Chapter Five the Calm before the storm

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Four days since the Fairy Tail Mages woke up.

After 4 days from waking up from the fairy sphere. The fairy tail mage's spend 4 days. Learning all they can have a situation but.

The Mages of Fairy Tail we're still trying to get over the death of there four dragon slayers. But many individuals took it harder than others. Erza, Mirajane, lucy, levi and the three exceeds. Happy, Carla and Lily.

They also recently discovered that their Guild went from being number one to the bottom Guild of Fiore.

Fairy Tail was mocked and ridiculed and the news of I am Dragon Slayers death were made public.

Some Guilds and people mock the four dragon slayers which is infuriated Fairy Tail play do you know the true stories and yet they made these insults about some of their closest friends.

Yesterday Master Makarov learned of the grand magic games in Fairy Tail came together on a decision that they would enter the game and they would win back the number one ranking.

So with that being said Fairy Tail kicked himself into overdrive they kept raining harder than ever done in their lives the ones being sent to the games were.

Gray, Erza, cana, Lucy, and Elfman the five of them were currently training harder than they ever did in their lives.

They were currently on a beach training harder than they ever could surpassing their limits slowly but surely.

That was great in the whole but what they didn't know was that a new competition and power was Rising one that would Shock the World to its very core.

In a dark Forest

In a forest named the Dark Forest you can spot what looks to be a guild I'll be a very large one.

(Not my picture)

This was one of the new guilds to get  registered by the magic Council about two months back and its name was demon heart.

Currently they were only five members of The Guild plus the Guild Master you might know four of them.

(Y,N), natsu, gajeel, wendy and a new member of the team virus. Virus was a demon that Serana secretly created for something like this he was one of the three guards she had with heard that can be summoned.

(This is virus in human form just minus all the demonic features and this is not mine.)

And of course the master of the demon heart Guild was Serana.

Their Guild was approved by the magic Council about three days after they left the nightmare Realm.

During those other two days they had to secure a secluded area as well as build the guild which wasn't too hard since they found themselves upon the dark Forest. A place supposed to be filled with vicious monsters turn into monsters since the arrival of the five individuals the Turning and ran in fear of them.

You might be wondering how were they able to build a guild in less than 2 days Simple creation Magic.

But in the inside the guild the four dragon slayers and virus were hanging out.

Natsu: can't wait for the grand magic games to begin. All of the guilds we get to crush a long and taking your revenge it's like a dream come true.

(Y,N): yes I can't wait either we'll show them what happens when you mess with the four of us.

The four of them start to let out an evil chuckle that's soon turn into an evil laugh.

Virus just stayed out of it he had a calm and collected personality and didn't have much emotions to work with. He was a warrior created by Serana to protect her and care out her will nothing more nothing less.

Are laughing stock as soon as Serana entered the room with an evil smirk on her face.

Serana: I have great news our guild has be added to the list of guilds that will be in the grand Magic games.

The four dragon slayers just smiled evil. And virus just had a blank look on his face.

(Y,N): well that might be good but we can't go around being called by her actual names we need to have aliases. So for me I'll be nightmare.

Natsu: I guess I can be Inferno.

(Y,N): yeah real creative Natsu.

Natsu: shut up man! I was only looking forward to beating the crap out of other guilds and taking my revenge not coming up with these stupid fake names.

(Y,N): gajeel you.

Gajeel: I can be terran

(Y,N) thoughts: that literally just means the Earth these are real creative guys.

(Y,N): Wendy you

Wendy: I'll just be Tempest.

(Y,N) was practically dead after his created there fake friends.

(Y,N): what will you be virus.

Virus: I'll just be virus.

(Y,N) thoughts: really just your actual name. Well I guess that can fly sense no one knows who you are do you being a demon.

(Y,N): well I guess Serana can use her name since she going to be the Guild and it would be pretty bad if the Guild Master use the fake name.

Serana: Thats fine with me but I also found out that they will be hosting the games in 3 months from now. So I guess that means you have 3 months whatever you need.

(Y,N): That's good we have three months to improve we might be the most powerful beings in this world is always room for improvement.

The other Slayers nodded in agreement before going off to do their own thing.

(Y,N) was about to go off and do there own this only to feel a hand grab ahold of his.

He turned around to see Serana giving him a smile.

(Y,N) now that smile meant all too well so he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

She return the affection and wanted end due to lack of oxygen (Y,N) walked off to do his own thing.

He walked out of the guild and into the forest he had an experiment he wanted to try.

Once he was far enough away from the guild he was ready to try out this experiment.

Extended his right hand and Gathering energy into his hand he gathered his demon Slayer magic into his hand. Before using his creation Magic to turn the energy into appear to be a sword.

(Not my picture)

He just smiled at the appearance of the blade but he wasn't done yet. He started to create what appear to be a weird black symbol and placed it on the sword.

This was a demonic rune, demonic runes can have special properties he created demonic Rune to where every time every hit on his Target the pain would multiply by 2 each time.

So to test out his new creation he went out into the woods to find a subject to use it on.

And he was happily rewarded just a few feet in front of him was a wyvern.

( ignore the person in the picture in this is not my picture)

The wyvren noticed his presence as it turned to face him.

It let out a deep growl as it lunged at  (Y,N) opening its large mouth to try and take a bite out of him.

(Y,N) quickly Dodge the side before bringing his sword up and cutting the wyvern along its wing.

A cut that shouldn't be that to a wyvern what's a normal sword. But the Demonic rune on this sword activated its effect dealing double the pain.

The wyvern let out a little stretching pain as it turned around and gaze at (Y,N) with the fury of a thousand suns.

Seeing the wiving glare at him only made him smile sadistically and it took off into the air and then breathing fire down at him.

Such a poetry attack couldn't do anything to him as you just stood there and allow the fire to bathe him.

Once the attack ended the wyvern look down at its attacker to see that he wasn't even scaved.

Overwhelming feeling a fear enveloped the wyvern it tried to retreat but it was too late as. (Y,N) grabbed a hold of the wyvern tail before throwing it to the ground.

Once the wyvern impacted the ground it try to stand up only to feel something impacted it's chest.

(Y,N) landed on the wyvern chest forcing it back to the ground. He didn't put up his sword and struck the wyvern in a chess cutting a deep gash in its chest.

The wyvern felt four times the pain as it let out a Roar of pain. But that wasn't the and (Y,N) kept slashing over and over and over again. And the pain of multiplied with each cut


Buy the fifth slash it dealt 32 times the pain it normally would. The wyvern died do to the intense pain it was feeling. The slashes aren't what killed it it was the intense pain it do to each slashed I just kept increasing but its mind and body couldn't handle it and died due to the shock.

(Y,N) seeing the results could only sadistically smile at the weapon he is just created. No this thing couldn't even be called a weapon this was a torturing device in the form of a sword.

He was wondering if you could create even more swords like this but use different forms of his magic could do it.

(Y,N): but first I must give you a name what's a good name for you... I know I'll name you pain.  for you will be the tool I will use to exact vengeance you will be the sword that will carry my pain and inflicted onto others.

Two months later

It didn't take (Y,N) long to create two more Abominations sorry I mean swords.

The second sword he created was called penance.

( not my picture)

A hulking mass of Steel in the form of a sword that he one handed. But just like pain this one had a special demonic Rune on it. This demonic Rune was named nightmare.

Whoever is on Fortune to be hit by the blade the wielder of the sword has the ability to put that person into a nightmare that shows their worst fear but amplifies it 2 to 10 times.

Then there was his other sword which he named Oblivion and rightfully so.

(Not my picture)

When he was inside the Nexus he took a tiny portion of it with him he also took the energy from his demon god form. And combined with that of the little piece of the Nexus he created this sword out of the combination of the two.

The result was a hulking long massive sword the blade itself with 7ft long the handle and the guard we're about a foot and a half long. So the sword was about 8ft and a half long.

This thing could cut through anything in its way and launch a giant Arc of demonic energy that destroyed everything in its way.

The other Dragon Slayers took this time to train themselves in their magic and in their physical strength.

They only had about one month left befor they can exact their Revenge.

One month later at the Grand Magic games

Currently the five individuals of demon heart cluster guildmaster we're walking back to their building.

They have just registered themselves for the grand Magic games. They could go Explorer crocus. But had to go back to their Guild building at midnight.

The Guild already knew something was going to go on so they decided to wait at their Guild building for midnight.

Eventually it was midnight as a large Bell could be heard all around the city The Guild near the Des was a time something was going to go on.

Eventually all the buildings around them started to conversion to the sky and through one massive ball the floor in the sky.

Announcers" greating's everyone this is Chapati Lola and with Yajima, a former member of the Council. We shall be going over the main events that's what happened in the grand magic games and the first being the sky Labyrinth.

You see there are many new guilds that have been established in the past 7 years so you decided to put this together to thin out the herd. The only guilds they can make it in the top 8 will be administrated into the actual Grand magic games good luck.

The members of demon heart could only laugh this was supposed to be a challenge b**** please they could do this in their sleep.

So with that the guild was transported into the sky Labyrinth and after a little bit of time they were able to find the exit apparently time with a guild for first place where the hell they were.

Eventually time passed and 9 guilds were now administrated you're the grand Magic games. Since they tied with first.

So now all the guilds had to he graded out in the arena The Domus Flau.

(Not my picture)

The Guild that got 8th place was fairy tail with gray, Erza, elfman, Mirajane and Lucy.

Once the Guild was announced the members of the crowd started to boo Fairy Tail.

The members of demon Hearts can only smirk under their masks.

The next Guild and 7th place was Quatro Cerberus with there five members.

Then in 6th the all female guild Mermaid Heel

This revealed shock a lot of people but manly males.

Then in 5th was Blue Pegasus some of the members of demon heart heart actually remembered some of the members. They were still going to get crush.

In 4th was Lamia Scale

Then 3th was raven tail this did not sit well with the members of Fairy Tail.

2th was apparently another team from Fairy Tail with apparently they had jella, Juvia, freed, Laxus and Mira.

The announcers: now ladies and Gentlemen please give it up for the guild who's rise to the very top after fairy tales fall sabertooth.

And with that the guilds Sabertooth walked out with smug look on their face like they can own the world.

The announcers: but hold on folks we have something unexpected happened another guild has tied with Sabertooth for first place.

The other guild and audience didn't know how to proceed with this there was another girl who tied with them?

The announcers: now would you give it up to the guild who tied with Sabertooth the dark and mysterious Guild demon heart.

Upon calling their Guild out the members of demon heart of walked out with their masks on.



( there are no holes in the mask except for the eyes)




( without that pentagram on it and with the hood on and none of these mask are mine.)

Every person in the stadium just scared of the five individuals either in interest or in fear. But that quickly changed the fear when the five individuals released a tiny portion of their magic power (2%).

That created a Sinister dark Aura around them that scared the living hell out of everyone in the stadium even Jura one of the wizard Saints coward and fear due to the power that they were releasing.

Nightmare (AKA (Y,N)) : Well what are we waiting for let the games begin.

And with that another chapter done and I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger once again.

So this is when shit is going to start go down so I hope you ready for it.

Alright stay safe bye bye have fun.

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