Chapter 10

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Ash's POV:

The world seemed to turn around on its own as I couldn't exactly comprehend what I was seeing. Calem could be the class A jerk whose face I'd love to smash, but even I didn't expect him to be tied with two of the most dangerous humans in the world, and that too under my nose, when I was SURE that J ALWAYS worked alone, with nobody by her side.

"Surprised yet, Ketchup? Dad told you to hang on to that seat of yours, didn't he?", Calem asked me smirking and I smote my fist on the floor in anger.

"You're not getting away with this, J!!", Wallace yelled from the other side and J yawned mockingly.

"Oh, yes I am! I do have something that you might be interested in!", she told him dragging out a battered Soledad, and the second Wallace got shocked seeing her, one of her grunts electrocuted Milotic causing her to collapse on the spot.

"It would take me less than a second to stick this knife into her throat, Wallace. 30 PokeDollars say I do so closing my eyes, not even having to look at her", she told him tossing her knife playfully while Wallace's legs began to shake. Seeing his lover and his favourite Pokemon in agony was too much to ask...for ANYBODY, and Wallace raised his hands in surrender shaking his head and sighing.

"Glad to know of your cooperation. If you'd please, my friends", she motioned to her grunts telling them to handcuff Wallace.

"Don't worry! The grunts have only beaten her as she put up a fight, nothing more than that. To make things homelike for you at prison, we'll let you share your cell with Soldedad. The internet is down at the prison, and the guards could use some form of entertainment when the two of you have fun", she told him but Wallace was not even in a mood to give her a reply. While she was busy taunting Wallace, I motioned Dawn to slip away with Misty, and used the same time to leave the hall through a small shortcut that was created due to an accident caused due to a well-known Charizard while sparring.

"Where are you going?", Serena whispered in my ear when we got to a rather safe spot.

"To get to my Pokemon. I have to let Mom know that I'm okay, and I think you should do the same", I told her and she nodded her head. But to my rotten luck, the route was blocked by a dozen grunts with snipers. Before I could even breathe, they could split my skull and Serena's with a single bullet.

"Come with me", Serena whispered in my ear and dragged me towards the swimming pool which reeked of chlorine.

"It's deserted, as the concentration of the chlorine is too strong", she told me covering her lower jaw with her handkerchief and I did the same thanking my lucky stars that I didn't forget to hang mine around my neck. Even though we only spent a minute or so at the pool, we got a bit dizzy due to the concentration, and we settled behind a small bush.

From the bush, I could see my Pokemon in the pasture land. They were surrounded by some transparent dome, and Meganium was smashing her Vine Whips on the dome, but each time it struck the dome, a jolt of electricity was sent into her sending her flying away screeching in pain, and my breathing began to shake unable to look at the pain my Meganium was going through in order to get to me. I was about to get up and see them, but Serena hugged me from behind and rubbed my chest soothingly.

"Please, Ash. Please don't do anything out of rage. Not only would you be putting yourself in danger, but you would also endanger your Pokemon. I understand your pain. Even I wouldn't be able to see my Pokemon in this manner, but you can only reach them by proper planning", she whispered into my ear and I nodded my head in defeat.

"You're right", I told her and she kissed my cheek looking at me expectantly.

"What?", I asked her.

"I thought you'd...have some plan prepared by now, Ash", she told me and I shook my head sighing. Suddenly, her eyes shot up.

"I'll cause a distraction. You'll know when to reach them, but until then DO NOT get up from here", she told me cupping my cheeks and I nodded my head. I don't know what took over me, but I brought her lips to mine in a flash, running my hands over her soft caramel locks, and her waist. We stayed like this for another minute or so, but that minute seemed like an eternity.....a minute I could live in an infinite loop, yet I'd never be bored of.

"Please be careful", I whispered into her ear after we were done, and I could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, but at the same time I saw a shy and satisfied smile adorning her face before she left to that Arceus-forsaken chlorine zone.

After a minute or so, I heard a huge explosion from the place, and I saw Serena running from the side gate, off to hide in a nearby bush that was literally surrounded by blood.

I used the distraction she gave me and went to the electric dome. My Pokemon saw me and began to jump in joy until I brought a finger to my lips signalling them to calm down. Meganium walked towards me telling me that I couldn't come inside, in her own tongue which I easily understood.

Just to take my chances, HOPING that the shield wouldn't work on humans, I touched the dome, and even Raichu's regular dose of Thunderbolt hadn't given me such a jolt of electricity. I wasn't able to move my hand for a minute or so, after that.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, and someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I used an old trick my mom taught me to counter him or her. I grabbed..her by her right wrist pulling her forward, and placed my right leg on the back of her knees and pulled forward, bringing her down and jumped back, stomping on her back with my left knee, almost about to dislocate her shoulder.

"Ash, it's me! Please don't hurt me. Please, please, please. It hurts, it HURTS", SERENA pleaded me writhing in pain, tears threatening to fall due to the pressure exerted on her shoulder, and I let go of her the very next second, bringing her into a bear hug.

"I'm so sorry. I..I assumed it to be a grunt. I had shocked myself by placing my hand on the dome, so I couldn't notice my surroundings. I'm so sorry, Serena", I told her tightening my grip around her waist, and she wrapped her left arm around my neck forgivingly.

"Just be careful, Ash", she whispered into my ear and I nodded my head burying my face in her neck.

"JOLT JOLT!!", Jolteon yelled from the other side, and an idea struck me.

"Alright! Jolteon, Raichu, come here", I called them and they came as close as they could. My Swampert meanwhile, was watering the edges of the dome, to lock the current flow in a loop so that it doesn't go haywire and hit my Pokemon.

"Look. I'll step inside now, and I'll receive a jolt, okay? I want you to record the voltage potential and the next time, I step inside, I want you to hit me with the SAME potential, alright?", I asked them and they nodded their heads. Serena, however, didn't seem convinced, and was clutching her right shoulder wincing, which lead me into a world of guilt.

After a deep breath, I placed my left foot inside, and my veins began to boil due to the electricity coursing through them, and I brought my foot back to my side, and my two Pokemon nodded their heads. Serena meanwhile, brought me into another hug to check if I my heartbeat was normal. A minute later, I jumped inside, and they hit me with the same voltage which nullified the difference, and I didn't receive much of the jolt. I only felt it for an instant, when my Pokemon hadn't made contact with me.

"Your turn! Look, Serena. You'll have to jump inside WITHOUT touching the ground until I grab hold of you. Raichu and Jolteon will hit me with the same bolt and the second you're not in contact with the dome, they'll stop. TRUST me, Sere!", I pleaded her and she nodded her head following out my order exactly and so did my Pokemon.

"Wasn't that hard, was it?", I asked her with a small smile and she pounded on my chest.

"THAT'S for nearly tearing my arm out! That's for nearly FRIGHTENING me to death!", she yelled smoting me again and again, but I just hugged her and I heard her curse me again and again.

"Satisfied?", I asked her when her assault stopped and she gave me a death glare, but those beautiful Cerulean blue eyes just made them mesmerizing and not terrifying.

A second later, I was ambushed my all of my Pokemon, okay, MOST of my Pokemon. Sceptile, Greninja and Charizard were in their cool phase, while Aggron was busy lifting Snorlax for training. I couldn't exactly say as I was busy being trampled by my herd of Tauros which Serena actually found it cute.

Then, I took out my PokeTab which I had hid under my mattress and called Mom.

"Ash! Honey! Are you okay? We were worried SICK! How are May and Dawn? Are they hurt? And what about Drew and Gary?", Mom fired from the other side. Behind her, I saw the worried faces of Aunt Johanna and Aunt Caroline.

"Dawn and Gary are fine, mom! May had injured her knee and shoulder. I don't know about Drew's injuries, but he was supporting May, so I don't think he's hurt badly", I told her and all 3 of them sighed in relief knowing that we were alive. THAT was the situation here.

"Nice to see you again, Serena!", Mom greeted her and Serena waved back shyly. Suddenly, my PokeTab buzzed and Serena came near me to see the message.

Breaking News! Unovan, Sinnohite and Kalosian Governments have collapsed. Alder, Cynthia and Diantha have been captured due to a coup détat headed by former member of Team Flare, Malva. Hunt for Lance is on. Charles Goodshow is to be executed by this Monday along with the Hoenn Battle Frontier and Scott.

If this shock wasn't enough, there was a loud explosion outside and when I went outside with Serena, I saw the victorious form of Red walking towards Calem and J, and the flag of the 7 Regions fell to my feet tattered and burned, while Red burned another one from the other side of the dome looking at me in pity, signalling the beginning of his tyranny.

To be continued...

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