Chapter 7

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Ash's POV:

It was him. The man I loathed BEYOND words - my father. I knew that he was a diamond grade A-hole, but what was he doing with Plasma grunts?

"I don't care about seeing you anymore, Red. Do yourself a favour and leave the premises. You might live a little longer", Brandon told him but I didn't bother to look at his expression while doing so. I was busy killing Red mentally.

"Is that a way to talk to an old friend? Don't you remember how close we were?", he asked Brandon with mock-pain causing Brandon to snort.

"I remember a traitor.....a man who chose money over morality!", Brandon roared clutching his fists, while Red simply gave him a devious smile before turning towards me.

"Oh! Ash? Ash Ketchum? Good show at the Lumiose Conference, young man", he told me and I simply glared at him clutching my fists.

"What? Oh! You saw my interview? I didn't say anything wrong, did I? Did I hurt any of your family?", he told me walking towards me and we were soon face to face with each other.

"You'd possibly be the only dad who smeared his son's name in public", I told him and he snorted.

"Be thankful I didn't talk about that B*****d of an uncle, w***es of aunts you have or that sad-excuse-for-a-lady mother you've got!", he told me and at that moment, the word turned a bright shade of vibrant blue and red...a set of colours which appeared only when I was in the Bond Phenomenon phase with Greninja and I tripped him down catching him by his wrist and stomped my foot on the side of his head, rather hard causing him to spit some blood.

" front of me. It may be the last thing you may do", I told him in a threatening manner stretching his arm further nearly dislocating his shoulder.

Suddenly, I was kicked in the chest and I was sent a few steps back. I saw the face of Calem who was helping Red to his feet.

"Pokemon, I choose YOU!!", I yelled, and out came a Jolteon.

"Jolteon, use Thunder Fang!!", I told him and he shocked Calem who unfortunately, was in contact with Red, so the two of them felt the surge of electricity flow through them.

"Mark my words, Ketchup! You're gonna become just like the dish you've closely been named after. It's time I go public with my identity. But just like I said before, you'll soon be meeting with a STICKY end. You people better hang tight to those seats of yours! A hurricane of change is approaching", Red warned me before limping off the way he came, and he brought out the same lighter kinda thing and teleported with the rest of his grunts and Calem.

"Are you alright, Ash?", Brandon asked me and I nodded my head.

"Care to continue with our battle?", I asked him playfully and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, it's your funeral! Golem, GO!!"

"Jolteon, use Quick Attack!!"

"Catch it!"

"Now, use the spokes on your neck to poke its head!"

Golem roared in pain, but regained its stance.

"Use Heavy Slam!!"

"Use Quick Attack to get out of the way, and use Sand Attack to blinden it!"

"Golem, spin around to clear the sand"

"PERFECT! Use Discharge!! The electricity will automatically flow due to Golem's rapid motion tripling it's strength"

As I had expected the attack dealt it's damage and a roasted Golem was standing in front of me, and it collapsed unable to continue battling.

"Alright! So Pyramid King Brandon wins...wait what? The kid won? Oh! The kid wins! Goodnight", the sleeping referee announced and fell asleep again.




The Eevelutions yelled merrily jumping in joy and I began to pet the three of them.

"Nice going, you three. You're quite strong! Just some more practice, and you'll become unstoppable!", I told them getting down on my knees. Then, they placed their frontal paws on my thighs and wagged their tails non-stop.

"You were brilliant, Ash!", Brandon told me giving me a small smile and I thanked him with a nod of my head.

Then he saw the Pokemon I had used and just chuckled looking at them.

"I think you should take them with you. They seem to like you, anyway. They've never heeded the commands of any trainers when they were Eevees, but now they seem to like you, Ash!", he told me and their eyes shone as bright as light.

"I'd love to....but, they are the college's Pokemon, right? I can't take them with me, can I?", I asked him and their ears drooped down, and they looked at me with Baby Doll Eyes, which I couldn't resist.

"It's alright, Ash! Their happiness is my first priority, and it seems like they really like you", he told me and I began to pet the three of them who simply cooed in joy.

"Are you sure you three would want to come with me? I promise I'll be a really great friend to you guys, but at the same time, I won't be light on your training", I told them gently and they nodded their heads with determination. After that, I helped them into their pendants. Eevelutions were HIGHLY common in ALL regions, and I'm not interested in exchanging my Pokemon with someone else. The next second, I brought out 3 Pokeballs and they pressed the buttons and engulfed themselves in the red light, confirming my capture. I decided to leave them at my pasture to let them get along with my other Pokemon during lunch break.

"Hey! When do we get to battle?", Gary yelled from behind and Brandon simply smirked.

"You're next, Mr. Oak!", he told him and Gary ran towards my side.

"Watch how the pros do it, Ashy boy!", he told me smirking....ego literally rolling across his body while Brandon was unimpressed.

Time Skip

"IT'S NOT FAIR!!", Gary yelled tearing his hair apart while Dawn simply punched his shoulder playfully.

"Hey, Gary! You ALMOST beat him. It was good battle. It was your bad luck that you got a confused Psyduck", she told him and he snorted.

"I KNOW! That thing didn't know a SINGLE attack! I'm gonna run some tests on him. Possibly, there is too much fluid in his brain. That's why he's overly confused", he ranted.

"I don't think they'll allow you to run tests on him, Gare Bear", I told him causing him to scrunch his eyebrows.

"I'll catch up with you guys later", I told them and excused myself, as I needed some time to think.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? DON'T YOU HAVE BRAINS? SMASHING INTO RANDOM PEOPLE, AND CHARRING THEIR BIKES!!", a raging redhead yelled at Ritchie. I hadn't seen him since our battle at the Indigo Plateau. It was Misty! She hadn't changed at all, behaviour-wise. Instead of the side ponytail I saw her with, this time her hair was rather long, upto the middle of her back. She also had two locks coming out of the gap between her neck and each shoulder, partially making her look like a red headed Drapion, except for the fact that her horn- kinda locks didn't appear from the side of her head.

"Nice to see you, Misty", I greeted her and she looked HIGHLY surprised to see me here.

"Wuh? Ash? You REMEMBER me? You're studying here too?", she asked me temporarily forgetting about her tussle with Ritchie, who was about to slip away but was caught by his collar by Misty.

"Not trying to pull a fast one on me......are you, Ritchie?", she asked him passive aggressively causing him to shake his head.

"You're gonna leave ONLY when you buy me my bike! This is the SECOND bike of mine that your Raichu has scorched", she told him and he sighed.

"Nice to know you haven't changed, Waterflower", I told her and left.

"Not bad at all, Ash! I thought you'd forget me", she told me from the other end of the hall and I simply gave her a two finger salute.

"Hey, Ritchie! We'll talk when the storm clears", I told him and he nodded his head desperately trying to get away from Misty's clutches.

Time Skip

I was busy training with my new Pokemon as nobody else was there to give me some company. Dawn and Gary were out on a date, while May, Drew and Serena had to attend some contest in Coumarine City.

"I don't know what SIN I had committed in my past life to be stuck with a PATHETIC piece of Torterra Dung like you!!", I heard a familiar voice yell at someone.

"Ho ho ho! I'm not as happy as you are to be stuck with a purple headed BOONIE face!", I heard ANOTHER familiar voice yell.

"Paul? Trip?", I asked confirming my suspicions and they turned around with grins, well, grin considering that Paul just gave me a smile that I'd normally give to others...the same small one. The two of them gave me the time of my lives in battling at the finals of the Sinnoh League and Unova League respectively.

"Nice to see you, Ash! You, my friend, are a SAVIOUR! How did you put up with this guy THROUGHOUT the Sinnoh region?", Trip asked me.

"And how you managed to deal with this PATHETIC idiot till the finals of the Unova League remains an eternal mystery to me", Paul told me snorting and I just chuckled lightly.

As if on cue, Ritchie and an overjoyed Misty came here with a bike.

"Hey, Ash! Who are your friends?", she asked me looking at Paul and Trip. The very next minute the rest of the gang came laughing until they were ambushed by my excited Feraligatr.

"Come! Let me introduce you to my friends and family!!", I told them wrapping my arms around their shoulders, HOPING that the two of my strongest rivals fit into a regular group for once.

To be continued...

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