Rant #1- Drew Tanaka

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Why does everyone hate on Drew? I get that she acts mean and snobbish, but there's always a reason behind why a person acts like that, am I right?

She was given absolutely no backstory and has only been seen through the eyes of Piper and Sadie (if you believe it was the same Drew). And these two were apparently "standing up to their bullies". Did anyone even bother to think why she acted the way she did? Why does she hate her own dead sister, run her cabin like a dictatorship and bully her own siblings? 

What if she did it because she struggled to find her own place at Camp? Many consider the children of Aphrodite to be "weak". "They can't do anything except squeal when a new couple start dating or paint their nails, do their hair and create new outfits." "Caring about your looks means you're selfish and vain." "Not being a tomboy is weak." All of these thoughts may have been indoctrinated to her brain when she had been claimed. And possibly after one point, something inside her broke. Or what if it was because everyone she loved was stolen from her and she started to believe that the world didn't deserve love from her anymore, a person who always tried to give out love but all she loved was taken away? But I'm just making assumptions here. 

Why is being a "girly-girl" have to mean she's weak, snobby and mean and is immediately classified as the antagonist? Why does applying makeup mean you can't fight? Why do we classify people like this? Is it really necessary? Imagine if Annabeth liked applying makeup and caring about her looks, but all her deeds as well as her fatal flaw and godly parent remained the same. Would you call her weak just because she likes makeup and caring about her looks?

Why can't Drew have some sort of redemption arc like Lester did? Why is it that most of the minor characters are given a backstory except her? If Drew were to die one day, would the fandom cry the same as we did when Zoë, Bianca, Charlie, Silena, Luke, or even [SPOILER] Jason died?

I don't mean to call out the fabulous authors out there, with amazing creativity and plots, but does Drew really always have to be that one soon-to-be ex who's actually cheating on the protagonist with another person (mostly Luke)? Why can't we have more fanfictions where we talk about Drew's possible back story? Ask yourself, does she really deserve that much hate?

Edit, around a year later, now that I have more points for this: 

Her slander infuriates me so much. First of all, she's Japanese (yeah, fun fact), and Asian women are already overly sexualised in media, especially Western media. And then you bring up this stereotypical rich, snobby "mean, popular girl" with not a hint of backstory, literally no trauma, and portrayed as a weak idiot whose makeup is revolting apparently, since feminity equals being a trashy person in general?? 

Why are we, as a society, still not stopping shitty portrayal of Asian women, feminity equating being useless, weak, pathetic, not strong etc. and sexualising minor Asian girls. Oh, and STEREOTYPING them.

Please, get over the "not like other girls" phase.

Drew is a 15-17 year old who probably has an inferiority complex, thanks to Silena. She's probably compared to her all the time, you know.

If you want to include her in your story, please keep this in mind before you start writing. Thank you! 

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