Being Gay Is Hard

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8:26 am

Ryu: Do you ever wake up and completely forget you sold your existence to a cute dumbass and then you wake up next to said dumbass and don't regret a single thing?

Blue Sunshine: Nah, my bf is hella smart, can't relate ;)

Actually Satan: Gross, It's Too Early For This.

Blue Sunshine: Literally fuck right off, you're cuddling with him on his other side, you gay disaster

Pink Pervert: yeah asshole, you stole my spot

Smol Cat Child: I gave Rin mine because he earned it. :)

Polka-Brows: Are all the guys in this class just gay for each other or what?

Blue Sunshine: Shhhh, they'll gay panic if you call them out lmao

Actually Satan: I Am Not That Fragile.

Polka-Brows: Cool it, Vulnerability Issues, you don't need to be defensive.

Actually Satan: I Open Myself Up And This Is What I Get.

Pink Pervert: therapy in the rarest form–Izumo's Tough Love bc we all know you'd hate being babied.

Actually Satan: Shit, You're Right.

Polka-Brows: Well he's gotta have at least a few braincells in there to be a spy.

Pink Pervert: i don't know whether to be insulted or complimented....

Polka-Brows: Both, dumbass.

Pink Pervert: tough love never felt so good :')

Blue Sunshine: This borders on Masochism for you Shima

Pink Pervert: why??

Blue Sunshine: You've been shot down so many times, but you always come back. You're either a masochist or a dog

Pink Pervert: life would be much easier if I was a dog, so I'm gonna go with the first one

Actually Satan: The Spy Continues To Show He Has An Adequate Amount Of Braincells.

Pink Pervert: :D

Blue Sunshine: Okay, that's cute

Smol Cat Child: Gdi Rin, you're not supposed to fall for his cute smiley face! Show no weakness!

Blue Sunshine: Too late


Konekomeru looked up at Rin as he shifted(he was spooning Rin)and watched the half-demon turn around to face Konekomeru and Shima, who was spooning the smaller boy. He leaned over Konekomeru and planted an adorable little kiss on Shima's cheek. Shima's cheeks glowed red and he couldn't stop smiling.

8:40 am

Smile Cat Child: Hey no fair, I want Rin kisses! I'm the best behaved out of all these savages!

Blue Sunshine: lmao omw boo, don't worry

Rin put his phone down to deliver a kiss to Konekomeru's cheek. He hummed in happiness.

8:41 am

Ryu: I finally got Rin to date me and all you homewreckers are stealing him from me.

Actually Satan: Y'all Can Have Him, I Don't Have Any Braincells To Spare For Him To Kill. I Can't Risk It In This Line Of Work. :/

Blue Sunshine: Love the awkward neutral face to show it's not meant to be offensive,but unfortunately it still is

Flower Girl: He's getting better! ^-^

Polak-Brows: Is anyone gonna get up to make breakfast or are we all fending for ourselves?

Blue Sunshine: I'll get up and make some, but I have to go to the store real quick to get some stuff. Who wants to come with me

Smile Cat Child: ME! :D

Pink Pervert: ME TOO

Ryu: I'm pinned by your brother, I'll chill here until he gets up.

Blue Sunshine: Aw, that's sweet. Thanks babe :)


Yukio burrowed his fiercely blushing face into the crook of Suguro's neck and Koneko snapped a picture before he, Rin, and Shima grabbed clothes to change into before going downstairs to set out to the grocery.


9:10 am

Pink Pervert: HesTryingSoHard.img

The picture was Konekomeru pulling Rin down to his lips while the latter laughed with the effort expended to kiss him.

Ryu: PDA, get off my hoe.

Blue Sunshine: I'm not a hoe, I'm a slut. God, get it right, fuckin moron

Ryu: Abuse.

Actually Satan: No, He's Correct. A Hoe Is Someone Who Uses Their Charms To Gain Material Things. A Slut Is Someone Who Has Multiple Sex Partners.

Polka-Brows: Never thought I'd live to see the day where Rin corrected Gorilla and it be right. I'm proud of you Rin.

Rin: I grew up in the streets, ofc I know the difference lmao

Blue Sunshine: They're not sluts bc they're dumb, they're sluts bc life hates them as much as it does me and they just couldn't make it anywhere but the Club

Ryu: Speaking of Clubs.

Actually Satan: Interesting Start, But Go Ahead.

Ryu: Rin, do you remember last week's mission when you needed the lightpole for the plan to work?

Blue Sunshine: Yeah why

Ryu: You didn't just slide down when you were chasing it, you fucking performed like an actual pole dancer. Why??

Blue Sunshine: I needed a hand free! And the perfect rotation to get a clean slice through the neck to chop the head off

Actually Satan: Color Me Completely Unsurprised

Flower Girl: What are pole dancers?

Pink Pervert: Jesus Christ

Blue Sunshine: Well, she's gotta learn sometime

Ryu: Oh my God don't you dare.

Blue Sunshine: Pretty people that dance, but they use acrobatics to do it on a pole in heels I could never dream of walking in. They do it for money and it actually pays really well. People tend to look down on them and judge them, but that's ignoring how many married men find themselves paying said dancers to dance for them.

Flower Girl: Interesting.

Pink Pervert: okay, what the fUCK does that mean Shiemi

Flower Girl: It's an interesting scenario. Very similar to other scenarios with double standards. People are kind of dumb....

Smol Cat Child: Oh good, she's starting to understand the world more.

Smol Cat Child: Also

Smol Cat Child: He'sAdorable.img

It was a picture of Shima holding something over Rin's head and Rin pouting at him because he was too short to reach.

9:14 am

Smol Cat Child: Oop.img

Rin had pulled Shima down by the collar and crashed their lips together, catching the thing Shima was holding away from him when he dropped it in surprise.

9:14 am

Smol Cat Child: GuysPlsWe'reInPublic.img

Rin and Shima were making out in front of the shelves.

9:15 am

Pink Pervert: if you wanted to join, you could've just said, buddy

Smol Cat Child: I shouldn't have to ask, I'm obviously superior to you :)

Flower Girl: That smiley feels threatening....

Polka-Brows: Rin, make out with your other side bitch before he punches you in the gut to reach you.

Blue Sunshine: Nah, he's gotta wait. The easiest way to reach him is too inappropriate for the grocery store ;)

Pink Pervert: ooh? you gonna pin him to something?

Blue Sunshine: Possibly

Smol Cat Child: I'm down, I can be patient.

Ryu: Get your shit and come back, I'm starving and lonely.

Blue Sunshine: My brother is right there babe

Ryu: And you're fine with that??

Polka-Brows: Just do it Gorilla. We're so far beyond social norms anyways, who tf cares. I wouldn't be surprised if we all ended up together in the future. It's not even wrong as long as the twins don't date each other.

Blue Sunshine: Pls never mention that ever again

Actually Satan: Agreed.

Smol Cat Child: Why wait for the future, go kiss Shiemi.

Blue Sunshine: If she's ready

Smol Cat Child: Yes, if she's ready.

Flower Girl: (>////<) I'm ready!

Polka-Brows: You don't have to push yourself to be like the rest of us, we like you how you are, Shiemi.

Pink Pervert: i think that's the nicest I've ever seen Izumo be. i'm terrified

Blue Sunshine: Shhh, don't ruin the moment

Flower Girl: I'm ready for kisses! (/>////<)/


Izumo put her phone down to look at Shiemi, who'd cuddled up to her during the night and the girl smiled. It was a look usually seen on Rin, and it really suited their second cinnamon roll too.

Her cheeks flushed, but she pecked the blonde on the lips and went back to her phone.

9:22 am

Actually Satan: ThatsGay.img

Actually Satan: Perfect Timing ;)

The picture was, of course, Izumo and Shiemi's kiss.

9:23 am

Blue Sunshine: I think you've outgrown that user, gimme a sec

Blue Sunshine has changed Actually Satan's name to Snipe.

Snipe: Is This A Boku No Hero Reference?

Blue Sunshine: Hell yeah it is

Ryu: Solid user.

Pink Pervert: he's doing God's work

Blue Sunshine: This is fun, imma keep doing it

Blue Sunshine changed Flower Girl's name to Mr. Sancho.

Mr. Sancho: Why do you do this to me? -_-)

Pink Pervert: I don't get it?

Snipe: It's An Inside Joke.

Blue Sunshine: Lmao, I'm messing with you, hold on

Blue Sunshine Changed Mr. Sancho's name to Honeybun.

Ryu: We're keeping that one.

Blue Sunshine: Oh? Who's the hoe now, Babe

Blue Sunshine changed Ryu's name to Zuko.

Zuko: Why?

Blue Sunshine: "I'm gonna defeat Satan and restore my Temple's honor!"

Zuko: Alright, fair enough. Still think you could do better.

Blue Sunshine: Hm, I probably could.

Blue Sunshine changed Zuko's name to Babe.

Babe: What's the explanation for this one?

Blue Sunshine: You're a Babe and it suits you bc that's what I'm gonna be calling you from now on

Blue Sunshine: Also, callbacks to Kyoto that no one but you and me know about

Polka-Brows: Everyone's gonna be calling you that now, Babe.

Snipe: Damn Izumo, You Killed Him.

Snipe: HeDead.img

Suguro was covering his face with a pillow, but you could see how red his ears were.

9:26 am

Blue Sunshine changed Pink Pervert's name to Pink Panther.

Pink Panther: ooh, upgrade!

Blue Sunshine changed Smol Cat Child's name to Big Dick Energy.

Big Dick Energy: I approve. ;P

Babe: Why is he not wrong?

Blue Sunshine: Cool, now that it's been acknowledged

Blue Sunshine changed Big Dick Energy's name to Short King.

Short King: Still lovin it, thanks Rin.

Blue Sunshine: I'm on a roll

Blue Sunshine changed Polka-Brows's name to Kyuubi.

Kyuubi: I'm not mad at it.

Blue Sunshine: I'm sensing a 'but' there....

Kyuubi: But you can do better.

Blue Sunshine: Fuckin knew it

Blue Sunshine: I have so many references to memes and Pop Culture in my brain that it takes me a minute to find the right ones that suit ppl, gimme a sec

Blue Sunshine changed Kyuubi's name to Goddess.

Blue Sunshine: Good enough?

Goddess: Perfect :)

Pink Panther: she's being nice, it's weird. i don't like it

Blue Sunshine: Wow you really are a masochist

Babe: And now for the finishing touch.

Babe changed Blue Sunshine's name to Token Slut.

Token Slut: I will shank you with a broken chopstick, you overcooked ramen bowl.

Babe: Ah yes, my precious boyfriend

Babe: So sweet.

Babe changed Token Slut's name to Hot Mess:

Goddess: Emphasis on Hot.

Babe: If you weren't a hot mess already, I'm gonna make you into one. ;P

Hot Mess: Pls do

Snipe: Someone's Thirsty.

Hot Mess: Someone's jealous

Hot Mess: Oop, small child incoming, hold on

9:45 am

Short King: Hhhhh, you guys that was great 🤣

Babe: What? What did we miss?

Pink Panther: a toddler came up to Rin and said "Mommy?" and her dad came to get her and he was like "Nooooo, I told you she's at home, why am I not enough??" LMAO

Short King: He was almost crying, that poor man.

Pink Panther: And Rin was just holding this adorable little kid and about to go look for her parents when the dad came up.

Short King: That baby was calling him mommy and he didn't look upset at all.

Goddess: Rin is pretty, it makes sense.

Babe: Seconded.

Snipe: Never Understood Why People Always Only Went For Me, Rin's Looks Are At least Equal To My Own.

Pink Panther: okay the three grouchiest and meanest people in the group are all being nice. what are y'all planning?

Snipe: Date Night, Now Stop Freaking Out

Short King: Does Date Night include making a fort and using that giant white sheet in storage as a screen for a movie?

Snipe: And The Projector From Cram School That No One Uses Anymore.

Hot Mess: I have a feeling that I'll be hearing us more than the movie

Goddess: You have accurate instincts.

Honeybun: And I have the feeling that I have an idea of what you're talking about for once. :D

Hot Mess: Are you sure you understand?

Honeybun: Yes, Izumo caught me up on a lot of stuff I missed while growing up. ;)

Hot Mess: And now I'm scared of Shiemi giving winky faces. The world is collapsing

Babe: Dw, it's gonna feel that way later, but it'll be great ;P

Short King: I think you killed him, he's the color of the Cherries he's holding.

Babe: Why do you need cherries??

Snipe: He Likes Tying The Stems With His Tongue.

Short King: (O////O)

Hot Mess: What's with that

Pink Panther: well it's kind of a thing that people say–if you can tie cherry stems with your tongue, then you're a good kisser.

Short King: Wouldn't you be able to tell, @Babe @Pink Panther

Babe: So that's how he's so good. Damn. He got ahead of the game and didn't even know it.

Pink Panther: what a King

Short King: Y'all stop, he's going to explode.


Date night was, as predicted, filled with noises that were definitely not from The Lion King.

Rin was just glad they'd all finally agreed to date each other.

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