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A few days went by, as people were slowly sinking in Lyra being a major part of all their work and they had to report to her as well. Of course those with Nabal's faction resisted and protested by not telling her everything to which Lyra heed no attention to.

However with everything that was going on, one thing that Lyra found strange and irritated her the most was Hubris and his never ending behaviour to gain Lyra's favour.

One day he had brought her pastries from a very special and famous bakery. Lyra although took it from him, she forewarned him not to do anything like that again. He promised not to do so and as soon he was gone, Lyra burned away the pastries.

After a few days, Hubris again came to meet her with many bouquets of flower which were so huge that two or three people had to hold one single bouquet.

This irked Lyra the most as she then lied to him that she is allergic to flowers and never do this again or else he will be dealt with. Hubris once again promised to listen to her and to never do this again.

Despite his promise, Lyra believed that Hubris could not be trusted and therefore placed guards all around the garden that was currently under her territory including the garden near her office/library building and the garden surrounding her palace. This strengthened the security further and no one without permission and those that were normal part of Lyra's faction could enter this area.

Since it was impossible for Hubris to now go meet Lyra, he then went and waited at the public offices to greet and talk to her whenever Lyra would come there for meetings or other official duties.

Even though he would greet her so brightly, Lyra wouldn't even dare look at him. It was as if he didn't exist. This lead to some rumours being spread about Lyra being quite rude.

Delilah who was worried inquired Lyra,

"You Highness, wouldn't it be better to at least acknowledge Sir Hubris? There are some rumors going around and I do not wish for your reputation to be tarnished."

"I cannot do that. I hate him. I don't even want to sight him yet you request me to even acknowledge his mere presence?"

"I understand that however...people talk...."

"Then let them talk. Tell them how Hubris was the one behind my fake rumours and how he stole money from the treasury."

"Duke Nabal made sure the latter part would remain as a secret from the outside world."

"Then it is time that the secret shall be out. You are well aware of the fact that there is one secret behind those rumours which only you and me know about. You are also well aware of what his actions were."

"Yes, that bastard....I mean Sir Hubris sexually assaulted you that day."

Delilah blurted out upon which Lyra hissed at her in return,

"Delilah. We are in public. I forewarned you to never disclose it."

"I apologise. It slipped my mind of where we are right now."

"Just be careful next time please."

Lyra and Delilah were talking when they reached the throne room.

Every few months, there would be an international meeting held in the throne room by Duke Nabal. This time, Lyra was going to be a part of it.

As she went inside, she noticed how the guests were here and only Duke Nabal and his faction was left. The guests all greet her with respect as she greets them back politely.

She then goes and stands in front of the throne. While some people raise their brows at this, no one dares to speak anything as they deem that there is nothing wrong with a future Queen to sit at her rightful place.


However she doesn't sit and keeps standing there waiting for Nabal and his people to arrive. Not long as five minutes barely goes by, Nabal enters with his faction. The first thing Nabal noticed was Lyra standing right in front of the throne and he thought that she was about to sit there. Angered, he hissed,

"Even though you are a Crown Princess, still I did not expect you to not be aware of basic manners regarding the fact that you are not allowed to sit in that chair."

"Oh my, I was not aware that I gave an impression that I was about to sit here even though I was merely standing here waiting for you, who is late to the meeting, to come."


"Although I must say, I have the right to sit here after I become a Queen therefore me standing here is not shocking to anyone. However, how come you were allowed to sit here even though you are merely a Duke?"

Silence fell heavily in the hall as everyone could feel the tensions between Nabal and Lyra. Nabal who was gritting his teeth remarked while glaring at Lyra,

"It seems you are forgetting something that I am a regent."

"My memory is not so hazy as to not be aware of that. I am well aware of how you are temporary handling things. This does not mean you are the King. Nor it makes you forget that I befall a Crown Princess, your future Queen and the one who currently has the same or even higher authority than you, Duke?"

Lyra hissed with force as Nabal's face flushed with anger.

Ignoring him, Lyra turns to her knights and orders,

"Place a ribbon around the throne so that only my father, the King, or when I become the Queen can sit on it and no one mistakenly ends up sitting on it."

The last line was directed towards Nabal whose knuckles were tightening with anger.

"Now then, shall we begin the meeting?"

Lyra smiled politely as Nabal who was furious wanted to leave but was calmed down by his aides and supporters.

Right after the meeting ended, Nabal went straight to meet and complain to his brother about Lyra's actions.

As he explained the whole scenario after adding a few spices here and there and a few details which did not actually took place but it did happen in his mind, he was met with a blank expression of his brother.

The King merely shrugged in response as he explained,

"I am well aware and I agree with you that Lyra should not have spoken to you the way she did knowing that you are her elder relative. Lest she should not have acted that way in public. I will talk to her about it. However I do agree with her that sitting on the throne is against the rules for you. What would people think? It is good that Lyra has set up two separate chairs for you and her side by side in front of the throne so that there will be no more violations but still, you should be careful my dear brother."


"The reason I agreed and handed the official duties to Lyra was because I could not watch you suffer as you took all the burden by yourself and handled everything. I hope that her being there is sort of comfort for you as she can take some of your burden."


"I understand your worries but give her time. She is young and passionate right now so she may not understand everything but please teach her with patience."

"...you put too much faith in me, brother. My hands are already tied up with keeping my family sane. I suspect that Medea is extorting money from me along with our children. Hubris was caught for rightful reasons. I am glad that the rest of my family's name didn't get caught up but what can I do? Till at what wits ends should I continue to remain silent upon their actions? I tried confronting them but they all became defensive and placed the blame on me as if I was trying to frame them for something they did not attempt to do."

"That is troubling..."

"I do not wish for my family to deem me as a bad father or a husband therefore I remain silent as I do not have enough energy to fight with them..."

"Just let them be. I am sure they will learn to be in the right path soon."

"I hope that Wily and Karen learn from Lyra."

"I am sure they will. Don't worry, they are quite capable themselves and will be able to succeed on the right path."

"...thank you, brother."

Nabal claims with a sorrowful face as for a split second his expression changed from sadness to a small smirk which goes unnoticed by the King.



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