25. The Broken Shelter

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 25

The next day the said court hearing was canceled. It seems Medea and the rest were still plotting something, trying to find a loophole.

In the meanwhile Lyra decided to pay Hubris a visit, who was up until now in confinement. Even though he was promised that he would barely spend a single night there, it seems with the amount of time Duke Nabal was taking, Hubris may have to spend at least a few days remaining in the place he absolutely loathes.

Smirking, Lyra was leaving her office when she runs into Solon, who wanted her to look at a few documents.

"You seem to be in a pleasant mood, your highness."

"Of course I am."

"Then please take a look at these documents. Since Sir Wily has taken a step back, everyone is looking forward to your orders and lead since naturally, you are the second in authority."

"No, they are not. Listen."You seem to be in a pleasant mood, your highness." I only allow those people close to me who have earned their loyalty. Just by flattering me and imploring me for orders, pretending as if they genuinely believe I represent their leader, won't usher them anywhere. State them to register their concerns to whom they have chosen as their head. I bear nothing to do with this. I merely perform my part."

"While that may be legitimate, however, don't you suppose this may be their way of displaying loyalty?"

Chuckling, Lyra sways her head,

"No. This is all just acting. Shun them. I need to go to see Hubris."

Startled, Solon inquired,


"Sowing a seed."

Scrunching his nose, Solon sometimes failed to comprehend what her highness would say,

"Whatever do you intend?"

"Oh, nothing. I am merely bored. Handle those people for me. I am leaving."

Lyra waved at him and left quickly.

Since the guards knew Lyra, they were surprised to sight her entering.

"Your Highness!"

They all bowed with respect.

"What prompts you here?"

"I am here to see my cousin."


No one was allowed to meet Hubris, including his family. This rule was set by Duke Atlas, who remains the commander of the knights.

"Your Highness, this way please."

However, since all the Knights respected and held Lyra in high regard thanks to her always taking care of them, they not for even a second stopped to think about how they would be ignoring their orders. They led Lyra straight to Hubris's jail room.

Hubris sat on the floor. He looked miserable, to say the least. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were red and it looked as if he had been yelling. Sighting Lyra, his eyes go round,

"What are you doing?"

A hoarse voice spat out with a glare in his eyes.

Lyra merely observed his appearance rather than replying. His eyes suddenly lit up as he clung to the bars in his hand to strike his face closer,

"Did Mother direct you here? She did, right? Did she? She won't abandon me right?"

Lyra kept noting instead of uttering a single word. This irked Hubris and he yelled,

"Why the hell aren't you uttering anything?"


Lyra finally muttered,

"Have you not realized it yet?"


"They all have abandoned you."


"Open your eyes. You were never a part of their family. You still are not. They made you the bait. They place all the blame on you to spare their family. And of course, you weren't included in that."

"Shut up! That is a lie!"

"I guess I shouldn't have advised you this. Why am I indeed aiding you? But I just felt bad seeing how you worked so hard to gain their approval but in the end, they all ended up abandoning you. It is tragic."

"I said shut your mouth!"

"Think about this. Have they truly considered you as a family?"


Hubris recalled back on his life. He knew he was adopted when he was 9 years old. He overheard his mother talk to her maid. Even though he was shocked, he still was indebted to his family for all their affection. However, there were moments he felt left out. His parents would love and treat Wily and Karen a lot better than him. He started feeling lonely and turned to drinks and parties to fulfill his desolate heart.

Marking Hubris's face deep in thought, Lyra turns around after commenting,

"Don't worry. You will be out of here soon. To the world, you befall, nevertheless, their son. They will let you out soon."

Lyra left the place. As soon as she was going to leave, Mika withheld her. Mika was the guard who had accompanied her the day she went to Viscount Vile's house.

"Your Highness. Why did you do that?"

Seeing Mika's troubled expression, Lyra questioned,

"What do you imply?"

Gritting his teeth, Mika retorted,

"Why were you being extremely considerate to him? You assisted him by compelling him to realize the reality. Even though he is the one who spread those rumors about you. He doesn't deserve this mercy."

"Don't worry, Mika. I am not as much of a good person as you think. I did not relieve him."

"No, your highness. You are a good person. Please believe in yourself."

Mika was the youngest knight and Lyra had invariably regarded him like a younger brother. He, too looked up at Lyra a lot.

"Bless you for your kind words."

Lyra smiled in return instead of answering. Truthfully, she did feel like she was being not a good person considering the way she behaved a while ago. The reason she approached Hubris and ascertained this, was merely to urge him to become deviant and revolt from his family. Despite being not treated as a family member, he does recall all of their secrets. Therefore, she hoped he would remain the one to expose it all. Knowing your family abandoned you, is a dreadful thing to digest. However, Hubris was a hateful man himself. Therefore, Lyra did not feel as guilty as she hoped she would feel for declaring those words to Hubris.

For the next few days, there was eery tranquilness. Hubris was still in jail. Medea and the rest were awfully quiet as if nothing had happened and life resumed as normal. Lyra was a bit anxious about why her father had not expressed anything regarding this. However, ignoring her anxious heart, she focused on her packing since she was extremely thrilled to visit Helios.

After receiving a letter from Dylan on how he won't be able to reply, she prayed every day hoping he would be alright. Since Dylan didn't go into details, she only wished that things were not as horrible as she had heard from the rumors. She had written a letter to him just yesterday, still, she hoped to hear a reply from him sooner than possible.

While she was hard-pressed deciding on what to give to Dylan as a present, suddenly Delilah rushed in. Her face was pale and she was hyperventilating as if to recover her breath after running.

"Delilah! Are you alright?"

Lyra quickly poured water for her to drink. Pushing the glass away, Delilah stated with a solemn look,

"His Majesty wishes to see you. The situation is no good. I overheard Duke Nabal and Duchess Medea telling lies to your father...I am concerned, your highness."

"Fret not. What's yet to come will come. Here, sit down and consume water. I will go and quickly come back."

"...your Highness, please be careful."

Lyra smiles as she then heads to her father's chambers. By fair means, her hands and feet were shivering due to nervousness, yet she put on a brave face so as to not let anyone irk her. This was it. Her father's reaction right now will determine her next course of action. Should she stay or leave?

Gathering a deep breath, she enters the sitting area. Her father sat in a rugged look on a single sofa. While on the sofa next to him sat Duke Nabal, Aunt Medea, and Wily, all side by side.

Lyra without nodding toward them, sits in their opposing direction and turned to her father,

"You called for me?"

"By all means, Lyra. What am I heeding?"

"What are you discerning?"

"Is it true that you befall the last person who overlooked those documents in which the transfer of money was approved?"

"No. I didn't even authorize them. Brother Wily signs them all. I merely arrange them according to their order without looking at them."

"Don't lie. You do wade through them."

"Definitely. Don't try to accuse your cousin. He has already admitted his mistake of signing without looking at it properly."

"And that is not even his fault. Imagine having to sign hundreds of papers. Obviously, the one who looks at them at last before forwarding them off should be able to detect these things."

The trio in front of her yelled out while leveling their eyes and shrugging.

"So? What do you require me to do? Does it alter the fact that Hubris managed illegal transactions?"

King Derek who overheard the trio remark about Lyra, disregarded their comments and stated,

"Lyra. Nevertheless, you represent the future Queen. It is your duty to guide others. You should have been apt to detect these things and addressed them properly."

"But, father...I remain not the one at fault."

"It doesn't matter who is at fault. You nonetheless should have assumed a more thorough look. How could you allow this to happen? This means you can't even handle a trivial task. If you can't perform this now, then what will you do in the future?"


Lyra did expect her father to not take anyone's side but she didn't anticipate him condemning her in front of others. Duchess Medea was sneakily laughing while the rest two were smirking.

Gripping her clothes tightly, Lyra felt frustrated.

"Lyra, I require you to be careful in the future. Be alert. I expect this not to happen again. Is that acknowledged?"

Nibbling her lips, Lyra offers a slow nod.

Her father then turns to his brother,

"Nabal, get Hubris out of jail. Staying there for the past week should have endured enough punishment. If he wants to consume money for charity and to build schools and hospitals, it is better to do it through official means. Next time, merely withdraw money directly from the treasury rather than sneaking around like this. Additionally, give Hubris some tasks to handle. Staying free is begetting him fall into a fraudulent company. It is more adequate if he undertakes some responsibilities."

"I agree, brother. I will get to it right away."

The trio subsequently take their leave as King Derek turns to Lyra who was continuing to look down. Frustration made her eyes fill with water.

"Lyra, I am surprised you allow it to go like this. You are clever in these things therefore I expected you to detect this problem before it ended up becoming disclosed to the public. Why did you neglect it?"

"Those that did wrong, should be punished, right?"

"My brother says that the money goes into charity, and I believe him."

"Although that is a flat-out lie, still even if that is the case, the method they adopted is wrong. Regardless of why you steal, stealing itself remain a punishable crime according to law."

"I agree with that. However, it should have been sorted out within the family without revealing it to the public. Think of the royal family image."

"Ha, so in the end you are still placing the blame on me? What was I anticipating? I should have expected no less from you."

Lyra scoffed and stated while abruptly getting up. She turns to her father with fire in her eyes,

"I disagree with you father. The way you defend that family. I will never be able to behave like that. Because sorry to say but unlike you, I possess some self-respect and values that I believe in. Owing to them, I will punish those who do wrong. Even if it means going against the people, you declare befall my family. However, I believe that even those with whom you do not share the same blood can be family. The family includes those people who actually treat you like one. This is why permit me to declare you one thing, I have never considered those people as my family and I probably never will. From now on, I won't hold back for your sake. Because I have witnessed how you fail to support me regarding these matters. Therefore, if you won't support me then why should I do the same? I am grieved that it has come to this...However, know that I still love you and regard you quite dear. I will take my leave now."

Lyra declared everything on her mind and quickly went away before her father could barely comprehend and halt her.

As she storms out, she was sniffling as her eyes were on the verge of dripping tears. Trying to hold it back, she overhears someone approaching her. This makes her clear her throat and she turns around to find Solon there.

"What is it?"

With a solemn expression, Solon states,

"It is urgent. They have tracked down the people you were seeking for."


Lyra Belle de Anemoi

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