14. Redamancy

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Princess Dylan de Helios

Chapter 14


As it started pouring hard, people around them were running to their homes or any place to find shelter. Dylan puts his hand on top of Lyra as he looked around to gain shelter. That is when he sighted the bar on his very initial visit to the city.

Without thinking, he clutches Lyra's hand and says,

"Let's go."

As they both run towards the bar.

Even though the bar displays a closed sign hanging at the door, Dylan disregarded it and forced the door. Fortunately, for them, it was ajar.

It was not when they had entered inside that Dylan realized he was clinging to Lyra's hand tightly. He lets go of it.

The bar owner sights them and says,

"We are closed for today."

It was then when he identified Dylan that his face lit up,

"It is you. Welcome. Allow me to get you some towels. You are drenched."

He then realizes that Dylan wasn't alone as he saw Lyra.

"Madam Belle?"

"You know of me?"

"Definitely! Please have a seat. Here you are, use these to dry yourself off. If you require a change of clothes, please let me know! Although they may not be clothes worthy of you, still."

"It's fine. Much appreciated so much for your hospitality."

Lyra smiled.

Dylan, who was peeking glances at Lyra, observed how mesmerizing she looked. However, his vision was cut off by the bar owner who requested to talk to him privately.

"Sir, if I may, I realize that you represent nobility from Helios. However, can you please tell me your exact status? Because how are you with the...princess...right now?"

The word princess was almost a whisper as Dylan turned to look at Lyra and then back at the bar owner,

"Well, I am the second Prince of Helios."


The bar owner's exclamation was so loud that it made Lyra curious about their conversation. She tried to take a peek as she saw Dylan pat the bar owner on his back and candidly said to him,

"Relax. I encountered you as Dylan, so you perceive me as just Dylan. No need for all the formalities."

"Then I shall deliver you a change of clothes."

"Genuinely appreciated."

Dylan smiled as he then gazed at Lyra who kept staring at him. Upon his gaze, she averted her eyes while profusely blushing. This made Dylan also feel his ears becoming hot. Their nervous silence is pierced by the bar owner who provides them with spare clothing and escorts them to vacate rooms where they could change into these clothes.

After changing, he invited them for a meal and made everything. They talked while the bar owner brought them alcohol to consume.

Lyra looked at Dylan and remarked,

"Are you sure you can drink?"

"I have high alcohol tolerance. What about you?"

"I won't say I am terrible with it. But I merely don't like drinking in general."

"Oh! Then forgive my rudeness. I will bring you something else."

The bar owner said as Lyra swayed her head,

"It's fine. It's fun to drink it like this. Don't worry about me."

"By the way, we have talked a lot. But what is your name?"

Dylan inquired which made Lyra chuckle. The bar owner also laughed and politely replied,

"My name is Merson."

"Merson. What is your story? You are always narrating me stories of others but what's yours?"

"I don't have such a story. My wife left me 4 years ago. I have a 5-year-old daughter who lives with her in Gaia."

"Do you see your daughter?"

Upon Lyra's question, Merson shook his head and replied,

"I deliver letters to my ex-wife asking if they are doing alright or they require anything. My ex-wife simply replies to me they are doing okay and that is it. I believe Hazel, my daughter, scarcely realizes I exist..."

"Therefore you opened this inn and a bar in hopes that one day when they both visit, you will be able to see them."

Dylan's sharp comment hit Merson right in the nail as he was correct.

"Yes, that is correct."

"If that were the case then why did you and your wife separate? If you don't mind me asking."

Dylan inquired,

"It is hard to make a marriage work. We realized how different we both are from each other. I respect her. Even like her. But there are times when we just cannot come to an agreement. It is hard to live like that no matter how hard both try to make it work. She was from Gaia originally, so she went back there. While I stayed here handling this."

"What did you do before this?"

"I was a weapon craftsman."

"What kind of weapons did you make?"

"All sorts. Some were unique. Whether it was using wood or iron, I would make it. I still make it from time to time as a hobby."

Dylan subsequently lays down his sword on the table and inquires,

"Can you describe to me something about this sword?"

"Ah! I perceived this as well and didn't know how to inform you but I developed this."

"You did?"

"Absolutely! I received a special order from your father, the King. He required a sword that reflected your name's meaning. Since your name, Dylan means son of the sea and Helios stands for the sun. This sword was forged from the rare stones called Elin that are found deep in the hidden valley in the forest of Ammon. We collected stones from there, and melted them under the burning sun near the volcano of Elidi."

"Oh my god...I did not know that."

"It is the one and only sword of this kind. Your name is inscribed on it. If you look at the holder top, my signature must be there."Dylan took a look to find a drawing of a lotus flower."This was my signature stamp to make people know that I am the craftsman of this object."

"Amazing. I have a question. Why does this never break?"

"It can only be broken by pure Elin stones. No material other than that can ever break it. This is also what makes it quite rare or special. It seems you also cherish it since it is kept in such good shape."

"Needless to say, this is one of my favorite treasures."

"Thank you for taking such excellent care of it."

"No, thank you for making such an astonishing piece of art."

"I feel that I have taken too much of your time. Princess Lyra is already sleeping."

At Merson's words, Dylan turns to find Lyra with her arms crossed on the table. She was using her arms as a pillow as she slept.

"We should leave now. The rain has already ceased."

"I will go to get your clothes. Although I did place them near the fire in hopes that they would dry quicker, however, it seems they are still damp. What to do now?"

"Is it okay if we keep wearing the same clothes?"

"Of course! You don't even have to ask. In the meanwhile, I will pack your clothes in this bag."

Dylan smiled as a thank you as he then turns towards the sleeping Lyra,


He softly called out to her as he gently pushed the hair strands away from her face.

"Lyra. Wake up. It's time to leave."


Lyra groaned but didn't open her eyes. Dylan looks at the table to count the number of drinks she had. He then concludes that when she becomes drunk, she ends up sleeping. That is why she suggested her alcohol tolerance is not bad. Chuckling he then whispers,

"Princess. Lyra. Lyra."

Still, he was met with no response. Dylan then carries her on his back as her arms fold around his neck. He could feel her breath on his neck. This made his ears turn red and hot. However, he overlooked that and proceeded to seize the bag from Merson.

"Thank you so much for all your hospitality."

"No, thank you for devoting me your time and accepting the modest meal I made."

"Don't call it simple. It was delicious. Plus, she knows."


Merson puzzled inquired as he opens the door for Dylan who walks out with a sleeping Lyra on his back and replies,

"Your daughter. I am sure she knows you exist. And I am sure one day they both will visit this place. Although, I would advise you to go pay them a visit first. She would like that."

"Is that so? I will think about it."

"Bye then."

"Please take care."

Dylan then starts walking back toward the palace. He exactly did not know the way but he used his instincts and based on what he had seen before to go there. As they were near the Palace, they run into an anxious Xavier.

"Your highness!"

He yelled loudly, but Dylan motioned him to lower his voice,


Xavier turned to find Lyra whom he was carrying.

"I was looking all over for you guys in the rain. Where did you guys go?"

Xavier whispered as Dylan whispered back,

"We were with Merson at his bar."


"The same bar owner from that day."


"How are we going to go past the guards?"

"Delilah is there waiting for the Princess. Apparently the guards on duty tonight are her friends and they will let us in."

At Xavier's explanation, Dylan saw Delilah anxiously run up to them. Upon observing Dylan carrying Lyra, Delilah inquired,

"Did her highness drink?"

"How did you know?"

"She can never sleep in public. It makes her anxious to sleep in public even if she is with someone she knows. However only when she is drunk, that she ends up sleeping."

"Is that so? Then let's go. I'll carry her to her room."

"Thank you. Please follow me then."

"Your highness, I will then go to my own room."

Xavier added to which Dylan nodded at him.

Dylan then followed Delilah who escorted them to the Palace.

While walking, the corner of Dylan's lips curled upwards as he said,

"How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?"

At his words, the arms around his neck tighten as he comments,

"Are you trying to strangle me?"

He stops walking as Lyra reveals her eyes. Her face was scarlet and she felt flushed. She didn't know whether it was due to her being drunk or due to her proximity to Dylan as her lips were almost about to touch his neck. She could feel his scent. She loosens her grip as Dylan kneels down for her to get off. She swiftly establishes quite a distance between them.

Rubbing her eyes softly she averts her gaze,

"I wasn't pretending."

"You have been awake since we left Merson's bar."

"No. I was awake when we ran into Xavier."

Lyra instantly retorted as Dylan smirked,

"Therefore you were awake."

Clearing her throat, Lyra remarked,

"I couldn't find the precise timing to wake up."

"Is that so?"

His smile made Lyra's cheeks turn even redder as she mumbles a soft,

"Thank you so much for carrying me here."

"Don't I get anything more than a thank you?"

"Huh? What?"

Flustered, Lyra's eyes shot open as she stares at Dylan who smiles slyly,

"Nevermind. Here you go. Your clothes."

"Thank you. Also, sorry for the cut."

"Oh, this...it stings...I think it is bleeding again.."

"Huh, show me...does it hurt a lot?"

She reflexively and worriedly extends her hand out.

Before she could check the wound, Dylan grabs her hand and smiles,

"Are you worried? About me?"

Blushing, Lyra pouts,

"Stop teasing me."

'How cute!'

Dylan thinks as he grins and adds,

"I am so delighted that you are worried about me."

Lyra flustered remarks,

"What are you talking about? Let go. It's getting late and I need to sleep."

Dylan then slightly bows as he places a kiss on the back of her hand and states,

"Then I hope you experience sweet dreams, my princess. Good night."

Saying so he turns around and leaves while Lyra keeps staring at her hand and then at his back. Her hunches are always on point. She never once doubt them. Right now, what her hunch was telling her was that he likes her. However, her inner self kept doubting her since she has never experienced things such as having feelings for someone. Even if she keeps telling her this is not the case. Right now, deep down, a part of her desperately wished her hunch was true.


Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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