Ripley Invades NXT, With A Friend.

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In WWE's Orlando Performance Center...
Everyone was training and working out. Among them was Rhea Ripley. And her friend. Daniel 'The Creature' Boyce.
They were training for their invasion of NXT later in the week.
They laughed at each when they either exceeded their target reps with the weights or just outdid their target workout time.
"Come on Daniel. You can lift that 518 lbs. Come on where's the Creature everybody's afraid of?" Rhea shouted.
"Right here!" I roared in reply as I lifted the 500 lbs squat bar and set it back on the rack.
"Good job, Dani. " Rhea smiled as she patted my back.
"Thank you, Rhea." I smiled. Then Shayna and her two cronies came up.
"Well if it isn't the 'Nightmare', and her friend, 'The Creature'." Rhea held her left hand in front of me keeping me at bay.
"Shayna. If I were you. I'd run while I have a chance. Because if I let my hand down. My friend here, is gonna rip you a new one." Rhea told her. I sneered which showed my right canines. Shayna tried to mock me or intimidate me by doing the same. Only for me to lunge forward at her and scaring her and her friends. They didn't think she was kidding after that.
They still tried act brave as they slowly backed away from Rhea.
"You and your attack dog will get yours Ripley!" Shayna yelled. I just growled until Rhea patted my back which made me close my eyes and attempt to find my 'center' or calm. Which is somewhat difficult at times. But I found it fast as my sneer and growl stopped.
"Great job, Dani." She scratched my head and behind my left ear. Which made . Me shake my right leg and by extension made her laugh. "Come on, Daniel. I'd like to get some more training in before tonight's NXT." Rhea said as I nodded and smiled as she smiled and we headed to bench press.

For the next hour, Rhea and I did five more reps on the bench press. Then after changing and showering.  We headed to our apartment and grabbed a snack and our arena bags and headed to Full Sail arena for tonight's episode of NXT.
Neither of us had a match tonight. But tonight, Rhea was gonna challenge Shayna Baszler to an NXT Women's Championship Match. I was just here for moral support, at least for tonight. I was scheduled to go against Roderick Strong of the Undisputed Era in next weeks episode of NXT.

When Shayna, Jessamyn and Marina were in the ring. Rhea was in the gorilla along with me waiting for the perfect moment to go out to the ring. When Baszler held the mic to her lips, Rhea's music hit and she went out to the ring and stood toe to toe with Shayna and company. "I know, what your going to say. Your going to say. Your going to say that you've beaten everybody in this division. But you haven't beaten me, bitch." I smiled as she had everyone in the arena on their feet. Baszler, Duke and Shafir walked by after coming through the curtain. Then my friend came through the curtain, "How did I do, Dani?" She asked.
"You did great, Rhea. You had everyone on their feet. Just like you did in NXT UK." I told her.
"Thanks, Daniel." She grinned.
The remainder of NXT went by the book. Set up so many great matches for next weeks NXT.

When we got home from a celebration dinner on me as this was the first time I've been home in the States since I was signed by the WWE through NXT UK.

"Well, next week it will be your turn to make a big impact as I know you can." She smiled.
"Thanks for the confidence boost, Demi." I giggled as we headed in for the night. We played a few rounds of WWE 2K19. Played a few prediction matches. Like her vs Shayna, and me vs Adam Cole and I'm sure you can guess as to who played who in those two scenarios.
We soon went to bed in our rooms after we said our 'goodnights.' to each other.

Over the next week, we went to house shows and to the gym for training sessions.

The day before I was to make my debut on NXT, I exceeded the weight I usually lift and set a new personal best.
The weights were set at 519. Just a few pound more than I usually lifted no more than 516. I was impressed that I lifted 518 last week. Rhea was proud of me for being able to lift a pound more than I usually did. "A new personal best, way to go, Dani." She grinned.
"Maybe it's because of who I train with." I smiled.
"Maybe." She grinned as she hugged me. We finished our workout, changed into some casuals, went back to our apartment. I cooked dinner and after eating the spaghetti and marinara sauce I made. We washed the dishes, put them away, then hung out and talked about what we hoped to accomplish in the next couple months. We soon got tired, said goodnight and headed to bed. As we always wanted an early start for a run or to head to the Performance Center to do another round of weight lifting or just in ring practice.

When I woke up the next morning, I walked into the kitchen and found Rhea cooking breakfast. I had to look at my phones clock and make sure I wasn't dreaming. She hasn't been awake since we first came here, or when she lost the NXT UK Women's Championship. She said she was happy to be rid of it. But I knew that was a lie. So for the next week and a half. I kept her busy with projects and activities.
But once again here she was, up before me. "Morning, Dani." She grinned.
"Morning, Demi. Uhh, forgive me for asking a stupid question. But what is going on?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Umm, the last time you were up before me. It was the day after you lost the NXT UK Women's Championship. Which even though you said you were glad to be rid of it."
"I know. You knew me better since we became roommates before I lost it. And you gave me activities and things to do, just to keep me busy. But, since tonight is your debut. I thought I'd do something special for you before we go for our usual run." She told me.
I smiled as I replied, "Thanks, Demi."
She cooked hash browns, bacon and eggs. After breakfast and putting our dishes in the dishwasher, we went for our usual run which we did every other morning, but I digress. We ran through Gilbert McQueen park and took a break on a bench looking out to the lake. "So, excited about your debut tonight?" She asked.
"Yeah. I am." I answered. "But nervous at the same time." She patted me on the back.
"That's normal. Don't know if these Yankee crowds will like what the crowds in Europe liked eh?" She asked with a smile.
"That's about the size of it." I sighed.
"Hey, you'll do fine. I know it." She pulled me into a side hug which made me laugh. "You and I, are going to dominate the divisions over here, in NXT. Just like we did in NXT UK." We resumed our run and returned to our apartment to pack our arena bags and head to Full Sail arena for the nights episode of NXT.

It was close to five in the afternoon when we arrived at the arena. I headed off to the office to find out if I was still facing Roderick Strong. Regal confirmed my match for the night. And when I was on my way to the locker room, I was met by Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke. "Whatever you think your going to do or advantage you think your going to get by questioning me. But Rhea doesn't have a match tonight. I do."
Jessamyn smiled as she said, "Oh no. We are not going to do anything nor are we trying to gain an advantage. Marina and I are huge fans of yours."
I looked to Marina, "You are huh?" I asked her. She grinned. "And your not angry about me going against your hubby tonight?"
"No. I'm not. In fact it gives us a chance to see what you can do close up." Marina said.
"Well, I'm flattered that my in-ring work has gotten your attention. But I need to get ready for my match tonight against Roderick." I politely told them.
"Okay." They replied in unison.

A couple hours later, my match against Roderick Strong was up and I headed to the gorilla with my moss covered leather jacket moss colored trunks. I waited for my music to hit which was 'Feel So Numb' by Rob Zombie. And when it did. I headed out to the ring and waited for Roderick Strong. When he came to the ring and before the match started we shook hands like good sports.
When that bell rang we went at each other with everything we had.

37 minutes into the match, I had him dead center of the ring in the Glades Clutch. He tried to get out of it. Before he passed out, I released the Glades Clutch and picked him up, put him on his back across my shoulders and performed Creature Feature and pinned him for the three count victory.
I stood on the middle rope as I raised my arms making the crowd stand up and cheer. I headed to the back and to me and Rhea's locker room and watched the rest of the matches. Once the show was over. Rhea and I headed to a bar and grill to celebrate my debut match. I had a medium well steak and she had one medium rare. Along with a  couple of beers. Once we were done and I paid for dinner which I didn't really mind at all. We went home to our apartment. And when we walked through the door and headed straight to our bedrooms, I put my arena bag in the closet, changed into some sleep wear and headed to bed.
Once I turned off the light and laid my head on my pillow. I looked back at my career in the wrestling business. And couldn't help but smile at how humble beginnings in the business and how I now had a four year deal with WWE, and had made friends like Demi Bennett and many others. But out of all the friends I've made over the years. Nobody matters to me more, than Reah. And I think that she would make any guy really happy. I would love a girl like her. Maybe I will tell her that one day. But until then. I'm happy just being her friend and training partner.
I soon closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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