Chapter Two

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A/N: I hope you've all read the updated description to clear all the confusion! But just to make it clear, this story takes place in a world made up solely of werewolves as the main inhabitants - humans do not exist.

And now, I hope you enjoy the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment xx


Chapter Two

All alphas are the same.

Susan's mother always, always told her that but Susan refused to believe her mother. Just because their father was an asshole of an alpha that didn't care about his wife or only daughter didn't mean that all alphas were like that.

But right now, she knew that she was in horrible danger.

She'd been shopping in the supermarket when her heat had just hit her. Just like that. It had been a shocker because she always took her suppressants, but apparently they weren't working because she was on the brunt of a full-fledged heat in the middle of the supermarket.

She shifted uncomfortably, feeling the curious and hungry gazes of the alphas within the vicinity and she knew that she had about an hour or two before she would be thrown into the deep parts of her heat and goddess knows she didn't want to spend it with some random alpha on the street. She'd rather lock herself in a room full of toys than have sex and get knotted up before she was ready.

"That'll be seventeen ninety-five," the man behind the counter spoke, watching Susan fumble in her purse for change, her small hands shaking.

When Jim took a soft whiff, his eyes widened a little as he smelled that sweet, cloying scent of an omega about to go into heat. It took a second for him to realize that it was the small, brown haired woman in front of him that was emitting the rich and potent scent. A few customers were giving her dirty looks, probably thinking she must be gagging for a knot to be outdoors while smelling like that but Jim knew the woman's heat was probably sudden and unexpected – there was no way an omega so close to their heat would be out prancing about like that.

His mind immediately went to the product he had in his bag underneath the counter. He hadn't had a chance to test it yet. His hand curled into a fist as he decided to grab this opportunity while it was here. He'd been meaning to test it by himself but there was no way in hell he was going to let himself be vulnerable to alphas – what if the damn thing didn't work?

"Hey," he whispered softly and quickly, glancing swiftly around him, pleased to note that the people staring had gone about their business and stopped gossiping.

Susan looked up at the beta behind the counter with wide eyes, "Yes?"

"I can smell you," he said and the woman blushed in mortification, glancing down at the floor and she looked close to tears so Jim quickly added, "I've got something that can help," he said and reached down into his bag underneath the counter, bringing out an unopened can of what looked like pepper spray. Seeing the woman's incredulous look he grinned a little and held it out to her, "trust me, it's way stronger than pepper spray and you're going to need it."

Susan knew she needed all the help she could get and she took the spray from him gratefully.

"How much -?"

"There's no need," he responded with a smile, "just be safe, yeah?"

"Thank you. Thank you so very much."

Susan picked up her bags and practically fled out of the store, clutching the pepper spray in a tight fist. At first, it was like no one cared about the woman but after a few minutes, one alpha left the store without buying anything. A few seconds later, a second alpha followed, dropping his half-full shopping basket on the floor recklessly.

Jim felt a little bit panicked – if that woman got attacked and raped, it was going to be his fault. If the spray didn't protect her, or didn't work the way it was supposed to then the woman was in deep trouble.

Someone stepped up to the counter and took his mind off it for a brief moment.

Susan heard the footsteps coming in behind her and she picked up the pace, clutching her shopping bags to her chest and holding on tightly to the can of pepper spray. She could smell the aggression and musky arousal of an alpha behind her and her traitorous body, too close to heat couldn't help but respond and she whimpered when her stomach clenched and she soaked her panties with slick.

The growl behind her told her that the alpha knew what had just happened – he could probably smell her scent intensifying.

She couldn't run now – running away was like a challenge to a werewolf but right now she was out of options and the alpha was closing in quickly.

She dropped her grocery bags suddenly and broke into a sprint down a narrow alleyway.

Stupid. Stupid.

She'd barely run a few steps when a weight was suddenly crashing into her and crushing her into the dirty, hard floor and her body curled in on itself, the stench of a terrified omega filling up the alleyway but this alpha was determined. Normally, the scent of an omega in distress would make him want to soothe and protect, not harm but he ignored that scent and focused on the sweet, tantalizing scent of her incoming heat.

"Look at you," he whispered against her neck, his hot breath making her shiver in revulsion, "just fucking begging for it, aren't you? Walking around smelling like a buffet."

"Please – please don't –"

He huffed and licked a stripe up her neck and Susan felt like she was going to retch. She clutched the pepper spray tightly in her fist, breathing hard and trying to gauge when she could attack. When the alpha felt her relax into the floor, he growled in approval, nosing her neck and beginning to scent mark her.

When Susan felt the alpha thought he was safe, she immediately wriggled, catching him off balance as she spun around and pressed hard on the nozzle of the little white bottle.

The alpha screamed and jumped off her, clutching his eyes and nose and growling in pure, painful agony.

Susan didn't wait. Tears were sliding down her cheeks and she was shaking violently as she got to her feet and immediately ran for her life.

By the time the second alpha got to the alleyway, the first alpha was already unconscious. Seeing the body lying motionless on the floor, lightly foaming in the mouth told him that this wasn't an omega to mess with and he quickly turned away and went back to the supermarket to quietly finish his shopping, leaving the other alpha to his own demise.


Some people didn't really like the fact that Tania Hanson and Dallas Crane were the top dogs in the Investigation Team and the Peace Force and Bill Anderson was one of those people. He hated it that two omegas – one of them a woman – were the best in the entire world and each time he got called out to work on a case with them, he felt like murdering them in their own cold blood.

The alpha watched with barely concealed anger as Tania moved around the crime scene, rapidly making notes of everything as she spoke. Another thing he hated about the tiny omega was the fact that when she was in on a case, she was literally in on it. The noise of the paparazzi and onlookers held back by red tape from the I.T. along with other alphas from the Peace Force didn't distract her – even the cameras of the reporters flashing and the noise of them screaming questions didn't faze the woman at all. It was like they weren't even there.

Tania was a small woman with lovely pale skin and lustrous brilliant brown hair that was typical of the werewolves from the east coast.

Dallas – her partner who wasn't yet present as was the norm – was from the south and his hair was shocking silver and he molten brown eyes that could charm the pants off any gender. His build was tall and lithe, built like a ballet dancer and most people mistook him for a beta the first time they met him because he carried himself with so much authority and confidence – his slim and sinewy build wouldn't let anyone see him as an alpha. It was only when they scented him that they realized he was an omega and then all the respect and slight fear they had for him flew out the window.

"From the marks on the floor we can see that there must have been a sort of struggle," Tania was saying out loud to herself as she brought out an actual sketch pad and began to sketch the crime scene in almost painful detail, "there's no blood however, or marks around his neck to suggest he was strangled and I can't touch his hair yet to see if he has a bump or something from being knocked out. But if he was knocked out, how did he die then?"

"One of life's greatest mysteries," Dallas' voice boomed down the alleyway as he approached quickly, pen, paper and HD Camera already in hand.

"You're late," Tania said without looking up from her sketch.

Dallas blushed. "I was caught up in something. What'd I miss?"

"Someone called to report this dead alpha," Tania said, motioning at the lifeless body sprawled in the middle of the alleyway, the alpha's eyes wide open and staring into nothingness, "it's well beyond rigor mortis so I'm guessing the guy's been dead for over twelve hours. The call was anonymous by the way."

"Aren't they always," Dallas replied thoughtfully, leaning down to carefully feel the man's temperature before standing up, wrinkling his nose with distaste at the stench, "might have been dead over twenty four hours if we want to go by his temperature. He's as cool as this alley."

Tania and Dallas began working in silent harmony, taking notes and photographs of every inch of the alleyway just in case, both of them oblivious to what was happening around them – it was like the world was put on slow motion or switched off or something. They were an odd duo, Tania so tiny, not nearly four feet and dressed in all black compared to Dallas who was over six feet tall and dressed in a crisp white shirt and red jeans. Tania has known him long enough not to comment on his mode of dress.

"What are you up to, Bill? Did you call Spencer yet?" Dallas asked.

Bill gritted his teeth. "I'll do that now."

"You do that."

The silence continued as Tania and Dallas moved around the crime scene. The crowd kept thinning and filling and thinning as bored people left and more curious people retook their place. Bill knew better than to interrupt when the two 'geniuses' were working on a crime scene, so he exited the alleyway to place a call to their most trusted Chief Medical Examiner, Spencer Smith.

"Any witnesses?" Dallas asked after scrutinizing the scene thoroughly.

"None. Judging from the spilled groceries on the sidewalk, he must have been coming from the supermarket. We asked around but if the body's been here for nearly a day, the customers who might have seen him were long gone."

Dallas frowned and made his way to the spilled items, making note of the items decorating the pavement.

Suppressor pads, lots of fruit and water, a full turkey and some other items that immediately pushed Dallas to one conclusion.

"The bags don't belong to the alpha," he said out loud.

Tania hummed in agreement. "Omega probably very close to his or her heat."

"The knot-head probably followed him or her here and tried to rape them."

"Or they lured him in so they could kill him," Tania responded calmly and Dallas only rolled his eyes, thinking, yeah right, like any omega on the planet would do that. Tania noticed his look and grinned, raising an eyebrow, "don't rule out all the possibilities until we've got all the evidence, hot shot."

"Fine, whatever. I still go by my gut instinct and my gut says that alpha probably deserved it."

"Don't bring your personal feelings into this, Dallas. Remember why you're the best at this."

Dallas sniffed at the crime scene but the scent of the omega was already long gone. His eyes rapidly trailed around the crime scene, from the bags of spilled groceries and into the alleyway.

"Long brown hair, probably very small in their late twenties, omega was probably female and if my gut instinct is right, then her heat must have hit her unexpectedly. What I don't get now is how she killed the alpha?" Dallas said, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion. Granted, the omega might have killed the alpha because she was distressed but how on earth had she done it without a trace? And alone for that matter? It was unheard of.

"Leave that to me," Spencer Smith said, appearing out of nowhere and making his way into the alley, "Well, doesn't he just smell lovely?" Spencer commented, wrinkling his nose at the stench of the dead body.

"Hey Spence," Tania greeted warmly, "how's the office?"

"Boring, gosh, I'm so glad someone's dead."

"Spence!" Tania laughed at the beta and he only grinned at her, shrugging helplessly.

"So, fill me on the situation," he said, rubbing his palms together.

"Omega went into heat in the supermarket nearby, got followed by the knot –head on the floor, they got into a tango, omega escapes unharmed and alpha mysteriously ends up dead and alone."

Spencer's eyebrows shot up into his forehead. "Well, then, that's a lot to digest."

"You're telling me," Dallas commented dryly.

Spencer took one look at the body and said, "Yup, I think I'll have to bring this one back to the lab."

"I was guessing you'd say that," Dallas said with a laugh, "whatever you recommend doc. When do you think you'll have a report?"

"Give me tonight and I'm sure I'll come up with something, yeah?"

"Okay then, good luck."

"I'm going to need it," Spencer laughed, already tapping away on his phone to get his assistant and his men to get the body out of the site and to the lab as soon as possible, "email me all the info and pictures you've got, yeah?"

"Will do."

Tania looked at Dallas seriously as Spencer left the alley to call his lab and Dallas didn't even need her to say anything.  

There was no way in hell an omega could kill an alpha without a skill or weapon and by just looking at the body, it was obvious that the alpha wasn't harmed at all physically. From the minute he'd spotted the lifeless body, he knew that this was a whole lot bigger than an alpha trying to get with an unwilling omega.

Little did he know just how right he was and this case was going to be bigger than any case he'd ever solved.

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