Chapter 2

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I soon found myself face-to-face with a bloodthirsty black-and-white dog. Its beady, mint-green eyes stared directly at me before the creature howled and lunged at me. I dodged and unsheathed my thorn-sharp claws. I was not always a fighter, however I would at least try and defend myself.

I never knew how powerful my claws were before I raked them along that dog's side. It howled with pain as fresh blood appeared from the marks I left. At that moment, I felt a strange, icy sensation ripple through my veins. It felt cool and refreshing, and I enjoyed it. I clawed at that dog over and over, constantly dodging its attacks and snapping jaws. Finally, after fighting for so long, I tired the creature, and it collapsed. Quickly, I approached the dog and finished it by slashing at its throat the best I could. Finally, it fell limp.

The blood felt nice and warm on my paws, as if they'd been soaked in warm water on a cold day. It felt about as good as the icy sensation that still flooded through my veins. I dared myself to lick the blood off of my paws, and I quickly did. The dog's blood tasted amazing -- way better than the blood of a pigeon or a rat. I loved it. I then knelt down and bit off a piece of the dead dog's flesh. It tasted great, and just like the blood, I found it to be delicious. I ate more of the dog's body, suddenly feeling more and more hungry. When I was at last full, I had eaten most of its leg.

Now, I know what you may be thinking: this is disgusting. However, it is not that way for an alley cat who has the blood of a murderer running through him. But no longer was I simply going to have the blood of one. I wanted to become one. Killing this dog had been a form of relief for me, so I could only imagine what it would be like if I had killed a cat instead. The thought caused me to smile with glee. But suddenly, I paused and thought to myself, What will I do with the body? I pondered for a moment before an idea popped into my head.

I'll make a collar -- one that is just like my uncle's! It will be studded with the bones and teeth of dogs and other cats. I smirked at the idea, praising myself silently for the brilliant plan.

Now, as I had said before: this isn't a copy of my uncle's rise to power. This is my rise to power. The rise of Fang -- the one who will bring darkness upon anyone who dares to oppose me!

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