samuels Agreement

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In Gehenna

3rd Person

Yuri was looking out of the window in her and Satan's bedroom and sighed. "I miss my boy. When will he come back?" she sighed again.

"What's wrong my beloved?" Satan asked after he entered their room and closed the door silently. "Oh you know. Our baby boy Rin grew up so fast. I wonder if he'll return." She said with a slight frown on her face. "Of course he will return dear. He's only 10 years old. Unlike his brothers that are over a hundred years older. He will come back. Let's just hope Amaimon and Rin don't cause to much trouble in Assiah." The demon said patting his wife's head.

"Yeah Let's hope." She said with a bright smile that belongs to an angel. "Good! Because we are going to Assiah to spy on them" Satan said excitedly.

"Sure! Wait... WHAT!"

In Assiah

Rin pov

"Sure you can my dear brothers! Why wouldn't you be allowed to participate in my lovely school!" I hear Samuel agree. We can finally go to school! After 10 000 years I can finally stay in Assiah, not to mention a school!

"You can go school tomorrow. Any other wishes?"

"A place to stay?" I ask. Why wouldn't I ask that. A prince can't sleep in the streets. That would damage my pride very much so.

"I already gave a key to Amaimon. Open any door with a lock with the key and you are going to be teleported right away!" Samuel exclaimed grinning.

"Let's go brother. I'm bored." Amaimon stepped in for the first time since we entered Samuels office.

"Okay let's go Nii-san!" I said as I opened the door with the key, giving him a toothy grin.

An: Hi there it's me the author! Please vote if you like the story! It keeps me motivated and ready to write another part.

Thanks for reading!

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