Chapter Two gaining power

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I don't know how long it's been sense the four of us went to sleep but when I opened my eyes. I feel something comfy beneath me as I look down to see that I was sleeping on a large bed.

I took a look at my surroundings and I had to admit the room was pretty nice.

( not my picture and make the room colors whatever you want also make the room like two times bigger)

I got off the bed answer to walk around the room curious on how I ended up in this place as I was looking in the room I heard a soft giggling coming from behind me.

I turned around to see a girl that was clearly not human.

(not my picture also minus the giant f****** scythe and she's not in the chair)

I blushed a little bit do to how beautiful she was. Not to mention what she was wearing.

Quickly avoiding my gaze from her I turned my head around so she doesn't think I'm a pervert staring at her.

Apparently my actions were amusing for her as I heard her giggling.

???: you don't have to look away~ you can stare as much as you like~.

My face exploded with a blush for my face all the way down to my neck as red from embarrassment.

Once again being amused with my actions she started giggling.

???: tell me what is a human like you doing in my Realm?

(Y,N): your realm I don't even know what you're talking about and I don't even know who you are?

???: fine fine I'll play my name is serana and I am a demon goddess.

(Y,N) clearly wasn't expecting that becauss he turn to look at her with a face of fear and shock.

serana: no need to be scared I'm the one who saved you from the Black Forest.

(Y,N): The black forest??

Serana: yes the black forest its a forest that's part of this realm which is filled with various types of demons in it. If I haven't taken you and your three friends you most certainly weren't going to survive the night.

(Y,N): Demon's where in the world are we.

Serana: You are currently in a world that is most specifically called the realm of the night. Or as we call it the nightmare Realm, In this realm I rule all now tell me how did you get here.

(Y,N) I was about to explain to her before he stopped he was tightening his fists. Remember everything that happened the other day and the Betrayal of Fairy Tail.

Serana: well I'm waiting.

(Y,N): well it's a long and complicated story.

Serana: good thing that we have time.

(No POV)

What a sign (Y,N) begin to tell her everything all that happened. The Betrayal of the ones they used to call family.

Serana just sat there putting it all together. But the minute he started talking about the black dragon he could see her grow a little bit angry for some reason.

Serana: so I'm guessing you four want revenge don't you.

(Y,N): hell yeah I want revenge those bastards took everything from us! They caused the four of us to suffer so much of course why would I not want revenge on them.

Serana just sat there processing everything maybe these four could help her out and exchange they could help her out. Not to mention when she looked at (Y,N) she could see a great deal of potential and maybe he can even stand by her side in the future if she play her cards right.

Serana: Well you're probably worried about your friends let's go get them.

With that the two of them walk out of the room it's hard to walk down a long dark corridor. After a little bit of talking and walking the arrive at the next door.

When they open it they could see wendy who started to open her eyes.

(Y,N) rushed over to Wendy to see if see was all right.

She looked around and saw (Y,N) next to her and so stranger that she didn't know.

Wendy: (Y,N) who is that.

She was clearly referring to Serana but befor he could answer Serana answered for him.

Serana: the name is Serana demon goddess of The Nightmare world the world you're currently in.

After introducing herself Wendy was shocked and scared beyond belief right there in front of her was a demon and not just any demon a demon goddess.

Wendy got behind (Y,N) and peaked out at Serana like a timid child.

Serana: *giggling* you're just adorable and you know that there is no need to be scared of me just yet little one. I mean I am the one who saved your guys's life.

(Y,N): * Narrows his eyes at Serana* But what is it reason why you saved us in the first place.

Serana: all will be revealed soon but first let go get your other two friends.

So the three of them went out of the rooms and found gajeel and natsu. Gajeel was skeptical and didn't trust her just like natsu.

Eventually the five of us reached a large throne room.

(Not my picture)

She sat down on the throne and around her feet and around the room were weird dog looking things.

(Not my picture and ignore the Hellfire behind it)

Serana:*sit down in the throne and looks at the slayer* now for the reason why I have gathered you here. From what I can sense and from you and what (Y,N) told me. I can tell you want revenge on this Fairy Tail guild dont you.

All four of of them agreed there negative emotions there feeling towards Fairy Tale was to large to comprehend.

Slayers: YES!!!

Serana just smirked maybe they would be a help to her.

Serana: well I could help you out I could give you the power to destroy the whole world. To demolish and decimate everything in your way now what do you say. Allow me to train you and break past your mortal limits and obtain New Powers beyond your comprehension.

The four Slayers looks skeptical.

Gajeel: what do you get out of this.

Natsu: yeah that seems too good to be true.

(Y,N): I agree with the two of them this seems too good to be true what do you want in return.

Wendy: ya

Serana started to giggle in her hands these humans were amusing.

Serana: well if you must know what do you want to know.

The four of us looked at each other before one of them stayed in an answer.

(Y,N): why would a demon goddess want to helps us?

Serana: well you seen I want to be free from this world.

Gajeel: what do you mean?

Serana: it happened a long time ago and a day that I will never forget.

Wendy: what happened?

Serana: well I guess there's no point in keeping it from you now. You seem I am one of the very few demon god or true demon. The ones you know created by the black wizard zeref there fake versions of demons. But during the war 400 years ago I was attacked by the Angels, Dragons and humans the three races attack me, in the hope of ever killing me or stealing me away. After a long and bloody battle my power was nearly empty I slayed thousands of beings that was before that bastard attacked me.

The four Slayers watch as she clinched the hand rest on her throne breaking the hand rest on the throne.

Natsu: *who was sweating due to fear* who attacked you

Serana: acnologia

The four slayers widen their eyes not only due to the information that they were given but due to the fact that she was attacked by the same Dragon that sent them to this place.

Natsu: what your were attacked by acnologia!!!!

He could barely contain his rage just by hearing the name acnologia because it made him remember the Betrayal.

The rest of the Slayers were no difference as well. They hated the dragon king with a fiery passion due to what he did and the events that transpiring after him.

Serana: yes black dragon of the Apocalypse acnologia or as I call him the false Dragon King. Distended from the skies and attacked me I was forced to do battle with this monstrosity once the fight was over. I expended all of my power while also damaging acnologia. But I was forced to retreat.

The four of them just process this. Apparently this demon goddess fought in a great War Kill dragons humans and apparently angels and then went on to do battle with acnologia.

(Y,N): back to why do you want to train us??

Serana: well I'll be honest you for intrigued me you have a great potential and I hate when people betray others I've had to go to the same experience. So here's my proposition you let me train you to become stronger than any of the Gods could be. But in return you help me be able to break out of this realm.

Wendy: wait what do you mean break out of this realm are you trapped or something?

Serana: yes after I retreated the gods ambushed me and send me to this realm not allowing me to escape. Things can get thrown in the realm but getting can't out out. So with the power I would teach you combined with my own. We could break out of this realm. So I get my freedom and you four get your Revenge.

The Slayers all looked around at each other before nodding their head.

Slayers: we accept this deal

Serana: very well now what a my hellhounds will escort the for you to your room.

The snap of her fingers for hellhounds went up to the dragon slayers and led them to their rooms.

(Y,N) who arrived in the room just looked out the window he put his hand up against the wall. Kept thinking back too why they would betray them.

Just a thought of it made him clamp the wall with enough Force to crack the wall.

But for some reason he started to feel weak like he was losing consciousness he chucked it up for him not being well-rested.

He decided to get some rest before they started their training.

The next day

(Y,N) and the other slayers we're walking up by the same way by a hellhound barge in their room and barking at them till they wake up.

So they were gathered by Serana who took them to a large cave they kept walking through it until it came across the lake of some weird a black liquid.

Serana: now this is a place where you will be reborn, and you will be given power beyond Your Wildest Dream.

Natsu: what do you mean by Reborn??

Serana: exactly what I said you see it's a miracle that you for survived up to this point.*this shocked the dragon slayers* This realm is meant for demons and as such the climate and nature of the world is suited to Demons not humans. If you were to Ramin as humans you would eventually you lose all the strength in your body and you would die you're soul would be snuffed out by this realm.

So this put the slayers in a situation they were expecting either they had to abandon there humanity and become demons or they died.

Serana: not to worry the process won't be be to painful for most of it you'll be unconscious as your body reconfigure to that of a demons. And if you remain human at the point you are now you only have about two days to left if you lucky enough.

This slayers can only do one thing they had to become demons. They wanted to live to get their Revenge.

Slayers: fine let's do it

Serana just gave us a smile before they walked into the black liquid.

She then used a magic spell on them to render them unconscious as their days were over as human.

Now they would be reborn as demon's.

There you go I guess you can say that they rejected their Humanity JoJo

But in all seriousness this is the point in the story where there's character will change.

Just let me know if you like this chapter see you latter bye bye.

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