11. Secret Follower

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 11

The wind blew outside, dancing with the falling leaves as the sun fell on the locked window. Lyra, who was still in her negligee, laid down on the creased bed, hugging her pillow. She kept staring outside. Even though her eyes were gazing out, they were out of focus as she kept thinking about Dylan and his recent behavior.

It is true she did feel comfortable with him but to what extent is the boundary between being comfortable and harboring feelings for someone?

Her sister's question from last night before she had gotten ready for bed flashed in her mind.

"Do you love Dylan?"

Astrid suddenly blurted out a question which made her cough as her cheeks become tinted,

"...Out of a sudden?"

"I am merely curious. Do you admire him?"

"...not in that sense."

Her sister hums as her sharp gaze felt like it was piercing through her. This made Lyra more flustered,

"Why are you inspecting me like that?"


"Tell me. I know you are thinking something weird again. What is it?"

Sighing Astrid remarked,

"It heeded me as if you both are in love."

Flustered, Lyra abruptly retorted,

"Sister! It is not like that. It's been barely 2-3 days since we started hanging out. It really is nothing like that. Nothing. He doesn't l..."

Lyra's words suddenly halt as, his hugging her last night flashes in her mind. Was he about to kiss her? Or perhaps it is her imagination? Shaking her distracting thoughts away, she continued,

"He doesn't like me in that way...I think so..."

"Is that so?"

Astrid's nonchalant reply irks Lyra who adds,

"It absolutely isn't like that."

"Whatever you believe."

Nibbling her lip, Lyra slowly mumbles,

"What's more I don't even comprehend what it represents to fall in love..."

"...I don't perceive that either..."

Astrid replied with half-open eyes and a distant smile. Seeing Astrid's expression, Lyra realized she must be referring to 'that'.

Tightening her fists, Lyra softly called out to her,


"I'm going to sleep. It is getting late. Good night."

Saying that Astrid took her to leave.

Burying her face in the soft pillow, Lyra squishes in while thinking about what it even mean to possess feelings for someone. She was immersed in thoughts when an abrupt knock forced her back to reality. Knowing it must be Delilah, she remarked grimly,

"Come in."

Indeed it was Delilah but next to her Mary was also present. They both were thrilled as stars could be felt shining in their eyes. They rushed inside,


"Breaking News!"

"You won't believe this!"

"Oh my gosh! He did rightfully deserve it!"

"Poor him!"

"Lady Medea is furious!"

Unable to follow the twins who were firing words at the same time, Lyra gestured them to calm down and explain one by one.

"Last night at one of Hubert's houses where a night party was going on, a brutal fight broke out. Apparently, it was a drunken man who originated it. The rest were also drunk and the fight spread to the whole house."

Mary explained as Delilah nodded and added,

"Quite many people got injured but the worst of them all happened to Sir Hubert."

They both start giggling as they commented together,

"Apparently he has become impotent now!"


Confused, Lyra scrunched her nose,

"What does that mean?"

"It means he cannot have kids ever again."

"His thing is crushed."


"He is unconscious right now at the private royal clinic however, you have to observe Lady Medea's face."

"She is extremely furious and disappointed."

"That good man responsible for this is now in deep trouble. Lady Medea would have him promptly killed."

"We should try protecting him."

"Do we even know who he is?"


Delilah and Mary turned to Lyra whose expression was frozen.

"Praise me. I did a good job."

Dylan's words and face instantly flashed in her mind.

'Whence that is what he was referring to. He is responsible for it. But why did he do that? For me?'

Her face turns crimson upon her thoughts.

"Princess? Are you alright?"


Clearing her throat, she gets up,

"I have a meeting today. I need to get ready soon."

"Won't you be having breakfast first?"

"What time is it right now?"

"It's around noon."

"The meeting is at exactly noon. I woke up late. I can't afford to waste time eating breakfast."

"Very well."

Delilah and Mary nod in response.

When it was noon, Lyra stood in front of the huge open 8 ft doors that led straight to the round meeting room. Inside diplomats and scholars from both kingdoms sat along with a few people belonging to the council. The walls were likewise double the height of the door. Unlike the golden appearance of the palace's interior, the administration building's interior was more focused on woodwork. At the center of the room was a huge round table with chairs. This was reserved for the royal family, nobles, and council members. In the surrounding, there were seating areas in a descending form, all of which faced the table at the center.

Lyra stood, taking deep breaths and using her hands to calm her down. It was the first time after 7 years that she would be talking in public like that. Her heart was beating like crazy. She peeked inside to find most of the seats were filled.

"Are you alright?"

A familiar deep soft voice made her turn to find Dylan's face who was observing her closely. Even though their faces weren't that close together, it still made her think of last night when their lips were about to touch. She quickly averts her gaze and mumbles,

"I am fine."

It seems she wasn't the only one thinking about that night since Dylan had also averted his gaze and the corner of his ears was turning red. Clearing his throat he asks,

"Do you need water?"

"No. Thank you."

Seeing her being so nervous, his right hand reaches out to pat her hair when it stops in mid-air after seeing her flinch. He instead gives her a thumbs up and smiles,

"Best of luck!"

"Thank you."

She smiles as she takes one last deep breath and heads inside.

As she enters, everyone's eyes shift toward her. It was also their first time working under her. Most of them were even seeing her for the first time ever. Since they weren't used to this, they all kept whispering.

Lyra kept staring at them waiting for them to bow to her since she is a royal. However it seems, this thought had slipped their minds. Lyra in return doesn't budge. She keeps staring at them with a blank expression.

A few of them realise what was going on and give her a respectful bow. She nods at them approvingly. Sighting this, everyone in this room does the same to her and Dylan.

She then smiles as her voice echoes in the room,

"Now, shall we get started?"

After the meeting ended, everyone was in praise of Lyra. Thankfully all the councilmen from Anomia that were present were of the Princess's faction. They supported and encouraged her fully. The nobles that belonged to no faction were surprised at how she led the talks so smoothly and organized everything.

Dylan next to her was smiling proudly as she fondly gazed at Lyra. They both could hear the whispers of everyone who was leaving. She notices his gaze and inquires,

"What's wrong?"

"I feel proud of you. You did a good job."

Chuckling she humbly replies,

"It was thanks to everyone's effort. I am just happy I didn't disappoint anyone of them."

"You can never do that."

Lyra simply smiles shyly in response. She is grabbing her files when Dylan requests,

"Can I come and have dinner at the Palace?"

"What about Uncle Nabal and Aunt Medea?"

"It seems they have prior engagements."

"They do?"

"I am not sure. But they will because I have a prior engagement."

"Then why are you asking me?"

"That is my prior engagement."

He grins as she replies,

"You are always welcome. However, I won't be there for dinner. But don't worry, my sister will give you company."

"Where will you be?"

"I have a prior engagement."

Dylan narrows his gaze. He was surprised since as far as he knows Lyra doesn't leave the castle grounds. Then it hit him. She does leave the palace under the disguise of Madam Belle. However, she doesn't know that he knows about it.

"May I come as well?"

She stares at him for a moment and then refuses,

"No. I apologize but if it was any other time, I would have agreed to your request. However, tonight in particular I have to meet someone. It would be rude towards him if I bring someone along."


Dylan scowls at the noun. Who was she referring to? Curiosity filled his mind. Before he could inquire, Lyra waved him goodbye and left.

That evening, Xavier who had gone to the city to deliver Dylan's letter to his parents through a secret mailman, came back to find Lyra wearing a cloak and sneaking out. He would have never recognized her, had it for not been him being specialized in recognizing people. She walked with such elegance and grace that it was dripping nobility despite her plain attire.

He reported this to Dylan who got up to follow after her.

"Why do we have to trail her? It is not gentlemanly of you to do so, your highness."

"I am never a gentleman when it comes to her. Now, let us go."

"Are you perhaps curious about who is her highness going to meet?"


"If her highness deems it necessary, she would have shared that man's identity with you. However, she didn't. This is wrong."

"I said I wasn't curious about him. I just feel like going out as well."

"As you say, your highness."

As they roam outside in the city, they at first end up being lost. Just when they find themselves in the middle of confusion, they sight Lyra talking to a nearby woman at her stall. They were cheerfully chatting with each other.

Dylan continue to follow her secretly for another few minutes as he observed how everyone treated Lyra with such affection and respect. He had never seen someone being treated this way. Even he isn't that much close with his own public. However here, everyone treats her as her own daughter or youngest sister. She doesn't realise how much loved she is.

Suddenly, Lyra ends up turning into a dark tranquil narrow alley. As per recent habit, they both follow her.

As soon as they turn the corner, a sharp object slides Dylan's cheek, leaving a small scratch on his cheek. Since Dylan and Xavier were both trained in the military, they reflexively brought out their swords. Xavier who was behind Lyra was pointing his sword at the back of her head. Whereas Dylan's sword was at Lyra's stomach. Before the three could recognise each other, Lyra hissed,

"Who are you and why are you following me?"


Young Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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