17. Forelsket

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 17

"What is this?"

Dylan inquired. Curiosity flickered in his eyes as he stared at the figure in front of him, who averted her gaze. Pushing herself a few steps back she mumbled,

"It's nothing.....that was just...those were just my thoughts spiraling out...I don't mean them..."

"Of course, you don't. If you did, you would not surrender your position to be the queen and instead opt for running away."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"What do you believe?"

"Look...I may or may not sometimes think like that, but it doesn't mean that's what I desire."

"In that case what do you desire?"

"....nothing. Besides, I hope it doesn't become your habit to read something which I haven't given permission to.

"I can't make any promises."

He smiled slyly as Lyra is taken aback. While sitting back in her chair, she adds,

"You read my novel, didn't you?"


Shaking her hands, Lyra stops before he could answer,

"Forget it. You can read it. I express no problem with that. Just don't talk to me about it since it is embarrassing."

"The book is in fact brilliantly put together. I don't comprehend what you feel extremely embarrassed about. Be more confident."

"It's not that...But anyhow, let's just focus on what we were about to explore."



She delivers to him some documents and continues to add,

"We have already reviewed the plan for the bridge. We also decided on the amount that each party will be contributing. The details of these things along with the economic plan will be discussed in the upcoming meeting."

Dylan keeps nodding at her every sentence as he pores over the pages. Lyra then questions,

"Should we also discuss the labor force on the day after tomorrow's meeting or should we do that in Gaia when we will go there for site review?"

"It's more adequate to do it beforehand. Even if we do it in Gaia, we do need a rough estimation to present there."

"True that. Then would you be taking care of this?"

"Ah, I won't be at the meeting, though."


"I will be going back early morning the day after tomorrow."


Lyra's face fell as this was the first time she was hearing of it.

"Weren't you here till the end of this week?"

"Initially it was supposed to be like that but there is some work I need to take care of back at home so the rest of the council members and I except Romero will be leaving early. The scholars will stay here till the said time until every single thing is finalized."

"I see."

"I was going to notify you, but I didn't know how to bring it up."

"Does father and uncle Nabal know?"

"Your father knows since I encountered him at breakfast. However, I will inform Duke Nabal possibly tonight."

Lyra hums in response. She did understand that Dylan had to leave, but she did not perceive that it could be this sooner. In her opinion, she had barely spent time with him fathoming how it was so many years of no contact. Sighting her expression, Dylan continues,

"Additionally, I wanted to cordially invite you and Astrid to my birthday party that is going to be held soon at the end of this year. I sincerely hope to see you there. And no excuses for not being able to come. I have already sought permission from your father. Please do come. Ah, also, I will send you a formal invitation letter through Solon when the time comes."

"Through Solon?"

"Yes, I talked with him and he agreed to convey my letters to you in the future. Umm...if you want, you can deliver letters to me through him."

"Sure. That will be lovely!"

Lyra cheerfully smiled which makes an anxious Dylan happy.

"If you are leaving the day after tomorrow, then would you like to have dinner here? It would be like a farewell party. I will invite Aunt Katherine as well if you don't mind. Sir Xavier is also invited."

Lyra added, her eyes gleaming with excitement

"That sounds delightful."

"What does?"

Astrid said. She knocked several times but both Lyra and Dylan did not detect it, so she let herself inside.

Lyra explained to Astrid her plan to which she retorts,

"It does sound pleasant however, Aunt Medea will definitely hold a grand farewell party. We cannot overlook that."

Sullen, Lyra mumbles,

"That's valid..."

"I will inform her that I am busy. She surely won't hold one then."

"That won't be enough. Father would also desire you to enjoy a grand party."

"Oh yes. You deserve a grand farewell party. Overlook what I merely suggested."

"We can have a get-together after the party? Similar to back then, let's gather around after the party. Is that alright with you?"

"Absolutely. It sounds excellent."

"Great then."

"Ah, sister, Dylan invited us to his birthday party."

"Oh is that so?"

The whole afternoon they kept on talking until for dinner, Dylan had to go back to the grand place.

Precisely as Astrid had predicted, after hearing of Dylan's return, they decided to hold a grand farewell party for him the next evening.

The next evening, this time, the banquet was held in one of the largest ballrooms as the light shone everywhere. There were twice as many people as last time. This meant that the liquor at the party also twice folded.

Apart from the lavish decorations, and mouth-watering food, one odd thing was that the whole hall felt like it was divided into two. You could clearly perceive which side belonged to whom.

One side represents the Princess's faction. At that place the people were elegantly standing or sitting, gracefully drinking or eating and the whole aura around them was of comfort and gracefulness. Whereas on the other side, Duke Nabal's faction was busy indulging in heavy drinks and eating vigorously.

At that side, Dylan spotted Hubris. Although he still had some bandages concealing his wounds, he was escorted by two ladies wearing quite revealing clothing. He was standing next to the identical group of friends that Dylan had encountered that night. They all were asking Hubris about his recent incident and whether the rumors about him were true or not. He brushed them off by angrily stating that it is all nonsense and rumors are after all rumors.

'So that is how he is covering it up.'

Dylan thought as he glanced next to him where King Derek was seated. Him being over here was another thing quite different from last time. It is possible it is owed to his presence that people from Princess's faction were also invited, all of whom weren't present here the last time.

As Dylan surveyed the banquet hall, his eyes were solely seeking a familiar face of Lyra. However, he was yet to sight her. He recalls how she told him that she will be coming later with her sister and Aunt Katherine to the ball.

At that point in time he heard a familiar laughter enter his ears. Instantly he turns to the source of the sound to find Lyra laughing merrily. Dylan's breath got stuck upon sighting her as she looked absolutely breathtaking.

She wasn't wearing her traditional gold chain across her nose. Instead, she wore a small tiara that complimented her white dress laced with gold from the top that wasn't too contrasting yet blended perfectly with the flow of the dress. The sleeves were full of flare as the dress complimented her body quite right. Other than that, her dress was plain. Despite being plain, it stood out and looked extremely elegant and beautiful since almost all the guests here were wearing dressing full of big bright jewels and colours.

Despite discovering her, Dylan couldn't smile. All his focus was on the unknown man right next to her and where did he come from out of nowhere? As far as he has experienced these past couple of days, there was no such man in Lyra's life.

"Oh looks like Princess Lyra is over here."

Xavier remarked in a whisper to inform Dylan just in case he didn't identify. However, sighting the prince's expression, he comprehends that he indeed saw her and was right now feeling quite jealous. He notes Dylan's knuckles tightening as he recalls the events that had taken place to him prior to this party.



Earlier just before the party started, Dylan once again inquired Xavier for the nth time,

"You made sure to inform Solon that to deliver the letter straight to Frank whenever Lyra would send it, right?"

"Definitely, your highness."

"You informed Frank about this as well?"

"Rest assured, Everything is taken care of."

"I know...I just.."

"Are you anxious whether her highness Lyra would even send you letters or not since you are worried she may forget all about you?"


Dylan didn't deny Xavier's words which makes him surprised since he has never seen Dylan like this before. He questions,

"Your highness, you did brief this to her highness Lyra, did you not?"

"I did but..."

Xavier blinks in response. Marking his expression, Dylan retorts,

"What? Why are you making such an expression?"

"It's nothing. I am just surprised to see you like this. The other day you sounded so confident as if you were convinced of her highness Lyra's feelings."

Dylan sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair and confesses,

"..I was just bluffing to assure myself. Clearly, I am anxious. How can I not be anxious when it comes to her? She always messes with my head..."

Upon his remarks, Xavier thinks to himself,

'Seldom do you know that you are equally on Princess Lyra's mind.'

Thinking that Xavier recalls how earlier before breakfast, Princess Lyra had invited him to have a private chat with him. She sought his advice on giving Dylan a parting gift.

"I am certain his highness will be happy at anything you offer him."

"You think so? But I require my gift to be special..."

Lyra retorted anxiously while the forefingers of her hands greeted each other.

"In that case, something handmade?"

"I thought of that too, but there isn't enough time. Tell me are there any customs and traditions of Helios regarding this."

"Not that I can recall. Ah! We do retain this custom where the girl cuts a piece of fabric from her clothes and wraps it around either the guy's hands or arms as a sign of good luck, peace, and success and also as a symbol of love that she will always be with him."

"...I can't perform that. Although what is his chosen color?"


"Got it. I will try and make something else for him. Bless you so much for all your help! It is much appreciated!"

Flashback ends-

Xavier glances at Dylan and then at Lyra as the thinks to himself,

'He doesn't know that she has fallen in love with him deeply while she doesn't know that he has been in love with her for so long that even his favorite color is the color of her eyes.'

Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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