Chapter One

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What happened after the day Patrick found out he was accepted into the Selection was a blur. At first it was his parents congratulating him, and then it was him frantically packing his bags, having to leave in less than twenty-four hours. Royal fae guards came the next morning for him, escorting him to a carriage to make the day long journey to Hybern. 

Patrick sat in the carriage, one bag of his on his lap, while the other rested on the seat next to him. It was just him inside, being eerily quiet besides the sounds of the horses hooves' clicking against the paths, and the sounds of the carriage bumping up and down. It was rather uncomfortable, but he didn't complain. 

He had been in the carriage for hours already, not really having anything to entertain himself with. He was sure that when the other selected came, there was more than one fae in each carriage. But, since he was a late addition, he was alone. Patrick knew he wouldn't get a grand entrance, he would just be added in like he was always there. It was better than nothing.

Patrick had been trying to close his eyes to sleep, though it wasn't very successful. The road was too bumpy for him to stay comfortable, and he didn't have a pillow, so his head kept hitting against the side of the carriage. The idea of sleep was abandoned rather quickly, but as soon as he sat up, the road suddenly felt to have smoothed out.

His head snapped to look out the window of the carriage, and he was greeted with the sight of vast ocean surrounding a large island. The carriage was on a bridge, heading to a gigantic palace. The Hybern castle. Patrick's heart leapt in his chest, partially out of nervousness, partially because of the large expanse of water that he felt a certain pull to. It was a tug deep in his gut, part of his Summer court roots, tying to the power he possessed. 

Patrick didn't realize that he was staring off into space until he felt the carriage stop, and the door opened. His eyes snapped to the fae guard that was holding the door open for him. He scrambled to grab his bags, quickly stepping out of the carriage and being careful not to trip. The guard didn't speak to him, instead beckoning him with a wave of their hand, and Patrick quickly followed. 

The inside of the palace was even more grand than the outside. Gold was everywhere, everything so intricately designed. It was nothing like anything Patrick had seen before. So much gold, it was all so bright. He almost lost track of the guard he was supposed to be following multiple times, because he was so focused on looking at everything he passed.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking, they stopped in front of a door. The guard turned to him, opening the door for him, and then stepping to the side.

"This is your room, your maid will be here soon to explain everything to you." Their words were curt, and as soon as they were done speaking, the guard walked away. Patrick bit down gently on his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his, before walking into the room. 

The fae almost dropped his bags in shock. The room was huge, decorated with a dark lavender color with a gold trim on mostly everything. The bed was a huge, four poster with violet sheets, and he could've sworn there were a million pillows on it.

It was almost too fancy for him to like it.

It was quite dark, but Patrick quickly realized that was due to the curtains being closed. He walked in, setting his bags on his bed. He walked over to the large windows, drawing open the curtains to let light stream in from the sunset. There, that was better. 

He turned, walking back over to his bags, opening them both. Most of it was clothes, but he had brought along a few pictures that were buried under the many articles of clothing he had stuffed inside. 

Patrick began taking everything out, sorting it on the bed between what was what. He didn't even notice his maid walk in, not even hearing the door, since he hadn't closed it.

"Are you. . . putting your own clothes away?" the maid asked. Patrick jumped, quickly turning around to come face to face with a short, black haired fae with piercing green eyes. Patrick was obviously startled, not expecting her to be in the room so quickly. He didn't speak, instead just nodding, and the other fae laughed.

"Well, I can take it from here, sir. I'm also supposed to tell you a few things regarding the upcoming events," she said. Patrick felt an itch to tell her that he could take care of his own things, but instead of sounding like an asshole, he just nodding, letting her do her job. 

"A-Alright. And you don't have to call me sir, my name's Patrick," he said, his tone softer than what it would normally be. This was all so weird for him, he felt overwhelmed. Honestly, he would rather put away his own clothes and have time to process than having more information shoved at him, but he supposed he would have time later. 

He watched as his maid shuffled around, hanging up some clothes in the closet, putting others in the dresser in their respective spots. "Right now, the only event that is going on are dates. There has been a spot reserved for you for tomorrow, for you to have a date with the High Fae you chose to go for. It's the last day for dates, so sadly you weren't able to pick what you're doing, but I believe you two will be going stargazing tomorrow around 8 PM."

Patrick listened to the information, a little shocked that he would already be going on a date. It made him nervous, as it would be his first meeting with his High Fae. Which was the High Fae of Winter. Evan. Going stargazing as a first meeting instead of meeting at a ball like everyone else probably had scared him. What if he wasn't even noticed, because he was a late addition? What if he was just kicked out right away?

"O-Okay, is that all?" Patrick asked upon realizing he hadn't responded yet. He had snapped himself out of his little daze, and realized that his maid was done putting everything away, even having put his bags in the closet to be stored there.

"Yes. I wish you good luck, honestly. Lord Evan is. . . certainly different, I'll tell you that." Patrick didn't even have time to respond before she gave him a little nod, and headed out the door.

Patrick sat there on the bed, feeling nerves built up inside him. Different? What did she mean by that? Was he mean or something? Patrick didn't know, and it scared him. This date could make or break him. It was the deciding factor of everything. He didn't sign up and come here just to be booted out right away, but that's what he was scared would happen. What if it was all for nothing? 

He shoved the thoughts down, deciding he needed to figure out something to do. Even though the sun had set at this point, Patrick was a night owl, always tending to stay up late. But what was there to do? He didn't bring anything to entertain himself. Maybe bringing his guitar from home would've been a good idea. 

Patrick flopped back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, which even that was decorated. A long sigh escaped his lips, letting his thoughts wonder, specifically to the future. He needed to think a little more positively about this. Maybe he would get somewhere.

As long as he didn't mess up tomorrow.  

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