Face of a Goddess (#RomanceCollabRound2)

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Prompt: Save...the face! You're invited to a wedding where you KNOW your ex is going to be invited too, but here's the thing. He will be accompanied by his new girlfriend, while you are still unhappily single. So how you gonna save face?


The face of a goddess. Mira exhaled trying to steady her nerves before applying red lipstick across her full lips with laser-like precision. With satisfaction, she admired the effect in the mirror. She won't be as beautiful as me, she assured herself. Then she breathed slowly for a full minute, fighting back tears which would only smudge her eye makeup. And that simply won't do. Carefully she stepped into her new silk dress. It flattered her figure and complimented her emerald-green eyes and long, raven-black hair, making it well worth its high price tag. She slipped on black heels and looked at the clock. One last gracious smile at herself in the mirror. The fingers on her right hand twitched involuntarily. Time to go.

Fredrick was already at the reception when Mira arrived. She had avoided him at the ceremony, hiding in a seat behind a column at the church. He stiffened when he spotted her, but kept his facial features flat. Keeping an eye on her, he wrapped his arm around a petite blonde with tanned skin and misty blue eyes. The woman nuzzled in closer and put her hand on his chest. Mira returned his gaze threatened by a wave of emotion she knew could overtake her. Holding her back straight and keeping her chin up, she melted into the crowd.

Dazed, Mira found her way to the bar and ordered a martini.  Focused grimly on an olive, she felt a shiver go down her spine. 

"Why did you come?" Fredrick asked in a low voice over his shoulder. He stood inches behind her but faced out towards the dance floor. 

How did he sneak up on me like that? Longing to get closer to the heat emanating from his body, she turned slowly to bestow a sweet smile on Fredrick. 

He glanced at her briefly and looked away again.  

"So, you and Ashley are official now. Congratulations," said Mira. She took a long sip of her drink to calm herself. 

"You didn't answer my question," said Fredrick, his voice cold and callous. 

"I was invited," said Mira. "Excuse me." She slipped away from Fredrick's view.

Mira found her way to the ladies room and leaned on the sink. She stared deeply at her reflection in the mirror, struggling to regain composure. It won't do to get emotional. You are the one in control.

When Fredrick returned to Ashley's side, she was engaged in a conversation with an elderly couple. He wound his arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze. He smelled her hair.  The couple excused themselves and walked away. Ashley looked up at Fredrick's troubled brow. "Did you talk to her?" she asked.

The band started up, playing a loud, lively tune. "She's an impossible bitch," said Fredrick exhaling sharply. 

"Witch?" asked Ashley straining to hear him.

"Yes, a BITCH!" yelled Fredrick in her ear.

"Just ignore her," said Ashley.

"I'm trying to," said Fredrick.

"Here drink this," said Ashley and she handed Fredrick her cocktail. "It's too strong for me and it will calm you down. I need to use the restroom." Fredrick threw back the contents of the glass as Ashley wove away through the throng. He waited for her for a few minutes, then walked back to the bar. The bartender took a look at Fredrick's face and poured him double. 

The piercing scream of a woman halted the band and the banquet hall fell silent. 

Fredrick's broke out into a cold sweat. He pushed through the crowd and into the women's room now quickly filling with stunned partygoers. There was blood on the floor. A lot of blood. People stood awkwardly pressed together in the narrow room trying to avoid it. Fredrick stared at its source, a smooth pale neck. Raven-black hair stuck to the ragged gashes that marred its surface. A pair of emerald-green eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Fredrick fought a wave of nausea. He raised his eyes searching the crowd standing over the body. 

"Ashley..." said Fredrick looking gray. He held out a shaking hand.

"Fredrick," she replied. She staggered over to him and buried her face in his chest.  Fredrick was too shocked to respond, but he gingerly touched her golden locks. He could not take his eyes off the morbid scene in front of him. After what seemed like an eternity, a security guard arrived and began murmuring authoritative words that no one heard and pushing everyone back out into the hall. 

The first streaks of dawn swept across the horizon by the time they arrived back at Fredrick's apartment. Throughout the rest of the night, Fredrick hadn't spoken other than to answer the questions the officers had asked him, routine ones they asked everyone in order to fill out the necessary paperwork. The coroner deemed the wounds self-inflicted. The partygoers all whispered to one another noting how bravely Ashley had stood by Fredrick's side. She had rubbed the small of his back, softly brushed the hair over his ears, and held his hand. He remained unreadable, making eye contact with no one. 

Fredrick walked over to the bar cart and poured himself a whiskey. He stood looking out over the waking city.

"You still loved her, didn't you," she said.

Fredrick didn't reply.

"I'm sure you are in shock, it's understandable."

"Why did you kill her?" asked Fredrick. His voice cut like steel. 

"What are you talking about?" she asked keeping her voice calm. He couldn't be thinking straight. He needed time to process.

"You know I never loved you!" he screamed turning and hurling the glass at her head. It missed and shattered against the fireplace. 

"Calm down, Fredrick!" she said trying to keep her voice even, but he had already crossed the room and pinned her to the wall. He shook and tears welled up in his eyes, but she could feel the strength of blind hatred in his grip.

"You evil witch; you knew we were through!" said Fredrick.

She stiffened, not having expected this. Anger flooded her and she felt herself begin to unravel. Her tanned skin paled. The misty blue eyes ignited with a heated green flame. She shook out the blonde hair as it morphed back to its natural black. 

"You still love me," Mira hissed in a low voice. "I'm a goddess."

"You're the devil," said Fredrick. He convulsed and let out a cry. Tears flowed down his cheeks. "I loved Ashley." He collapsed to his knees.

Mira's right hand twitched. Looking sorrowfully at Fredrick, she gently stroked his throat. 

Fredrick couldn't move now. He looked at Mira helplessly and she could tell he had, like all the others, resigned himself to his fate.

"I'll always love you," said Mira. "I'll miss you, but I'll always love you."


image credit: Parov Stelar

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