Realisations that struck me like a lightning bolt- part 2

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→ Kane Chronicles might gain more popularity after the Netflix films come out. 

We will also see a twelve/thirteen year old fall in love with a god who acts like an emo fifteen year old and a dying sixteen year old-

→ Nico can turn you into a skeleton with just a touch and control you.

→ Sadie resurrected a god at the age of thirteen, Zia hosted Ra, and led an entire army of gods at the age of fourteen and Carter became a pharaoh at the age of fifteen. Talk about being powerful.

→ Nico lost his aviator jacket in the Blood of Olympus. 

→ When the first season of PJO, which is the Lightning Thief, comes out, we will have to hype it up so we can have a Sea of Monsters season, hype THAT up to get Titan's Curse, and so on. If it gets really popular, we might get Heroes of Olympus. And probably Trials of Apollo.

→ If we ever get a Trials of Apollo series, will it be a musical? I mean, he sings a song every few chapters... 


→ Percy is actually, canonically, a skater boy. People tend to forget that a lot.

→ Apollo flirted with Frey at some point.

→ There was some foreshadowing in books that was really funny for some reason. 

In the Sword of Summer, Magnus thought of turning Jack into a pen at first, and Jack mocked him and said that it was stupid. Later they found out that Riptide could turn into a pen, and Jack completely denied mocking him. (probably because he didn't want to make a bad impression on Riptide) 

While bathing in the river Styx, Percy thought that the spot he chose was "more dignified than his armpit or something", only for us to later find out that Luke's Achilles spot was, in fact, his armpit. 

In Blood of Olympus, Jason had a vision of him and Piper growing old together, pouring out lemonade, their hair turning grey and skin wrinkled, telling stories to their grandchildren. (This is a joke. You can laugh.)

Carter and Sadie learnt a board game just days before the same board game became the doom of their close friend. 

→ Will probably knows how to use a gun and I'm here for him and Piper shooting with different sorts of guns, bullets made of celestial bronze, courtesy of Mr. Chase.

→ Percy was dumped by people whom he wasn't even dating at the end of both PJO and HOO. First was Rachel, and the second was Nico. All I wanted was Apollo rejecting Percy at the end of ToA. Was it too much to ask? 

[Slight ToN spoiler] Estelle is in no way 100% mortal. She either has some godliness in her, or some other form of magic. She has salt and pepper hair with sea green eyes. She can't possibly be human.

→ Luke canonically did fall in love with Annabeth-

→ Can Percy control snow or ice? Does that mean he would take building a snowman to another level-

→ If Nico can dissolve into the shadows after shadowtravelling too much, can Percy turn into water or sea foam if he uses his powers too much? Or Jason turn into air?

→ Did no one think of increasing the size of the Hermes cabin before TLO? They had enough material to make new cabins, I'm pretty sure they could extend the Hermes cabin so everyone had enough space to at least walk around without shoving their feet into someone's face-

→ Do the year-round campers at Camp-Half Blood even study the things we do? Did the pre-Lightning Thief era Annabeth ever learn everything we did? Sure, she read books on various subjects and solved math papers with the rest of her cabin for fun, but did she know everything we've ever studied?

→ The einherjar eat and drink from the same plates, cups and cutlery as the ones the wolves come and literally lick clean after their previous meal-

And don't even get me started on the ravens. Sure, they clean up the dining hall as well but don't they poop everywhere like the pIGEONS OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, LIKE, EVERY FEW MINUTES (Sorry, I just really, really hate those birds.)

→ Can Demeter kids and/or Apollo kids perform photosynthesis when needed? (I'm begging someone to write a fanfic on this. Please.)

...Wait, never mind. Will actually did. 

""Wow." Will moved to the windows to soak up the view and sunshine."

-Rick Riordan, The Tower of Nero

BONUS (slight TSATS spoiler): Will literally dying without sunlight throughout TSATS will be the funniest thing ever to me. Look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't photosynthesize now.

→ Thalia was turned back mortal by the Golden Fleece. 

Her brother's name is Jason. 

The original Jason had set out to find what? 


→ Thalia had been looking for someone in the Underworld during the Sword of Hades. Percy thought she must have been looking for Bianca. But like she stated herself, she wasn't. You know who else she could be looking for?

→ What if Jason was the one of the Big Prophecy? 

Imagine the whole of CHB fighting, Percy's already sixteen but nothing is different. It's now July 1st and suddenly, boom. The war just stops. Kronos is like, "Lol you weren't even the child of the prophecy, you punk." and tells his troops to pack up and have some refreshments. Everyone just stands there confused. And then the campers start suspecting the prophecy to be about Nico, but Kronos is like "Hahaha this scrawny kid? Nah. It's another one." and they just... poof  themselves out of there, while the campers and their allies are stuck there thinking that there was another child of the Big Three they don't know about. 

Don't even get me started on what Thalia would think. And then the moment it clicks that her brother is alive, oh gods of Olympus, that wouldn't end well-

On the other hand, Kronos's army ends up near CJ and Jason, Reyna and the others are standing there heroically, their capes flying in the wind, and Jason just, walks up to Kronos casually, tells him he looks like a *insert a Latin insult* and they start fighting till I dunno, someone like Dakota or someone accidentally finds Luke's Achilles spot and he dies. 

Boom. The end.

Meanwhile, back in New York, everyone's in a state of shock as to what the heck happened, as mortals start waking up and going about their business again, and the fact that there was no apocalypse as stated in the prophecy...

→ Annabeth was flown to her father in a golden cradle. Poor Fredrick-

→ Natalie sacrificed herself to save her son who went and got himself killed two years later anyway.

→When you cut vegetables, the knives and the other cutting equipment can actually hear the agonizing screams coming from the vegetables while they are slowly chopped to pieces, as mentioned by Jack at some point. How am I even supposed to eat my vegetables now-

→ One of the gods popped up when Percy was taking a shower once...

→ Mythological figures CANNOT go incognito. At all.

Apollo goes incognito as Fred the god.

Otis goes incognito as, well, Otis.

They all suck at this.

→ Bianca died without knowing her godly parent. 

(TSATS spoiler) Never mind, she knows about it now apparently.

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