Nine Months Later

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Chapter 5: Nine Months Later

Tiki kept pushing. She was trying to successfully give birth to her and Robin's child.

Grima groaned "Ugh we had to wait nine months. At least we managed to capture Lissa during that time."

"Must I kill sister?" He asked.

Grima smirked, "All yours my loyal commander."

"Thank you," He left to see if Tiki had finished.

When he got there, she was done. Robin was helping her clean the baby and cut the umbilical cord. They wrapped their baby, who was a girl, in a nice warm blanket.

Grima smirked and looked over at Lissa "How does it feel knowing your brother is my Grimleal commander?" He chuckled maniacally.

"It does not matter!" She huffed, "He is still my brother, you just brainwashed him and won't let him rest in peace!" Lissa tried to move a bit. It was difficult as her hands and feet were cuffed with a chain long enough for her to barely move around in her cell.

Grima snarled, got up, and walked over to scratch her face, "You insignificant worm! I killed your brother then turned him into one of my Grimleal Commanders. He's been a great ally for me. We already got rid of the Shepherds and his naive daughter Lucina, and you're next when Chrom gets back."

She squealed in pain, "Youch!" She tried to stop the pain. She was so glad she did not have a mirror for she feared her face would be an ugly sight to see. "He will not. He is still my brother. He is not a mindless servant of yours, don't ya know?"

Grima laughed at her statement "Oh you say that and yet he was the one who killed his daughter and he didn't even show remorse for doing it. He is now my Commander and there is nothing you can do to free him." He then noticed that Risen Chrom had returned.

"I refuse to kill sister. I regret killing the daughter of mine." He faced Grima.

Grima growled and used his magic to control him, "You are my commander Chrom. You will kill your sister or I will do it for you. You are a Grimleal Commander, now act like one!"

"She family. I do want to lose more families. Please spare her, she all that I got left."

Grima sighed, "Fine we'll spare her. We can just use her as bait after all."

"Great, treating me like a delicate person again," Lissa muttered as she leaned her fist on her face.

Grima felt Robin's presence and smirked and started weakening him, "I don't think so."

Robin dropped his Grima's Truth tome, "No, I must... save the world from your hand...

I must protect my family..."

Grima laughed, "You can't protect anyone. Not even that child of yours. You might as well give up. Your world is mine now."

Robin picked up his tome, he was not done yet. He charged up his spell before throwing it at Grima, "If the future Morgan exists, then that means you are gone there!"

Grima caught the spell and laughed "Look around you. Your best friend is now my Commander, Lucina is dead and Lissa is captured by us."

"Hold up, this is not physically possible." Robin groaned a bit.

Grima grinned and threw the spell back at Robin, injuring him. "Foolish pest, I am stronger than you. You can't defeat me anymore. Give it up, your friends are gone. Forever!"

Robin raised his hand in the air again, he was using all his energy to concentrate. He could not have his family live in a world of ruin. Lucina had said that Grima was destined to ruin her timeline, not this one.

Grima smirked and grabbed Robin by the face, "I have to show you something." he teleported to Risen Chrom. "This is what your 'best friend' became, my loyal Grimleal commander. Now we have that child of yours."

"Why teleport? Chrom was right next to you, and you do not have my child!" He kicked Grima in between the legs and ran to get his wife and child. He took them to Mount Prizm and had Naga send them to a peaceful timeline. Then he rushed back to Grima and Risen Chrom.

Grima snarled in anger and showed his wings and his horns "You insignificant worm!" he flew at Robin and scratched him in the face, blinding him. "I will end you!" He roared.

Robin covered his eyes. He did his best to not scream in pain, what kept him going was the thought of his family in a better timeline.

Grima grabbed Robin by the arm and charged up his magic "You think you can keep your family safe from me? Let me tell you something no matter what the timeline is, I will always exist. You will never beat me!" He unleashed his magic at Robin and injured him to the point where he couldn't get up.

"You are stubborn. Not all timelines have the same result or else they would all be the same timeline."

Grima smirked "And you're naive. Did you think that your child was safe? Chrom's had your child the whole time! You foolish pest you can never keep your family safe from me."

Robin was unable to cry. His blindness caused that, "No... Morgan is sweet and innocent, she cannot get dragged into this. Oh, how did I not notice she was not with Tiki?"

Grima laughed as he walked up to Morgan "Funny thing, Morgan will be my next vessel for chaos and destruction. She has the Fell Dragon Mark on her right hand. I will win after all."

Robin shook his head, "You forgot that she is half Divine Dragon. You cannot have control over her."

Grima chuckled, "Oh I highly doubt that." he walked up to Robin and grabbed him by the hair, and charged up his magic "Any last words before you die?"

"Morgan, always know that I love you. Daddy is sorry that he failed. I will watch you from up above, in a better place."

Grima grinned and fired a lightning bolt through Robin's chest "I win. Game Over."

Morgan was crying. Tears ran down her face, Seeing this made her will to resist Grima so strong to the point where he had no chance to control her.

Grima rolled his eyes "It's so ugly you can almost feel sorry for it. It's the spawn of that damn dragon Tiki. Just looking at it makes me sick."

"How can you be so cruel? How is your heart hard as stone? How?" She was still crying, "And what is to become of me?"

Grima sighed "Chrom you're my commander, you're important to me and the Risen okay." He pats Risen Chrom's back.

"Yes... Lord Grima," He grunted.

Grima smiled a bit showing his fangs.

Morgan quietly started to back away. She was trying to survive and figure out a plan to steal the Falchion from Risen Chrom.,

Grima noticed Morgan and grinned "Where do you think you are going?" He grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"A-away from you," she gulped in anticipation of what was to happen next.

Grima grinned "Oh no you don't you can't escape me THAT easily!" He grabbed some rope and tied her up. "You won't be escaping anytime soon you spawn of Naga!"

"Gah! What is your goal?" She squirmed.

Grima chuckled "Isn't that obvious? To kill your mother and rule this world! And you can't stop me!" He smacked her and laughed

"Why father? Why?" She was crying. She was finally starting to despair.

Grima laughed "I'm not your father you foolish pest! I am the wings of despair! I am the breath of ruin! I am the Fell Dragon Grima!"

Morgan smiled, "And I am the person telling you that the second and third sentences are not complete thoughts and sentences."


Morgan whimpered. Risen Chrom looked at him, "That was necessary?"

Grima nods "Of course it was Chrom. Now then." He grabbed Morgan's arm "I have a friend waiting for you back at the castle."

Morgan's eyebrows furrowed downward, "A friend?"

Grima chuckled "Yes it's Chrom's sister, Lissa."

"Oh good."

Grima then grabs Risen Chrom's arm and grabs Morgan's arm and teleports back to the castle.

Morgan took a moment to catch her breath. She looked around for Lissa.

Grima dragged Morgan to where Lissa was held.

"Mrs. Lissa! Are you safe? Alright?" Morgan was concerned for her best friend's sister.

Grima then opened the cell and threw Morgan in with Lissa then closes the cell.

Lissa immediately hugged Morgan, "Oh gods your left cheek is bright pink!"

Morgan hugged back, "Yeah. Father slapped me good."

"Heh, after all this you still call him father. You truly love him no matter what."

Grima sighed in annoyance "For the last time I am not your father!"

Morgan looked through the cell bars, "yes you are. You and mother made me. You two brought me into existence. Without you and her, I would have never gotten to experience life or be your wonderful daughter."

Grima laughed "You really think I would care for that Spawn of Naga you call a mother? HA! That's a laugh and plus I killed your father before he even got the chance to finish me. You really are stupid."

"I am not talking about you, you vial dragon. I am talking about my father, whose mind is trapped by his own weakness because his bonds with his friends were not strong enough to help him resist absorbing the sacrifice at the Dragon's Table."

Grima chuckled "You really are stupid, Your father isn't trapped he's dead I killed him with my own hand, we are not one in the same not anymore you should check your facts little girl, your father is long gone and he won't come back!"

Then she pointed to him, "Then whose body are you in?"

Grima laughed "This is my own body, your father and I aren't one in the same any more when he comes back, so did I thanks to my loyal Grimleal and their bonds with me."

"Then where did his mind go? You have his body, it is still active and alive, unlike the Risen."

Grima growled "His mind is gone you stupid little brat! I killed him with my own hand!"

Morgan shook her head, "Nope. Your heart is still beating and your skin is still healthy. You are breathing just like any person alive."

Grima chuckled, "That's because I'm a dragon god, I can transform into a human."

"That's not how it works."

Grima rolled his eyes "Whatever Spawn of Naga."

"You are daft, but there is nothing I can do about that." She spat on the ground.

Lissa gasped and covered her mouth with her right hand.

Grima showed his claws and scratched Morgan "Do that again I will end you!"

Morgan was crying, "What's the point? You took everything away from me. I have nothing. No mother, no father, no one."

Grima chuckled, "Oh boo hoo you crybaby your parents were idiots trying to kill me."

Morgan took a glance at Risen Chrom's Falchion. She knew if she could grab it and head to Naga's temple, she could get a Chrom from another timeline to slay Grima once and for all. "Yeah, they were idiots. So why not leave? I will keep your petty dead Risen guards company."

Grima rolls his eyes "I'm not stupid I know your going for Falchion so that you can kill me like I would fall for that."

"Why would I go for a sword that I cannot wield? Only the Ylissean royalty chosen by Naga can use the sword to its potential."

Grima rolled his eyes again "I'm not stupid little girl i'm not letting you out."

Morgan decided to play along, "You are scared of something, I am just not sure of what exactly is that what scares you."

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