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His grim, scarred face was the first thing that welcomed me once the door gave away. The howls and screams of pain behind me couldn't compare to the vicious sanguine sight that lined my vision. It wasn't even his grotesque demeanour that frightened me. Nor the blood that beautified his metal sword to give it a scarlet, sharp glint that dripped in a rhythmic sound to form a puddle by his feet. Much like the ticking of the clock. 

No! It was the she-wolf that lay by his feet. Her silk robe had been thorn to bare open her stabbed naked body and patches of her bloodied hair littered the whole room in disgruntled patterns. Her blue eyes stared lifelessly through me and her lips were parted slightly in a silent prayer. The baby's shrill cries caught my attention and I noticed the wrapped bundle by the corner, drenched in her mother's blood.

The male-wolf stalked towards me. On his face, the most evil grimace and in his hands, an equally ghoulish, ancient sword. His faceless form mouthed a few words. Words I couldn't catch. My senses were heightened, and if just to avenge her I would battle to my death, as I got ready to pounce and scrape in my own pound of flesh. He raised his sword high, cracking up at my stupidity to take him on and as we sprinted towards each other in a vicious face-off, I felt the warm fingers.

The loud thud wafted forcefully into my subconscious to pull me out of the depths of troubled, grim dreams. My veins pounded hard with the sudden rush of blood and my breathing came in short gasps like a man who had run a thousand races. I felt the four walls of the room vibrate with a strong intensity and I caught the soft gasp of pain that escaped a person's lips.

The blood-lust haze that blinded my vision cleared to reveal the pain-filled grimace that lined the soft features of a delicate she-wolf. She writhed in pain and clawed hard at something. I moved my vision away from her ethereal features in confusion and looked down to source out the reason for her pain when I noticed that I had a powerful choke-hold on her neck.

I registered once again the oversized glasses, perched lightly above a dainty nose and those cute freckles that lined each cheek and quickly released my hold.

"Star," I sputtered, crouching down to catch her falling body. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you," I apologised, frantically. 

Looking for ways to ease her pain, I noticed a glass of milk that had spilled on the rug beside her but thankfully the cup still held a substantial amount and so I reached for it and fed it to her slowly.

She gulped it down greedily but I had to reduce the pace at which she drank it lest she choked. I noticed that her button neck shirt might cause her discomfort and so I undid the first two with shaky fingers and moved her close to me on the floor as I rubbed her back in an effort to regulate her breathing.

"I'm so sorry. I thought it was him," I whispered and continued to rub on her back.

I hadn't dreamt about that night in a long time and whenever I did, I would always wake up to the sights of a demolished room. As I pounced, raved and attacked the ghost of my nightmares in a maddening effort to relish in the pain that I sought to inflict on my tormentor. A tormentor that had gotten away as he left me barely alive with every bone in my body utterly destroyed. However, even much more gut-wrenching than that was that he had stolen with him my happiness, my memories, my family, my all. Everything.

"Alpha Aryn," Star whispered against my chest and I bent to look at her. "I'm okay," she smiled, slightly.

"I have to call the pack doctor just in case. He needs to check that I haven't crushed your larynx," I said, trying to get up to make the call but she pulled me down to her gently and shook her head. 

"Please just stay like this for a minute. I promise I'm okay," she assured me before she buried her head in my chest.

My heart rate was still beating erratically but I tried to calm it down as I pulled her close and offered whatever comfort she was seeking. 

It was the very least that I could do.

"Did you dream about him again?" She asked, softly with her head still to my chest.

"I don't want to talk about it," I ground out through clenched teeth.

She lifted her head from my chest to face me and my eyes automatically went to the deep red bruises around her neck. I winced slightly at the sight.

 Just how hard had I held her?

"We need to get that checked," I attempted to persuade her. She followed my eye sight with her fingers till she got to the affected area. The touch elicited a sharp hiss of pain and she fought back the tears that sprang to her eyes. "You're in pain and I'm calling the pack doctor now," I enforced.

"I'm a wolf. I'll heal," she persisted, stubbornly. 

"It's an order from your Alpha," my voice rose slightly in agitation but she didn't back down. Couldn't she understand that she needed medical care right now? I had strangled her in a fit of rage and judging by my strength, I knew she was in great pain.

"Well I'm the one who's hurt here. Can't I at least get to decide how you'll repay me for what you did?" she said, softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you're guilt stricken and watching me get medical attention is only going to worsen that feeling. I'm okay, I've said so a couple of times now," she stressed. "Yes, it hurts but it will heal and since you are bent on giving some kind of reparation for a wrong that was not your fault then tell me what you dreamt about?" She added, with doe brown eyes that implored unto me.

"It's not reparation," I corrected. "It's the logical thing to do," I insisted. "Dammit! I strangled you Star not cuddled you," I announced in frustration.

"I know you better than that," she whispered. "After I see the doctor you are going to be doting on me like a pup and I'm not weak," she refused with finality. "So instead of all that just tell me,"

Was this about her pride or something?

I stared intently at her trying to read her emotions but she kept them hidden and returned my stare. Star and I had grown up together, went to the same middle school and high school. She had always been the gentle, shy butterfly amongst us and realising that she was susceptible to bullying, I had been an intimidating presence, never straying far from her side. That was how we got close in the beginning.

After high school, we had dreams of furthering our education. I had a love for the arts and Star was more science and mathematics. However, with the devastating war that had ripped our pack bare of dignity and my father bare of his senses. I had to take on the role of Alpha and despite her own loss, she had stuck it out with me. In a way she had been the one closest to me, the one I could always talk to when I was down and pack work was unbearable but over the years we had grown further apart. 

Or maybe I had grown further apart because all her attempts to rekindle our friendship was never acknowledged by me. For despite her perceptions of me, I was not that young, cocky, smiley teenager she grew up with. I was broken and I couldn't bear for her to see me that way. 

But here she was and she had just seen what I was capable of.

"How did you know this wasn't the first time?" I asked, moving to lean against the wall in a seated position.

"I've heard your screams of agony before," she answered and sat next to me. "It's been a long time since then but I knew you wouldn't want my comfort. You always did like to handle it all on your own," she added, trying to find a comfortable position for her neck. I tapped my shoulder and she placed her head there.

"You know if you wanted to get some sleep you could have just hit the ceiling with a mop and told me to shush up," I joked, attempting to lighten the mood but she only frowned.

"It's not funny Alpha," she remarked. "Don't joke with pain,"

"How will we ever live through pain if we are always serious about it?" I questioned and the frown on her face told me she didn't agree with my views. "Come to think of it, I haven't heard you call my name in years," I smiled, remembering how she would yell for me, in her airy voice, when she was stuck in a tree or afraid of an insect. "You would always call me Ary-o-n instead of Aryn," I chuckled and a small smile danced on her lips.

"You are my Alpha now. It's only right that I refer to you as that," she shrugged. "But don't divert the conversation Alpha. What happened?" she probed.

I turned my face away from her and faced the shelf which was ahead. We were sitting with our backs to the window and so the ray of sunshine touched the top of our heads, lightly, and casted soft glows of our shadow onto the floor in front of us.

"I saw her, vividly, just like the night it happened. Her eyes were lifeless and unmoving as she laid in her own blood. He must have snacthed Dina away from her because she was bundled up in a corner, screaming her lungs out," I recounted, pausing to control the feelings of rage, anger, sadness, regret, nausea and whole range of emotions that overtook my body. I felt her warm hands on my forearm and I relaxed, visibly.

"Don't make a habit of touching me when I'm enraged. I could hurt you," I warned, softly, but that didn't deter her hold on me.

"I wasn't your target earlier because the real you would never hurt me," she announced, confidently. I wanted to push the subject further but I let it fall at that and looked ahead.

"I saw his body and he radiated pure evil but I didn't see his face. The bastard's face still eludes me," I snarled. "And until my memories come back to me I can never avenge her, Star," I lamented, turning to look at her. "I can't avenge my mother," I whispered and she enveloped me in a sudden hug.

I was gobsmacked at the gesture, at first, because I couldn't remember the last time we had hugged. I eventually relaxed into her embrace and past peaceful memories washed down my mind.

The joyful, melodious, carefree laughter of juvenile wolves. Our adrenaline filled adventures and playful sparring with Star who was never far behind. We were a group of five males, including Roy, and she was the only she-wolf amongst us. She would always complain bitterly about every single thing before giving into a fit of tears. They would usually fall profusely down her cheeks as we scurried around, confused, as to what to make of a bawling she-wolf. Until finally she quieted down when she got a piggy ride from none other than me. 

Cheeky little thing had her mind on that the whole time.

"You haven't given me a hug not since you were shorter than my desk with scrawny arms that couldn't even circle my waist," I teased into her neck and she moved away with a laugh.

"I wasn't scrawny and I was certainly taller than your desk," she smiled, shaking her head.

"If you say so," I smirked, blowing air into her face and she pulled a face back at me.

It was something we usually did to annoy each other when we were kids. Now that I think of it, I hadn't realised just how much I had missed her presence until now.

"In fact there was always something that made you happy when we were smaller," I snapped my fingers in remembrance and she quirked her eyebrow. "Whenever you got hurt you'd always beg me to kiss your wound when it was cleaned up," I smirked and her cheeks coloured dramatically. "How about I kiss your neck? It'll help heal it faster," I joked but the rate at which she scooted away from me you'd think I'd burned her.

"What are we? Five years old," she spoke in alarm. "That's certainly not needed," she waved her hand at my advancing form.

"Oh come on. Why are you shy all of a sudden? It's just one little kiss," I shrugged, grabbing her hand before she got up and pulling her gently towards me.

"Alpha Aryn, really, don't do it," she gasped with a face redder than scarlet as she kept her eyes glued shut. 

When she was just a few inches from my face, I smiled broadly and fought hard to hold in my laughter. "Once I'm done packing my papers you are going with me to Doctor Dexter, deal or no deal?" I said in an amused voice.

"Deal, deal!" She agreed, nodding her head in the affirmative with her eyes still closed.

"Okay then," I rumbled before releasing her hand as she opened her eyes slowly and met my smile.

"That's unfair," she whined. "I almost lost my heart," she complained.

"I'll never understand females," I chuckled. "What's so heart-wrenching about a little kiss," I rolled my eyes and stood up then I turned around to pull her up to her feet.

"You're quite oblivious to most things, Alpha," she mumbled, dusting her jeans. 

"When it comes to she-wolves, I'd rather remain that way," I laughed and moved to pack my papers. "Besides, what was the reason behind coming in here?" I asked as I remembered that I was only able to act violently towards her because she had been in my study.

"I forgot to drop off your glass of milk," she coughed and cleared her throat, embarrassed. 

"Wait you were the one who always placed them here? I thought that was Dina," I said, confused.

Every morning when I entered my study, I'd always find a glass of milk on a wooden coaster which had motivational words scribbled on top of it. I always thought it was Dina who placed the glass there as we both had a great love for milk. Never would I have thought that it was Star.

"Yep it was me. Now the secret's out," she laughed, uneasily and scratched her head. 

"But why? I mean I appreciate the gesture. I just never thought that it'd be you," I asked, staring at her.

"Oh come on. You were the one who shunned our friendship not me. You got all swamped up with Alpha business and taking care of the pack that you've even forgotten what truly living feels like," she huffed.

"So are we friends now?" I quirked an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"If you don't want to just say it but don't for once think that these daily cups of milk will stop coming. It's the least I can do for my Alpha who loves cows," she teased with a shrug.

I laughed at her playful antics and finally finished clearing my table. She hadn't changed even after all these years. The gore and darkness hadn't been able to get to her and for that I was glad. 

A familiar voice filled the study as it wafted up from just across the pack house. It was filled with an alignment of melodious tunes and I moved to the window to peer at the owner of the voice.

Just a small distance from the pack house and considering the fact that my study was relatively high up, I sighted Yil who was sitting atop Midnight, my horse. Lloyd had told me that she planned on giving them a tour and I had agreed because I didn't want her to feel bored as I knew I would be busy with work. Moreover, I wanted her to loosen up a little bit. She was so apprehensive and up-tight about everything especially when she was around me and my guess was that the mate bond wasn't the sole reason for that.

There was more to it.

"Who is she?" Star enquired, beside me. I hadn't even heard the soft patter of her shoes. "I don't think I've seen her before," she noted with a squint of her eyes.

"She's my mate," I informed her. "I was going to tell you all about it later today after I was done here," I said, my gaze darkening a little when I remembered what I had done to her.

"Your mate," she gasped. "Really?" I nodded at her and turned back towards the window.

"I know it's unbelievable," I smiled when Yil squealed with glee. "Who would have thought that the Sky Lordians would grant me a mate?" I chuckled softly and continued to relish in the white-haired beauty that had captured my attention. 

I was so mesmerized by Yil that I failed to notice that Star had gone deathly quiet. 

"You should meet her," I announced, turning back to her with a smile. "She'll love you. I mean who wouldn't," I commented and she gave me a shaky smile.

"Of course I'd love to meet her," she agreed. "But how come you've found your mate and are still content with wasting away in here?" she joked and I laughed. 

"Don't blame me. Old habits do die hard," I chuckled. "So follow me my friend because first I have got to get you to Dexter before you meet her," I said, offering my arm to her which she took tentatively.

"What? Aren't we friends anymore?" I pouted and she giggled.

"Of course, Mr Alpha," 

We walked side by side out of the pack house and towards the pack's wellness center.

"You know what? I hate the title Mr Alpha," I murmured. "I feel it has a much deeper meaning," I grumbled and she smiled.

"What if it does?" She laughed.

"Then you have to tell me since we're friends," I pushed.

"I might just revoke that friendship card if you keep waving it in my face like that," she scolded with a smile. 

"A hint is all I ask," I negotiated, wiggling my eyebrows and she rolled her eyes.

I had forgotten about Star's ability to make everyone around her feel so relaxed. I felt light headed, once I told her about my dream. To be honest I had always wanted to confide in someone about my troubles, woes, sadness, everything. I just never found that person and now that I looked down at Star, who was much shorter than Yil, I realised that the person I needed was always here.

A friend. A confidant. Someone I could trust. Someone I knew.

It was a europhic feeling to have such a person and coupled with the fact that I had found Yil, my mate. I felt untouchable.

"I'd never have thought that the Alpha had any love for anyone other than himself," someone jeered and I was pulled from my internal musings.

Just ahead in the pack garden opposite the wellness centre was Alpha Leto whose raised hand was positioned to protect his eyes from the sun rays. He placed it down, slowly, towards his side and smiled brightly at Star.

"Isn't it wonderful to be blessed by such beauty in the hot afternoon sun?" He smiled.

"You flatter me so much Alpha Leto," she smiled, tightly, bowing her head in greeting and attempting to remove her hand from my arm but I contracted my muscles, a sign that she should leave it there.

"It's not flattery, it's the utmost truth," he replied, huskily as he eyed her body with interest.

I didn't like the looks he was giving her at all and I fought to tamper the growl that threatened to burst out of my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, no warmth in my tone and no welcome in my hardened features. 

"A smile a day keeps the doctor away, Aryn," he drawled, reluctantly taking his gaze off Star. "It won't kill you to smile at me once in a while," he smirked.

"Prancing into my pack unannounced without my permission might get you killed if you'd go to such great lengths to receive a smile from me. You of all people should know that it is a punishable offence. You must really want to get acquainted with my dungeon of horrors, huh?" I sent a menacing smile his way and he took a soft step backwards to peer at the garden flowers.

"I'd very much like to be in the world of the living for a very long time so no thank you for your invitation. I don't like unhygienic places anyway," he shivered slightly in disgust. "However, I do have a legitimate reason to be in your pack and so do the other three Alphas who will be arriving soon," he stated.

"And what reason would that be before you all lose your heads?"

"The meeting with regards to the progress of finding the white-wolves," he bent to sniff a flower before smiling.

"This arrangement was drafted just two days ago and in case it missed your mind, I'll spell it out for you. I don't have robots working for me so what progress are you looking for?" I ground out, irritated.

This day just had it's way of playing out. I couldn't even be happy for five minutes without some smartly dressed Alpha waltzing into my pack and spewing out rubbish.

"We can just have tea then," he dismissed with a smile. "Because the agreement was twice a month, in the first week and the last week, so even though we only agreed on a plan of action two days ago, today signifies the beginning of a new month, October," he explained. "And it doesn't necessarily only have to be centered around progress. We could bounce ideas off each other to help find the white-wolves much faster," he suggested.

The snake wasn't here to drink tea neither was he here to bounce ideas off each other. He was here for a purpose and I feared that I had an informant in my pack. Maybe taking the three white-wolves on a tour around the pack wasn't such a good idea. However, the fact that I was second guessing my people's loyalty was saddening because if it so happened that we had another informant then it meant that my pack wasn't as safe as I perceived it to be.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Still by your tight border gates," he huffed. "I had to spend an hour out there while they checked to confirm that my pass was indeed real and not a fake," he commented with annoyance as he waved the pass card that had been mailed to them solely for the meetings and nothing else. 

They only had two and after this they'd only have one. I could deal with that.

"Go on without me," I turned to face Star and sent her an apologetic look. It was my duty to follow her to the doctor seeing as I had caused her pain.

"It's okay," she smiled, sensing my discomfort and if not for Leto that stood a few paces away she would have hugged me and I would have liked nothing more. She gave the best hugs. But she settled with a smile and moved away.

"She's not coming to the meeting?" He asked, disappointed and I threw him a look.

"You are here to bounce off ideas and drink tea aren't you? If you wanted a tea maid you could have brought yours along," I stated, deadpan.

"Oh I have a tea maid alright not just a stunning beauty like her. She's different," he growled and I fought the urge to tackle him to the ground.

She was my pack member, my friend, my she-wolf. Whatever you wanted to call it and I didn't appreciate his dirty looks.

I calmed down, somewhat, and mind-linked Roy.

The bastards are here. Set up the meeting room and get Fred. I want the room to be devoid of drinks or food. This place isn't a homeless shelter. But on second thoughts hot, scalding tea is very much welcome, I ordered.

For the love of everything pure. I just finished tilling the soil and planting corn seeds. Why did they have to show up now? He whined.

Roy now! I barked and he grumbled a reply that I didn't bother hearing as I switched to Lloyd.

I want Yil, Zena and Kiba inside the astronomical house right now. It's far away from the pack house and that's where I want them. Do you understand? 

Yes Alpha, she replied without a moment's hesitation.

"Follow me," I addressed Leto who was still bent over some flowers.

"Of course Aryn lets get our brain juices flowing," he announced with a clap of his hands.

No you got the phrase wrong. It lets get your saliva flowing because one extra hot, scalding, smothering tea coming right up.

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