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Chapter 47

Astrid who had finished packing, decided to roam the old parts of the main palace as she was desperate out of a sudden missing her mother terribly. Roaming the hallways where their memories were embedded she felt nostalgic as well as sadness for the past that will never come. There was some part of the palace which was being renovated on the orders of Lyra.

However, Medea objected to this. Lyra who had more authority in regards to this claimed that Medea had no right to interfere. Unfortunately, despite all that, Lyra had to step back since King Derek stepped in and said it wasn't necessary to spend a great deal of money on this even if Lyra says all of this will be funded by her personal savings.

As Astrid looked at the traces left by the workers who had come to work but left before they could start, she overheard someone talk from the other side of the hallway,

"I cant believe the drama they both pulled at your party. How dare they!"

"What is worse is that after creating such a ruckus, they both are going on their trips!"

"If it helps, Lyra's reputation did end up being ruined slightly as people think of her as arrogant."

"Ha! That is what she gets for making us bow to her. How dare she, that arrogant wench."

"What about those people that have stopped taking loans from us or even doing any sort of dealings with us?"

"That goddamn Atlas and Vile have been only persecuting those that have been in contact with us."

"Believe you me, it is all strategic plotting against us. To make us lose our contacts and all our dealings."

"What now?"

"They both are going their separate ways. We will have time to get back our reputation."

"Mother, how come they get invited to such trips or envoys and not us? I want to visit Gaia or Helios as well."

"Don't worry my dear, we shall go."

"But how? Astrid was personally invited by the Queen of Helios whereas Lyra is off to a political meeting."

"I can't say anything regarding Helios but as for Gaia, they are bound to hold a welcoming party for her, no?"

"Perhaps so."

The women whose voice sounded like Medea snickered,

"Well then that settles it. Karen and I will go to attend the party. I will ask Oscar to find out when that party is being held. And then we shall go there on the pretext that we are worried about our dear Lyra who was travelling alone for the first time. Also, it comes in handy that Derek doesn't know about Lyra going. Thus we can let him know and tell him how we shall go and look over Lyra. This way we will get Derek's permission and we won't seem like outsiders intruding in the party."

"That sounds perfect! I shall go and prepare my dress!"

Karen squealed as Wily sulked,

"Mother! That is so unfair. I wish to go as well."

Another male's voice came forward as this one belonged to Hubris,

"Me too."

"Fret not my dear boys. I am only taking Karen because the King of Gaia is quite young and has not wed yet. How wonderful it would be if Karen became the Queen of Gaia?"

"I love that idea!"

Karen exclaimed while Wily pouted,

"What about me mother? I have been wanting to get married for a while now and you never pay attention to this topic."

"Well, I have a special something planned for you as well. Daughter of Duke Atlas, Lady Aurelia is of age and unmarried. This reminds me, due to her health she has been staying at Gaia. You shall come with us and spend time with her to move her heart. If we have her, Duke Atlas who cherishes his sole daughter will be forced to side with us. This way we will be able to take away Lyra's huge faction of support."

Upon hearing such plotting, Astrid could not help but let out a chuckle. Lyra who was off to look for Astrid, sight her standing next to a plain wall and giggle, inquired,

"What are you laughing about?"

"You won't believe what I accidentally overheard. Aunt Medea wants Wily to marry Aurelia."

Astrid's words made Lyra burst into laughter. Hearing her laugh, Medea and the children went away hoping that Lyra did not overhear them.

On the other hand, Lyra couldn't stop laughing.

"Ahahaha...this is so utterly flabbergasting that I cannot help but burst into laughter at such a ridiculous thought. Wily and Aurelia? God no!"

"It seems they wish to have Duke Atlas at their side."

"Well let them try all they want. Aurelia is already spoken for."

"What? You never informed me of that! When did that happen?"

"Not too long ago. It was supposed to be a secret but it accidentally slipped from my lips therefore, I implore you not to let this news reach the ears of Duke Atlas."

"I am genuinely happy for her that I will never ever do that. Duke Atlas goes a bit overboard when protecting his daughter."

"Speaking of protective his daughter, Lyra, does father know you are leaving for Gaia?"

Astrid narrows her eyes at Lyra who in return averts her gaze and meekly replies,

"...He does not have to know."


Astrid eyes go round as Lyra starts walking away all the while motioning her hand up and down,

"It is fine as I shall be gone for not too long."

"But...he still has to know about this."

"I told him about this and he forbade me to go. He claims that it is not a woman's duty to go to other countries on such small matters and that I, as a future Queen, should handle everything from my office."

Letting out a sarcastic chuckle, Lyra continues to add,

"How ridiculous is that! How can I be a Queen to my people if I cannot even go and help them? These projects may be tiny but they are all for my people and I wish to be there at every step of the way even if it means visiting the construction site in the scorching heat."

"I see. And you going there has got nothing to do with the fact that Dylan shall also be present?"

Hearing his name, Lyra freezes her steps.

Clearing her throat, she joins her forefingers of her both hands shyly as she then mumbles,

"...Well that shall be like an added bonus to all of this, no?"

Laughing at her sister whom Astrid in this very moment found adorable, she remarks,

"I bet him being there contributes to almost all of your reasons for going there. Am I right?"

"Oh shut up."

Embarrassed and flustered Lyra smacks her sister's arm as she skips and runs away from there, leaving a chuckling Astrid behind who soon ends up following her claiming wait for me.



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