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Th chedhé ŕrí wah, th lnghbrr brrhé brre wah n zah röuh! ki! wah, Or!uh! Medhé.


The scent to draw them, the irresistible bond to bind them and in one world keep them, Fourth prophecy.



It was a brazen world. Caution was unknown here and conservation was a foreign concept.

The inside of the bar was like nothing I had ever seen. The lighted dance poles were worked expertly by scantily clad females dancing seductively in time to the beat. The gentle sway of their hips and sultry smile on their lips enchanted the spell-bound onlookers whose souls had been snacthed and entrapped by their mesmerizing appeal. I myself was trapped in a daze as I stared unabashed.

The bartender, Liam, was a wonder as he performed different tricks while mixing the drinks. His speed and focus was one to admire as he expertly caught the juggled bottles, poured their contents into a waiting cup and slid them swiftly to the customer. All this he did in a matter of minutes and he never spilled or missed a beat.

Jared had suggested that I have the mimosa, a cocktail, which was served in similar looking flutes to the one we had at my pack. I was skeptical at first because it was unheard of to mix champagne with citrus fruit but one taste of it and I had understood what the hype was all about. The sweet, tangy taste caressed the tips of my tongue and as it went further along it ignited my taste buds and opened up my senses to a burst of flavours.

I was on my second flute, seated on one of the high stools with my eyes closed as I relished in it's soothing taste.

"Told you, you would like it," Jared murmured close to my ear, breaking the euphoric haze that shrouded my mind.

"Hmm hmmm," I answered, not wanting to speak.

"What's in the drink?" Zena snarled at Jared. "Why is she acting drowsy all of a sudden?" She demanded snatching up my drink and peering closely at the contents.

"It's champagne with orange juice," I drawled, opening my eyes and sitting up straighter. "Granted we don't mix them like they do but we drink it at home as well. Nothing to be paranoid about," I added with a wry smile and took back my drink. She was seriously getting on my nerves.

Zena was a constant defensive presence, never straying away from my side. While I looked on in awe and interest, tasting and experiencing what their world had to offer, she was content with staring from her seated position. She regarded every individual with contempt and she was resistant to mingle with anyone.

"So-o where are you from?" Jayce asked, turning to face me. He had been busy with the ordering of his drink and had missed what had transpired between Zena, Jared and I. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked, taking in Zena's scowl and Jared's slight apprehension.

"Nope you didn't," I replied hastily and smiled at him. "We don't live far from here," I lied, not sure if I could talk about my real origins especially considering the fact that they were not wolves. They didn't have a scent.

Wise choice, Zena muttered down the mind-link.

I'm seriously thinking of blocking the link, I retorted.

Go on do it, she dared, glaring at me.

If I didn't have a conversation with another person besides Zena, I was seriously going to lose it. I was curious and itching to know more about this world, but with Zena being the brooding, not so friendly, immovable security rock beside me all prospective conversations were shut down with a stony glare.

"What about you guys?" I said turning to back Zena and moving my head sideways to look at Jared who had now taken a seat next to Jayce, a beer nestled in his hand. "Tell me more about yourself besides the obvious?" I asked.

I could feel my back heat up, no doubt from the fiery stare Zena was aiming at me. I blocked our link and ignored the slight discomfort, beaming brightly at Jared and Jayce, an invitation for them to continue.

"So I'm the eldest by five minutes," Jared replied smuggly, earning a groan from Jayce. "Not this again," he muttered.

Jayce and Jared were fraternal twins, standing at the same height which was much taller than Zena and I, but lacking the build that most lycanthrope males had. Jayce had dark brown hair with kind blue eyes and full lips that turned lopsided when he was embarrassed or unsure. He had a meek aurora about him and an exquisite butterfly tattoo by the side of his left eyebrow. Jared, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. His dark long curly hair flowed unrestrained down his neck. Cool brown eyes hidden under long thick dark lashes, a well defined jaw-line with a slightly broad chest and an array of tattoos lining his neck and exposed fore-arms.

"And we are from Ohio, Texas. Which is a long stretch from here" he drawled. "Mom and Dad are ranch owners and so we grew up in the stereotypical Old McDonald setting," he continued, laughing. "But the glitz and glamour of the big cities was more appealing to my brother and I. So we made the big move here, to Las vegas," he finished with a gesture towards our surroundings.

Ohio, Texas, Las vegas. What were those places?

"My dream is to be an actor but at the moment I own a tattoo parlour just down the street with a branch in Canada as well," Jayce spoke up with a proud expression on his face.

"Yep, but with his looks he might not get very far," Jared sneered and Jayce's expression quickly turned sour. "But I on the other hand has all it takes," he announced with a smug smile. "Beauty, brains, a good heart, god-like physique...." he listed, counting them off his fingers.

"....humongous ego, stinky attitude, snores like a pig, air head, drama queen....Anything else?" Jayce chimed in with a roll of his eyes and this made me laugh, even Zena snorted softly behind me but she tried to conceal her amusement with a cough.

"Not funny," Jared muttered through a clenched jaw and glared at Jayce who only shrugged.

"So you are the master-mind behind such creativity?" I asked Jayce pointing towards his and Jared's tattoos.

"Yep, the one and only," he chuckled.

"He is really good with the ink," Jared praised and I nodded an agreement while admiring the tattoos that lined up his fore-arm.

"So do you guys have a pack?" Zena suddenly asked. We all turned to look at her, surprised that she had spoken. "Do you or do you not?" she pressed with a raise of her brows.

Curiosity finally got you, I snickered, opening up the closed mind-link. She didn't reply but continued to stare expectantly at Jared and Jayce.

Jared was the first to recover from his shock. "What do you mean by pack?" he asked, perplexed.

"Never mind," Zena muttered. She had gotten her answer and so had I. They really weren't wolves. So what were they?

"Ahm, do you mean a club, sorority or fraternities. That kind of thing," Jayce suggested.

"Is that what you call it?" she quipped.

"If that's what you mean, yeah" Jared answered, with a slight smile. "And we have loads of other groups, if you are interested," he winked. She growled a warning at him and it only broadened his already growing grin.

"I've heard of ladies purring but yours is so guttural," he remarked huskily and continued to stare at her.

"Quit it now bro before she has your balls for dinner," Jayce warned but he only laughed and Zena scowled further.

I looked on, as a spectator, between Zena and Jared who were now locked in a heated glare match. If it were that she was not mated or Jared was not an outsider he might have had a little chance. She always loved a challenge.

I brought the flute up to my lips, craving the europhic flavour of its contents when I inhaled an overpowering scent of musky oud mixed with bourbon vanilla and orange blossom. I placed the drink down perplexed as to the sudden change of it's smell but the scent was still in the air. It filled the whole atmosphere and the beautifully layered fragrance rife with natural sensuality and a woody undertone drove Ava and I to the brink.

Find the scent, Ava yipped and bounded excitedly in her mental cage.

Moving of its own accord, my neck craned to the side and I caught a glimpse of a tall, well defined back clothed in a form fitting suit. His face was turned away from me as he walked up the stairs following the lead of a blonde-headed scantily dressed lady. He was a wolf.

Suddenly, the loud snapping of fingers was able to draw me out of my musings. I reluctantly turned towards the owner of the fingers and frowned.

"What's caught your attention besides this heavenly goodness?" Jared asked, gesturing to himself. Zena scoffed and Jayce rolled his eyes.

"What he means to say is you've been ignoring his request to dance," Jayce clarified. "And I can understand," he added with a sympathetic expression. "Who wants to be stuck with this air head," he said and earned a side poke from a scowling Jared. "So how about we dance?" he finished, standing from the stool.

"I asked first, opportunistic thief," Jared sulked.

"It's okay," I laughed. "I'll dance with him first," I decided, referring to Jayce. "His excellently delivered pitch moved me," I said, winking to Jayce who pumped the air with his fist and led me towards the dance floor.

What was that about? Zena mind-linked, referring to my zone out as Jayce and I got to the dance floor.

I scented a wolf. A very strong wolf, I replied and I could feel her anxiety waft down the link.

Well what do you know, your time's almost up princess, She announced. Because if you scented a wolf then what are these people?

That I don't know, I mused, still intrigued by the unknown man that had such an effect on me.

Five minutes more! she barked, abruptly down the link. I still didn't understand her ability to convey such strong emotions down the link. It's ticking, she sing-songed and I closed the link with a frustrated sigh and turned to Jayce.

"So how do we do this?" I asked, moving around awkwardly.

"I thought you'd never ask," he shouted above the music. I had probably just stood in the middle of the dance floor as I mind-linked Zena. "Just move to the music," he pumped up his fist and jumped in time to the beat.

"Like this?" I asked, copying his move. I must have done the wrong thing because he burst out laughing and shook his head.

"Feel the music Yil. Be one with it," he advised.

The fast paced music slowed down a tempo and with it a relaxed, sensual sound wafted all around the dance floor.

I closed my eyes, trying to let the music flow through me. It reverberated along my whole being with a steady thrum and I began to gyrate. My hips swayed slowly on their own volition and my hands moved to caress my arms, waist and hair with my whole body spinning and turning in time to the beat. I opened my eyes slowly and caught Jayce staring at me surprised.

"Don't just stand there, dance silly," I giggled and moved closer to him and together we danced to different music till I was dead beat.

"That was exhilarating," I squealed excitedly as we neared our spot by the drink bar. "You should try it," I said, turning to Zena. "Might help you loosen up a little," I remarked with a wink.

"Oh I'd love to," she replied, feigning a sickly sweet smile. "But since our time's up, that might not happen," she pouted and got up from her seat.

"But I didn't even get my chance with the dance machine," Jared complained.

"Dance machine?" Zena and I asked in unison.

"Yeah, you totally destroyed those dance moves," he commented.

"And to think you were asking for pointers from me," Jayce chuckled and chugged down his fifth beer.

We have to go. It's almost dawn and I scented another wolf, Zena persisted down the mind-link.

"We don't live very far anyway and it's almost dawn," she said hurriedly, cutting my chance to respond both through the mind-link or to Jayce. "So we can always meet up some other time," she declared, smiling brightly much to Jayce and Jared's surprise. They both regarded her skeptically.

"How about a ride then? We'll be..." Jared's suggestion was cut off by Zena.

"Don't stress about it," she said, waving him off. "It's not that far, really," she added.

Zena turned to me and pulled at my arm, attempting to move me towards the exit of the bar but I stood rooted to the ground as I traced the musky, intoxicating scent to the balcony on the upper floor. I was held transfixed by a pair of enchanting blue eyes. He was bent over the railings as he regarded me with the same curiosity. I couldn't make out his features due to the distance and dim lightning but he gave off a dominant aurora and his stance was one of supreme authority.

And even much more surprising, he was my mate

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