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Crown Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 31

The next morning all the staff stood in line to greet Lyra. Even though Solon and Lyra were expecting this, Delilah was surprised upon sighting this.

Lyra turned to Delilah who had her mouth open in shock as she gently pats her shoulder,

"Congratulations Delilah. You have just been promoted to the head maid and my secretary."

"What about me?"

Solon complained to which Lyra replied,

"She will assist you. You are always complaining about work so I thought you might need some help."


Delilah was still in shock,

"I don't know how to thank you."

"If two positions would be too much for you then when Mary comes back, I will assign her as the head maid."

"Thank you, your highness!"

Delilah was about to bow down on the floor but Lyra stopped her.

"Now now, stop this. Just work hard to show me how much appreciative you are."

"I will!"

Delilah beamed when her eyes fell on Solon. She observed his dark circles, his messy hair, and his dry skin. Suddenly she screams which startles everyone,

"Oh, dear! Will I become like him soon? Am I looking into the dark future?"

At this Solon retorts frowning,

"Hey! What is wrong with me?"

"You don't look human."


Solon irritated, narrowed his eyes at her in return she merely shrugged.

Lyra came in between them,

"Now now...no need to fight like this. Delilah I want you to show these people around and inform them of their tasks."

Delilah nods, as Lyra looks at the staff that came to them,

"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. I assure you that you will be reimbursed fully and will be given bonuses and adequate holidays. After you are done touring, I suggest taking a break. I will set up a table of refreshments over there. If you have any inquiries feel free to ask Delilah. Please do not hesitate to come to me as well. Although I am usually at my office, Delilah will take you to me if needed. Till then, I hope you feel comfortable here. Also, if you require anything in your lodges, please do write it down and I will make sure it is there."

They all bow down and thank Lyra as she then marched on motioning Solon to follow her.

"Where are we heading, your highness?"

"We have lots of work to do which is why I called you early. First, let us go recruit Butler Henry."

"He left the job when Medea came to the palace. I doubt he will come now."

"He will. Trust me. If not then so be it. After that, we need to go to Aunt Katherine's house."


"I need an advisor."

"Are you recruiting her because Medea hates Lady Katherine?"

"That too and also because I trust her. I have been to her for advice so many times and she is quite good at handling public affairs. She is also good at organizing and managing events. I need her."

"Then I hope she agrees. However, if we are going to meet Henry, then why are we heading towards the main palace?"

"I need to speak to my father first. In the meanwhile, I need you to prepare refreshments along with Mika and Jackson."

"Very well."

Lyra then rushes into her father's bedroom with a piece of paper and places it in front.

"Sign it."


Surprised, the King had merely gotten up for breakfast and hadn't even left his bed yet.

"What is going on?"

"I realized the reason you did not take my side and got angry at me was because you want me to become strong as a Queen who can keep her emotions in check regardless of how much the others provoke her. You want me to remain levelheaded as a Queen and that is why you condemned my actions. Is that right?"

"Well...I mean..."

His father stutters without replying as Lyra continues,

"Then fine. I will show you how good of a Queen I can become. But all I need from you is support. I need you to announce me as the second in command after you."

"But what about Nabal?"

"According to the codebook, Uncle Nabal does hold more authority over me right now but since I have started my Queen training and started taking over my roles then I hold an equal power as him. Even more considering I am the actual royal."

"But when have you started doing all of that?"

"Since last week and so forth. And do not fret. Uncle Nabal can keep carrying out his duties as he pleases. I will be merely assisting him as part of my training."


King Derek sighs and takes out the stamp and puts it on the paper while signing it.

"Although you do realize there can never be two lions in a single place right?"

Lyra smiles as she hands the paper to one of the servants to have it copied and placed on the Palace notice board and be announced to everyone,

"I know. And there won't be."


Crown Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi


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