Percabeth Part 1: An Eager Morning

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Anytime you see "~~~", just assume there's a time skip and a character POV change. Because that's going to be the case about 200% of the time. :)

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I found!" Bianca yells to her mother.

"I'm a little busy right now, dear, I'll look at it later, ok?" Annabeth answers.

"Awww, Mommy, please?"

"Mommy's busy right now. Want to show me?" Percy asks his daughter. Bianca shows him a pen. Not just any pen, but Percy's special pen: Riptide.

Annabeth wakes with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed. It was just a dream, thank the gods. She sighs a breath of relief. She and Percy don't have kids, and they aren't married. Just a dream. 

"I hope if we do ever have kids, they won't pick up Riptide and start playing with it. They'll kill themselves," Annabeth thinks to herself. She looks over at Percy, still sleeping peacefully beside her, drooling all over his pillow as usual. 

Annabeth smiles at her Seaweed Brain, remembering the day she met him. The day he came to camp after fighting the Minotaur and saving Grover. At first, she didn't want to sit with the new and unconscious camper. Then she saw him drooling at he slept. It was gross and adorable, really.

Yes, her beautiful, stupid, sassy, Seaweed Brain, Percy Jackson. She looks at the clock beside the bed; it's 3:24 AM. She should get back to sleep instead of staring at the simi-perfect man she'd fallen in love with eight years ago.

She lays back down, facing Percy, smiling as she falls asleep again, watching him. 


"You drool when you sleep." Those five words sparked Percy's love for Annabeth. He relives the event in his dream. He wakes in the Big House to see a blonde girl with stormy gray eyes looking down at him somewhat angrily. He was twelve at the time and didn't really understand love, but he knew there was something special about her.

When his alarm goes off at 7:00 AM that morning, Percy wakes from his pleasant dream. He looks over at his beautiful Wise Girl. 

"If only I could get up the courage to ask her," he thinks, "If she said yes, we could wake up together for the rest of our lives." 

He can fight a Titan without much worry, facing it head-on, but when it comes to asking Annabeth the big question, he is more than lost. 

He looks over at her as she looks back at him with those enticing gray eyes. "Good morning, Wise Girl," he says, smiling.

"Morning, Seaweed Brain," she answers him in the same playful tone.

"Sleep well?" he asks as she places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You bet." She returns his kiss then crawls out of bed. "What are we doing today? No school, it's Saturday."

"This is my chance," Percy thinks to himself. "I thought we could go for a drive, maybe have a picnic."

"Sounds great." Percy watches Annabeth for a moment as she brushes her hair, then goes into the bathroom to get a shower.


Percy opens the door for Annabeth to get into the car, a sweet and gentlemanly gesture Percy hasn't forgotten, even after they've been dating for four years. She smiles to herself as Percy walks quickly to the driver's side of the car. 

He seems to be very eager and excited. His ADHD has been acting up more than usual this morning, as if he's nervous. She decides to turn that thought away as Percy climbs into the car with his big, crooked smile.

He turns on the ignition and pulls out of the apartment's small driveway. He takes her left hand in his right, keeping his left hand on the steering wheel. They drive in awkward silence for a while, as Percy continues to hold her hand.

"Percy, are you alright?" Annabeth asks, a hint of concern lacing her voice.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm great. I've got my Wise Girl, and we aren't being chased by monsters. I'd consider that extraordinary, actually."

She laughs a little at his comment, knowing it's true. Yet she still gets the feeling he's keeping something important from her. Something's on his mind. Not necessarily something bad, but something is going on in his head that he won't tell her about, and she knows it. 


Stay tuned for Percabeth Part 2: The Picnic!

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