Entangled (#Beyondsol)

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Prompt: Two lovers separated by light years. Each from a planet that doesn't accommodate the physiologic needs of the other. But love transcends physical boundary, and they can't stand to be apart any longer.


Boson was whole even before the affair with Fermio began. Light and lithe with pale blue eyes and wild black hair, she managed just fine on her own. If provoked, she expanded and towered powerfully above most men, making her a great warrior. When her sword was in sync with her spin, she never lost a battle. Survival was a way of life on Tau, a desolate planet in the far reaches of the universe. Its stark and rocky terrain contrasted sharply to the radiant energy Boson carried in her heart. She treasured this force, though she never understood it.  With time she did not try to. Age and wisdom strengthened her fierce compassion for the suffering of many around her but she had stopped wondering why such injustice existed long ago. Though a great and powerful love radiated from her heart, she was simultaneously unattached to outcomes beyond her control. When the cosmic gust shackled her to Fermion, she did not question it. But she marveled at the beautiful, if not bizarre, phenomenon.

Fermio was as different from Boson as anything could be. His majestic arms waved like tentacles towards the kaleidoscope of colors that painted the heavens of the planet Muon. Muon bounded with life. Lush forests covered fertile soil. Magical creatures roared and plants bloomed. Life sprang forth, blossomed, died, and was reborn at an unimaginable pace. Fermio watched with bewilderment even as his own body half plant, half animal morphed continuously. While he basked in his beauty, he constantly feared his own demise. He too must decay and be reborn, like those around him. His fear made him a fool.

When the cosmos brought Boson and Fermio together, binding them inexplicably, they knew each other instantly. Boson reveled in Fermio's beauty and physical strength that rivaled her own power yet was so different. Fermio bathed in Boson's energetic love and fearlessness, things he had never known.

They never spoke in words or even thoughts, feeling one another only in a broken code of particles and waves.

Fermio did not appreciate the uncertainty in the relationship. But he treasured the years that went by with his mysterious love. He was whole with her which would have scared him more if not for Boson imparting him with her bravery. Theirs was, in many ways, an uncomplicated relationship until one day another cosmic boom reverberated through the universe. It slammed full force into Fermio's chest. He thought perhaps he had been killed, but looked up and saw his strong arms waving at the technicolor sky. It was Her, their bond was stronger. He could hear her now, she had uttered a soft moan. He longed to stroke her face.

"Boson, come to me," cried Fermio.

He could almost see Boson's lips curve up at the ends. "We are billions of light years apart."

"What?" scream Fermio. "But I feel you as if you are a part of me."

"I am," replied Boson gently.

Her thoughts soothed Fermio as did the love she cast.

"Why?" he croaked.

"I don't know," she said. "We will never know. But I know I am forever bound to you."

The millennia carried on, and Boson and Fermio shared every thought. Fermio cried out at night so badly did he want to hold her at times but, as always, she soothed his soul. Then Fermio began to see what he was certain were signs. The top of the volcano on the horizon bulged and his own roots seemed smaller and thinner than they ever had been. His color paled over the coming months. He didn't have to tell Boson, she already knew, but he finally had to say it out loud.

"When the volcano goes, I'm not going to survive the blast," he cried. "I'm going to die Boson. I'm going to leave you." So beside himself, he was with tears, Boson had to wait a long while before she spoke.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet love, my poor man," laughed Boson when Fermio had finally collapsed and hovered on the brink of sleep.

"How can you laugh at my fate," sniffed Fermio, "when you love me so much?" His eyes were closed yet he felt as if Boson lay next to him, just out of reach. 

"Because you are wrong. I don't believe your kind decay. The known laws of the universe don't allow it."

Fermio shook his head slowly with the kind of disbelief that only misery allows. "What do you know of decay and the laws of the universe?" he said with despair–so certain his fear made him of his fate.

"Very little," she whispered, and Fermio could almost feel her breath on his neck. He shivered. Gooseflesh broke out on his skin. Her wisdom betrayed her words and he found deep solace in them. "But there is something you should know."

"What?" Fermio asked in a low voice. The strength of his fear reduced to putty by her voice.

"I'm not afraid of death," she said. He did not doubt her.

"Why?" he asked his voice wavering.

"Because I died 5000 years ago, and we only grew closer."

And he wept. 


Author's note: Please excuse my use of quantum physics 'lite'. I am not a scientist nor do I play one on TV. 

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