Guest and Jail

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The cold winds blew as we travel up the cold mountains of Dragon-Heart the frostbite tickle under my finger-tips " Are we almost there !" I heard the voice of my twin sister say I laughed stopping my horse Shadow " Yes Eris we only like a few miles " I told her as we continue the ride to the castle after a couple minutes we arrived the red gems shine off the wall that surround the castle protecting it from the dangers of the outside world the wind blew the flags there symbol was a dragon with a sword beside it Dragon-heart was best known for there soldiers that's how they survive all these years during the war . " The rangers are here , open the gates ! " I heard a solider yell as we approached the gates you could hear the children playing and the people happily laughing me and Eris pushed are way through the village the people all of sudden quit down everyone began to push their children inside to hide them .  

" it's the dark wolf " I heard a town boy say before his mom hushed him Eris only shook her head before we stopped at the stable and dismounted are horses Eris took Shadow and Silver reins handing them to the stable -hand " Are you ready for this ?" Eris asked turning my head to her I nodded as my eyes began to slowly wonder around the village soldiers surrounded the castle there armor was made from old dragon skin and red gems that made the soldiers unstoppable me and Eris followed the path to the castle grounds .

As We stepped inside the castle red covert most of the walls and flooring besides some of the grey that was tilted on the ground " Man they love red don't they " I say to Eris making her giggle in response turning down a hall there stood the throne room were King Alek and his queen Destin stood proudly above the castle watching over their people are footsteps began to echo as we began to approach them King Alek swiftly turn his gaze from the village then at us bowing in respect my eyes never left his " Welcome Rangers !" He roared "you don't have to bow " Eris was the first one to stand I quickly followed her stance The king eyes us .
Suspiciously the Queen followed his gaze " You wanted to see us ?" Eris stated ending the silence that filled the room " Yes we wanted to send you on a mission to kill Alno and but a end to this war " Queen destin replied to Eris question both are faces when into shocked " What were they thinking are they trying to get us killed . we are the best in the Rangers but we still had are limits "  I thought King Alek let out a small laugh as he must have been reading my facial expression  " Are you trying to kill us ?" I spat .

" No ! if we wanted you dead you would be dead "  King Alek shouted I began to get even angrier clinging my fist  " Do this mission and become heroes or you can loose your rights as Rangers! Or spend your life's locked in prison" I began to pushed myself towards him but the guards stop me all my life the Rangers were the only family me and my sister had I couldn't loose that " Fine! but we can not to this alone !" Eris explain King Alek smiled before siting back down on his throne . " Good thing one of you got some scenes " he mutter under his breath " and you won't be alone I will send six people with you " Queen Destin stated as Eris hand slowly made it's way into mine " Thank you my King and Queen " Eris said bowing one last time .

" Just to be sure you don't think about escaping or leaving these eight guards will take you to your room" King Alek laughed as the guards began to approach us I stared at the King evilly before slowly backing away the soldiers began to track us to are rooms I try thinking of a way to escape but nothing would be of use glancing over at Eris she looked to be in thought to like me thinking of a way to get us out of this mess groaning in frustration we finally made it to this room at the end of the hall the soldiers roughly pushed us into the room locking the door behind them as I began to look around the room two twin side beds were in the middle of the room the four walls where covert with stone a small desk that's was in the corner only having only a couple flowers in a vase.

" Damn it !" I shouted before sitting down on the small twin size bed Eris look my way .

" We will be okay " Eris said as she came and sat beside me her arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders her words always seem to bring me comfort " We have to we don't have a choice " I growled furiously " we can lose are titles of being Rangers we have work are entire life's for these titles" Eris only nodded her head in agreement all are life's we had fought for everything we had are parents abandoning us when we were just babies at the Rangers orphanage we had no one but each other I wasn't about to loose her to this damn war that has been going on for over twenty-one years now what could two Rangers and five other people do to stop it .

Pushing my thoughts aside " Katrina ?" Eris called glazing that way her face was filled with worried
she was known to the people as the White wolf known for her kindness and heart to help others me on the hand I was better known as the dark wolf the person with the dark heart and having a torture soul but the people were right . " I'm fine Eris " I say laying my head against the pillow that sat in the middle of the bed "I don't believe you " Eris stated before I could say something back to her a knock appeared on the door ending are conversation.

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