Chapter Seven The second day

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so a quick recap because i didn't put the fight for the first day this are the points

demon heart 20

sabartooth 18

raven tail 16

lamia scale 14

blue pegasus 12

mermaid heel 3

quatro cerberus 2

fairy tail B 1

fairy tail A 0

Also im not going to put any fight that doen't have a member of demon heart in it.

In the Domus Flau

Currently the members of demon heart we're in their stand ready for the next game to be decided.

although they were starting to get quite annoyed with the amount of stairs they were getting by the audience.

not to mention there's a dude named jason keep going "they're so cool" over and over again. If (Y,N) hadn't been there to stop Natsu there would have been a massacre.

Alright ladies and gentlemen the second day of the grand magic games has arrived. For our first event. Would the guild's send their respective members.

A member from every guild stepped forward as the announcer is called out their name.

From sabertooth we have sting.

From Lamia Scale Yuka.

From Raven Tail KuroHebi.

From Quatro Cerberus Bacchus.

From Fairy Tail A cana.

From Fairy Tail B sends in mirajane.

From blue Pegasus we have Ichiya.

From Mermaid Heel Risely.

Now finally the member from the dark and mysterious guild demon heart we have virus.

Right after the announcer called out the member of demon heart the crowd went into a loud uproar of Cheers. It would appear that these mages have became the fan favorite of the crowd.

Now that each member from The guild have been selected. let's announce today's games is a simple race known as Chariot.

A picture appeared on screen of what it was going to be. The members of the guilds had to go on moving objects as they try to reach the finish line. The members have to sabertooth could only sign knowing that they're not going to be able to win this.

If you take the wrong step you will most certainly fall off now on to the event

Once again the crowd went into a loud roar of Cheers as they were hyped for the new event.

Time skip towards the end

Currently the audience and spectators in the remaining guild members were watching the race go on. And once again the mages from demon heart never ceases to amaze the crowd.

virus has came in first place he was by far faster than anyone they've ever seen his visions were almost a blur as the lacamas could barely keep up with him. Even trying to slow the video down for the audience to see was difficult for them due to his speed.

Even jet was a little shaken up at his speed and fairy tale was just staring at him in awe.

Gray: Who the hell are these guys and what's with this dude speed he's faster than jet.

Lucy: Ya Gray's right who even are these guys.

Erza: I don't now *her gazed followed to the remaining mask members of demon heart* whoever they are they're most definitely going to be a challenge.

Mavis: it's worse than you could know.

Makarov: what do you mean first master.

Mavis: What I'm saying is that I sense no magic being emanated from virus I think this is his normal speed.

The members of Fairy tail have their Jaws dropped to the floor. If what the first master was saying is true this guy without using magic was probably the fastest person ever!!

Cana: You can't be serious can you?!

Elfman: Wow these guys are manly.

Lucy: HOW??

Erza: It seems that we have a real problem on our hands.

Erza kept her gays solely locked on the members of demon heart. (Y,N) turned his head to look at the majority of fairy tail that were just staring at them. He decided to have a little fun with the mages so he let out some of his demonic aura and focus just solely on Erza.

Erza's whole body started to shiver sweat started to run down her forehead. She had never met such a terrifying Aura before in her life, all the other dark mages she's fought up to this point could not even compare up to now. This same feeling of fear was the same kind she had when she first looked at acnologia.

Erza thought: Who are these mages and why is he making me *she couldn't finish her sentence as her body started to shake even more as he continue his gaze at her*

Mavis saw this as she narrowed her eyes at (Y,N). Her eyes wide in shocked as his focused directly on her.

Mavis thoughts: Can he see me but that should be impossible he doesn't have a fairy tail guild mark!?

(Y,N) Telepathically: I can hear you loud and clear little fairy.

Mavis entire being shook in fear as the Guild took notice of her her eyes were widened as she stared at the mask leader of demon heart.

Makarov: first Master are you all right?

He spoke with genuine concern the rest of the guild could only agree with their Master's statement.

Mavis: H-how this can't be

Lucy: first Master are you all right.

Mavis: H-he can see me *she pointed her finger at (Y,N)

Fairy tail was stunned at this relevation one of the members of demon heart could see the first master. And it quickly turned to one of fear as the remaining members of the demon heart gaze solely focused on the first master.

The guild could only look on in shock, the mages from demon heart averted their gaze from Fairy tail leaving them stunned and with many questions.

After the Chariot

1ist Virus

2nd bacchus

3rd kurohebi

4th risley

5th Mira

6th cana

7th Ichiya

8th yuka

9th sting

Now that the race has concluded lets get onto todays machs

(ok im not going to do any fights that doen't involve demon heart also im going to do (Y,N) vs kagura not her vs yukino because kagura is like erza but from another guild)

Now ladies and gentlemen our next battle kagura from mermaid heel vs demon heart Nightmare

Now the audience's full attention was put onto the battlefield as the two mages walked into the arena ready for their fight.

Laxus: We finally get to see how strong he is.

Erza thoughts: just how strong are you Nightmare?

Kagura kept in her eyes narrowed at her opponent, she could usually tell how strong an opponent was by looking at them in the eyes. But because her opponent was masked she couldn't tell anything about him.

Kagura: How about we have a wager for this match.

(Y,N): A wager? What kind of wager?

Kagura: Our lives?

(Y,N) just tilted his head to the side was his chick really that crazy?

(Y,N): Our lives?

Kagura: Yes if I win you take off that mask and you will serve me, but if I lose the same will happen to me.

(Y,N): it's whatever you want.

The audience could only look at him dumbfounded did this guy really not know if he would have loses he would serve underneath someone else.

Kagura: I take it you accept the wager?

(Y,N): why not.

He replied in a rather bored tone which caused kagura to narrow her eyes at him dangerous.

Kagura thoughts: Such impudence does he really think he's above everyone else.

Alright now that the heated discussion has ended let the match begin!!!

Immediately after the announcer said that carguru rushed at (Y,N) at full speed and brought down her archenemy down at him.

In response to seeing this (Y,N) held out one finger and blocked her weapon with his finger.

Many individuals were shocked at this mainly mermaid Heel and Fairy tail.

Before they could ask any questions kagura pulled back her arch enemy and jumped away from (Y,N) who hasn't moved in inch from his spot.

Kagura: how about this Archenemy: strong form

Rushing at him again she brought our enemy down for a devastating strike. Only for it to be once again blocked by him simply holding up a finger.

Kagura: What the hell are you?

(Y,N): Stronger then you.

Infuriated at his answer kagura jumped back and ready another attack.

Kagura: Fine how about this gravity change

She increase the gravity around (Y,N) as the ground around him was crushed, but he didn't even seem phase at all.

Gray: There's no way this guy's that freaking strong!!!

Lucy: How strong is this guy.

Mavis: he's not even trying he's just toying with her.

Over on mermaid heel side the reactions were a little more intense.

Millianna: Just who is this guy he's beating kagura like it's nothing!!

Risley: I know it's kind of surprising!

Jellal who is gazing down at the fight was surprised like most of Fairy tail. He and his group have been setting a massive dark energy coming from demon heart and were quite suspicious of them.

Jellal thoughts: who is this guy!?

Back with the fight kagura seeing that there was nothing her gravity magic was doing she stopped it. But the amount of gravity magic she expended was enough to crush a normal person's being out of existence.

(Y,N): Why are you holding back? Release your Archenemy then you might be able to do something to me.

Kagura looked at him in shock that he knew her sword but she couldn't pay that any mine to that. She new he was right. If she didn't come at him with full force there's no way she would be able to win this.

Kagura: I have no choice.

Mermaid Heel watched kagura and reach to the handle of her sword and slowly she started to pull the blade out.

The magic power being expended from her drawing her sword was immense. It put most the guilds on high alert from the power she was expending.


With clash of lights the blade of Arch enemy with unshift as she sprinted towards him at full speed and delivered a devastating blow.

The blow destroyed the ground making a large indent in the ground also created a giant dust cloud.

Millianna: it looks like kagura won guys!!

Most mages were thinking along the same lines, there no way normal person gets up after taking a hit like that and still keep standing.

They were all cut out of their thoughts as they heard a laughter, and the voice that it was all too well.

When the dust settled there was kagura and (Y,N) but the most surprising thing was.

That (Y,N) caught Arch enemy with his finger once again although his finger was slightly indented this time.

This caused everyone who was watching the fight to stare at him and shock.

(Y,N): I'm quite shocked that you could make my me budge, although it wasn't much. You shown to be quite the interesting opponent for that I'll end this.

Before kagura could put up her guard she was met by a powerful punch that they got which sent her flying into the side of the arena.

She flew back like a rocket and indented the wall, due to the impact she was unconscious but unknown to her black markings appeared where the punch was before disappearing.

Absolutely no one said anything there was no cheering nothing. They just witnessed the most powerful mage from mermaid Heel who is on power with erza from Fairy tail. Get ko'd in a single punch.

(Y,N) looked around at the people in the stadium before walking away like nothing happened.

That was an absolutely incredible nightmare from demon heart it's got a one hit knock out takes the win for today's over kagura from mermaid heel.

Right he was about to leave he gaze back at the unconscious kagura before letting out a sigh.

He walked over to the girl who was in the wall and pulled her out of it, the audience watched as his hand started to Glow and all of her wounds started to heal. He picked her up bridal style before jumping up to the mermaid heel guild.

His gaze followed each members who had the look of fear on there face. He just said kagura down before walking away.

Right before he could fully leave a voice call out to him.

Millianna: why did you do this?

(Y,N) stoped before turning to the girl.

(Y,N): she is not someone who I want revenge against she and I are actually very similar in that aspect. We want revenge against someone or those who have wronged us. Just because we were enemies on the battlefield does he mean I respect her as a warrior. That is all you need to know.

After saying that he walked away leaving the stadium with even more questions.

There you all go and tell me if I did okay on the fight, Also I'm not going to be doing any fights that doesn't involve demon heart members or if I do they have to be cool in my opinion so yeah let me know if I'm doing good or if there's anything I can change.

Also for the tag team duel who do you want to face off against Natsu and (Y,N) you decide the team but make sure they're strong members from Fairy tail.

Alright DIO OUT

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